LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Coming In Hot – Sinner or Saint?
Join Jimmy and Annette as they talk about the power of your identity. Are you a Sinner who sometimes Saints? Or are you a Saint who sometimes Sins?
Join Jimmy and Annette as they talk about the power of your identity. Are you a Sinner who sometimes Saints? Or are you a Saint who sometimes Sins?
This is the year of Divine Favor but there is something that you must do to receive it. Find out in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss how to stand strong in uncertain times and live up in a down world!
On today’s podcast, Sharon welcomes Sonja Clark sharing the meaning of the 4 spices that made up the incense on the Altar of Incense.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the issues that all of us are dealing with from a biblical perspective. Their heart is to help you on your journey of faith and learn how to live up in a down world!
I have declared from my heavens this is the hour of an open heaven over nations in the valley of decision.
Why were Christians targeted at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, and what is the principality behind it? Find out in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.
Why were Christians targeted at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, and what is the principality behind it? Find out in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss this important question, “Does God really need me?”
Jesus was betrayed, but God had a plan to turn that betrayal into victory! Find out the meaning of the 30 pieces of silver and how betrayal links to redemption!
Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.
On today’s episode, Sharon addresses the strength that God gives us that has no limit and the grace that has no measure. No matter how difficult the trial, He is greater.
Jimmy and Annette dive into the subject of Grace and it may not mean exactly what you’ve been told. Join us for an important conversation that will leave you “living up in a down world.”
After an assassination attempt, President Trump was standing barefoot on the platform. Could this be a prophetic sign?
Life can throw us so many curve balls, and yes, it’s a twisty and windy road that we’re on. However, it is also possible to live up in a down world! Join Jimmy and Annette Pruitt on their wild journey of 30 years of wow, doing ministry, remarriage, and a commitment to make a difference for the better in this crazy world.
After an assassination attempt, President Trump was standing barefoot on the platform. Could this be a prophetic sign?
Join Jimmy and Annette as they navigate the choppy waters of this life and learn how to live up in a down world. God’s got this, better yet, He’s got you!
The president of El Salvador said the greatest conflict in his nation is a spiritual battle, just like what is happening in the United States.
When God gives us a promise, opposition comes to block its path. So how do we make it through? How is the promise fulfilled? Today’s podcast will ignite your faith and challenge you to launch into the deep!
As important as politics and the kingdoms of this world are, they pale in comparison to God’s Kingdom. The call of every follower of Jesus is to be “Salt” and “Light” in the culture around us, not just in the church building. We need to suit up and show up and be the world changers and culture shapers we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be.
Why is dying to self the key to the overcoming life? Find out in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the Mind Wars that continually assault us all. Is there hope? There’s always great hope!
Are you waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled and wonder why it is taking so long? Find out what God is doing in you through the waiting period. Today’s podcast will speak to everyone, no matter what circumstance or situation you are going through.
Pain is just one of many parts of our life journey. All of us have a story. In this episode, Annette deep dives into some of the trauma moments of her life and how God brought her from despair to deliverance. God is good. There is always hope!
In today’s episode, find out the prophetic meaning of the number 238 and how it pertains to America.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful of doing life together in a world that seems to have lost it’s True North. Laugh with us, and at us, as we choose to Live Up in a Down World!
You may have faith, but do you have patience? Why is the testing of your patience so important in your Christian journey? Today’s podcast will bring many answers to the seemingly “delays” of God’s promises in your life.
Whatever sphere of influence you have been given, you are a difference maker and a culture shaper. Join Jimmy and Annette as they speak about the real issues of life and make faith real for the rest of us.
All creation worships God, even crickets. Get ready to be amazed on today’s episode.
Pain is just one of many parts of our life journey. All of us have a story. In this episode, Annette deep dives into some of the trauma moments of her life and how God brought her from despair to deliverance. God is good. There is always hope!
A surprise guest is featured on today’s episode. Listen and share!
Join Jimmy and Annette and they discuss how to deal with outcomes you did not expect or pray for.
My daughter Grace just celebrated her 21st birthday on June 11th. In today’s podcast, I share some special memories that we have shared together and the blessings that I have received in raising a daughter in the ways of God.
Living with no regrets is possible if you learn to connect the dots from your past that lead to your future. There is great hope!
If God’s ways and thoughts are higher, how can we know them? Find out on today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they tackle the issues that all of us are talking about from a Biblical worldview. Fasten your seatbelts, put up your trays, and return your seats to the full upright position. Here we go!
On today’s episode, Sharon’s guest, Pastor William Hinn, shares a powerful Word on the dominion of prayer.
Jimmy is playing a solo in this rendition of Living Up in a Down World. It begs the question, “Where is Annette and Mr. Chevy?”
This Sunday we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ, known as Pentecost Sunday. Find out why this is so important in your personal life.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage culture from a biblical worldview and issue a challenge to a new level of making Jesus the Lord of your life and not the addendum or add-on. It’s a fast and furious ride, so fasten your seatbelts!
On today’s episode, Sharon shares a rare experience that took place in which she had a glimpse into Heaven and highlights some of the things that God spoke to her.
All of us are game players at the end of the day. Some are good, some not so good. What are the games people play, and how do we navigate these games with grace?
