
It’s Payback Time!

The Lord pulled them out and placed them in green pastures, beside still waters, and began restoring their souls!

Walking Like a Superhero

Take grand steps acknowledging that He will be enough for the strength you need to do the impossible.

We Decree and Establish

Decree and Establish the Truth in the Word that Declares the Truth of who we are and the Word that assures the Victory!

Resetting Our Love

The Lord was transitioning their understanding from being slaves to their opinions to becoming friends with God.

Like a Tree

God is not only the originating source of life but also the sustaining source of it, as well.

Describing God

While many different words can be used to describe God, holy is one that covers everything

The Foundations are Shaking

Only those things that have been founded upon the Rock will be able to stand up against the Supernatural Shaking.

Silencing the Lambs

Taking that first step to communicate your thoughts will require courage, boldness, and thick emotional skin.

The LORD of Our Salvation

God is the only one with whom we can be utterly confident, and all others will fail us – David knew this.


God designed each of us to live in community and to grow in our walk with Christ.

Sweet Revenge

Even as the wicked sprout like grass, and thrive, they’re doomed! 

Holy Spirit Boldness

If you know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, you are a child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit and His boldness.

Loving Dependently

Many of us want the abundance God offers, but we are unwilling to put forth the effort to improve our intimacy with Him.

Unaninous in Prayer

Prayer was the glue that held them together; it was the anointing oil on their fellowship with one another.

Sermon: The Life of Faith

Walking by faith will lead us, in God’s timing, to the full experience of that which has been previously unseen (in the natural realm).

Pray It Through

What prophetic words has God spoken over your life that you haven’t fully stepped into?

The Power of Silence

Silence is the weapon the Lord will use to reveal our trust in Him and release what He has planned for our lives.

Do Not Fear Suffering

The more you stand for Christ and God’s principles of living, the more the world will rise up against you.

The Power of Our History With God

The enemies of God will be defeated by a HOLY and HUMBLE people who have demonstrated the rule of God through their lives and practices.

The Battle for Thrones

The battle for thrones determines whether a government will invite heaven down or incite hell up.

3 Ways to Recover Joy

Joy is still possible depending on how deeply connected to God we feel and how deeply connected to others we feel.

You Always Have a Choice

What I need to remember when I feel up against the wall, is that controlling the wall is NOT my only option.

The Cocoon

We don’t lose heart or stay discouraged about the difficulties we face, for we know that God is bringing something good out of it.

The Righteous Walk

He who delights in the Law of the LORD continually is prepared to stand for God in the world.

What is Sacred Work?

All work, done in faith, in the presence of God, and performed as unto the Lord can be considered sacred.

A Commandment

Even those who find it difficult to get along with their parents are still commanded to honor them.  


My feelings shouldn’t be my compass.

Beginning Today

Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and allow the Lord to reveal things for me to enjoy.

February is Freedom Month

I AM giving you an opportunity to make up for lost time in this new day of restoration, reset, and revival.

Arousing Hell

Whenever Jesus is preached as Lord, Savior, and Deliverer, His presence will interfere with the plans of evil.

Stay Focused or Sink Fast

Unless we put our focus back on the One who originally called us from the boat, we will sink and lose it all.

Do You Have God?

Make the choice today to obey all of God’s commands and live by His standards.