Nobody To Somebody
You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom.
You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom.
It is easy to look at something and find fault with it.
Take your eyes off of yourself and put them upon God.
Envy is pushed out because it is all about God, His kingdom, and others, not self.
Be the co-worker that does the job that needs to be done and builds others up at the same time.
Being an heir to what God is offering has eternal value.
Finding pleasure in this world, using the world’s ways, will only lead to death and hopelessness.
As a believer, you are a part of a pillar and foundation that the world needs to know.
Individuals and churches have been deceived by cleverly orchestrated words to lead people into actions against God’s word.
Feelings like the world often permeate the lives of believers in the church.
You must be willing to ask yourself if the actions you are doing show your belief in God or deny your belief in God.
The Lord is standing right there with you in the midst of the trials of life.
Believers are to strive to obey God’s commands in every area of their life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
There is the struggle to resist sin in order to be able to follow God’s ways of living.
Anger against God rises, causing one to run away from God rather than towards Him as we believe the lies of the enemy about God’s character.
Put your focus upon God and allow Him to guide your steps.
Take on the mind and actions of Jesus and choose to edify others.
The more one leans upon God for strength and power, the more one can accomplish for Him.
The test is loving God when things of life are in chaos and painful and temptation to sin is hitting you from all sides.
Be His witness in the manner that He has set for you to build His kingdom.
Allow yourself to become a slave to His righteousness and holiness.
God is the one who is orchestrating everything to work together to build His kingdom.
By the Holy Spirit, God leads and directs a person in how to change and become more like Jesus.
While God has laid down many rules and regulations on how to live life, He has also given believers freedom in living life.
One has to die to self daily, putting off the old ways, and becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus.
God hands out His unmerited favor out of His immense love for a person.
Begin with your own life and inspect it for any old leaven that needs to be cast out.
Love is proven when one helps others out, even when there is personal need for help.
From the moment God gives this vision, the world will be out to stop the believer from accomplishing that task.
You have a message that the world needs to hear.
Believers are to live their lives with the focus of pleasing God, and doing what He wants.
Jesus is the bread of life and Truth, and all believers are to partake of Him.
You are not able to change the hearts of people, nor save them.
Each person is a steward of what God has blessed the person with.
God will ensure that one will never be short on what is needed to accomplish His task.
Rather than just judge, one needs to encourage and build up.
If a word, thought or action goes against God’s commands, it is a sin.
Make it your goal to put on Jesus so much that you leave absolutely no room for sinful pleasures.
Stop and think with the mind of God, rather than one of the world.
God has a plan for every believer to be His witness to this fallen world.
Make the choice to not follow the false directions of this world but follow Jesus.
It seems that they always have the right answer for problems in life.
Do not rely upon yourself or the world to give you direction in this life.
Allow Jesus to be your Lord and God.
One no longer has to earn salvation, but just needs to repent of sins and accept what Jesus had done.
Believers need to be ready to talk about Jesus from Scripture and from their own lives.
It is easy for believers to also get caught up in the moment and focus on self rather than God and others.
Do not allow yourself to chase after the things of this world, the sin and death that is claimed to give life.
When chaos breaks out and there is disaster or uncertainty, believers are to get together in unity.
One must be willing to remove the spiritual stone to the entrance of one’s heart allowing God in.
Jesus does not holler or shout, so the world does not hear Him.
Believers are to be willing to speak the truth in every situation.
Instead of stopping, believers are to continue talking about Jesus everywhere they go.
Seek to find out what He says in how to live the best life possible here on this planet.
Each day presents a new opportunity in the ongoing work of God.
The moment one realizes what God has done, one should stop and give God all the glory.
The false beliefs of this world are dead and cannot provide life.
Would God be able to say that you are a good and faithful servant with what He has given you?
Never give up on praying to God for anything, unless God says to stop.
The world is focused on living life to the fullest in the here and now, with very little focus on the future.
No one can get into the kingdom of God without believing the good news about what Jesus has done.
The world will tell you what they want you to speak so that you will be liked.
It is in difficult times that others need someone alongside them.
Each day you have things that strive to draw your attention away from things that are important.
The idea that Jesus is in control and has all authority is a foreign concept to the world.
Knowing all the details will remove faith from the equation.
Believers need to be willing to use God’s word to fight against the ways of this world.
Having more, doing more, seeing more, being more continually consumes the hearts and minds of people everywhere.
The greatest news you can be told is that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for your sins.
If you have ever been betrayed by a friend or loved one, you know the pain that it can cause.
Going against a crowd is extremely difficult for most people to do.
Now that the seed of God’s word has been planted in your life, what will you do with it?
The believer is to be completely sold out to God in heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Jesus will only go into a home in which He has been invited.
Do not allow the hard times of the wilderness to break your trust in God.
Use your talents to spread the gospel message around your community and the entire world.
The stronger one stands upon God’s ways, the more offensive it becomes to the world.
Believers need to fully trust every word and command of God, regardless of how crazy it may appear to be.
Every time you read or hear God’s word, you are hearing commands or directions on how to live your life to honor Him.
Instead of giving the best to the world or self, believers are to give their best to God.
Spending time alone with God will change a person from the inside out.
If a person would just take a moment to look around one would see signs of God everywhere.
Before running to the doctor to seek healing or relief, begin with putting your trust in God.
Jesus is able to remove those heavy loads and give the believer rest of mind and soul.
Instead of backing down on the truth, believers need to stand true to God.
This light is showing the world the truth found in God’s word.
Being His follower means one will be His witness to those in this world.
As you repent and seek forgiveness, you must also examine your life.
The first focus of every believer should be to seek God for who He is and try to build a relationship with Him.
As the believer obeys God, they will see the promises of God come to pass.
God will go out of His way to reach the lost and draw the lost one into His family.
God will give believers a job to do that is sometimes overwhelming.
Consider your ways and seek the fulfillment and satisfaction that only God can supply.
The purpose of correction is to get the believer to leave some sin and to get one’s attention back on Him.
Every day you are given a choice of whose authority and path to walk in.
As long as one has breath to breathe and can still think, there is hope.
The world is out to destroy you and your loved ones in any way possible.
The world needs to hear about their need for Jesus, repentance of sins, and forgiveness.
The anger God has against sin is removed when one is willing to repent and believe in Jesus.
Walking the path God has you on may be very difficult at times and it may appear God is against you.