Have you ever felt distant from God and wondered if you will ever be close again? Find out how God responds when we have no more strength to go on.
Join Jimmy and guest Brian Mandel for an intense conversation about the current cultural cesspool we are all swimming in. What is going on and why is this happening? Fasten your seatbelts and hang on for the ride!
Which is most important to God…worship or prayer? Find the answer in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette had some amazing experiences and encounters on their Thanksgiving trip to Colorado. Listen in and learn the key to opening the hearts of complete strangers with a simple question.
There is a purpose for the valley in your life. Find out why God places you there and how it is used for your good.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss and engage culture through a biblical worldview.
Today’s podcast is a word of warning to all and I ask you to please share it with your friends and family. Our nation is in desperate need of a spiritual awakening and Godly intervention, but if we do not pray, it will not happen!
Join the conversation with Jimmy and Annette as they share about the power of gratitude in midst of great loss and disappointment.
Throughout the Christian journey we experience moments in God’s presence, but how do we carry God’s presence? Find out in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as the tackle the hot topics of what it means to be a follower of Jesus in these turbulent times. We need more truth-tellers to speak up and speak out.
God is doing a new thing and raising up a new Priesthood. Find out more in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette discuss the power of getting your “Why.” Your “Why” has to be bigger than your “What.” If you want to survive the storms of life, the disappointments that come, and the pain of loss, then grab a cup of coffee and fasten your seatbelt because this show is moving fast!
Just as in the days of Samuel, God is bringing a new Priesthood to the forefront.
Jimmy and Annette share their first remote podcast episode from the beach! Lots to share with some major lifestyle decisions that may just help you too. Settle in and join the conversation.
God has His mark of separation for an end-time sealing that He is placing on His people. Find out more in today’s prophetic episode.
Jimmy and Annette discuss what do you do when you’re doing the right things and it all falls apart.
With all that is taking place in our nation, how do you know if you’re prepared for the difficult days that are coming? Find out in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette dive in to the deep waters of what it means to give up the right to withhold encouragement. It’s more than hollow flattering words or blowing smoke. Join the conversation!
In today’s episode, find out the meaning of Valentine and how it relates to the love of God.
Join Jimmy and Annette in a conversation about the narrow path and the power of awe and wonder.
Why was Bethlehem chosen to be the birthplace of Jesus? Find out the prophetic meaning and more in today’s s episode.
Everyone has to deal with being hurt, broken, slandered, gossiped about, and/or traumatized. There is hope and we want to encourage you!
An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications. It would represent a huge leap forward towards the Biblical one-world governance—or as globalists have referenced “The New World Order” or the foundation of “The 2030 Agenda.”
The Wise Men worshipped Jesus with their gifts. Find out the meaning of each in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette are diving into one of the most powerful miracles in the Bible. Listen in and learn about The Fourth Man in the Fire and what it means for us today!
An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications.
Are you walking in dominion or are you being dominated by situations and circumstances? Find out how you can live the life of dominion in today’s episode.
There comes a time when you need to see, to stay, and to stand! Join Jimmy and Annette as they unpack what God is doing regarding the hard and relevant things in this world.
When God speaks, there will be a fulfillment of His Word, but there is something you must do while waiting. Find out in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss the issues that matter through the lens of faith. In this episode, we describe what a “War Room” is and why you might just need to build one.
What God speaks in eternity will accomplish its purpose. What do you do in the waiting period?
Today’s episode deals with the issue of Fear in relation to God. Is all fear bad?
You cannot produce an act without the thought. So how can your thoughts align with the mind of Christ? Find out in today’s episode.
Should we stay in our lane, hunker down in our churches and bible studies, or are we called, empowered, and mandated to stand up, engage, and speak to power?
What is your response to God when you face an impossible situation? What response is God looking for?
Jimmy and Annette’s son, Pastor Chris Pate of CityLife Church in Houston, joins them on the podcast for a deep dive into life as a ministry family and the challenge of meeting his new stepdad—Jimmy, at the age of 12. It’s not all unicorns and pixie dust, but it is good!
Are you going through a situation in which you are at the end of your rope and have no answers or hope in sight? Fear not, God has a purpose. Find out in today’s powerful episode!
Join Jimmy and Annette and learn what it means to pray B.H.A.P. prayers that move heaven!
The unwavering commitment of one man sparked a nationwide revival that swept America. Find out how it took place and what it will require for us to experience it in our generation.
Have you ever felt like life is a lab class? Like you’re participating in some grand experiment? Join us as we take a look at life, faith, and how God tends to flip the script of our lives. Let’s laugh, love, and live this life of faith together.
Today’s episode will challenge you to reach a higher dimension in your walk with God. Listen and share!
Join Jimmy and Annette as they talk about the power of your identity. Are you a Sinner who sometimes Saints? Or are you a Saint who sometimes Sins?
How do you live without being moved by how you feel? Find out the key to weaning the soul in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette share from the depths of pain, grace, and victory in the hopes that it will help you live up in a down world. You are loved!
What do you see? The circumstance or the problem? It’s time to take possession by vision.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the issues that all of us are dealing with from a biblical perspective. Their heart is to help you on your journey of faith and learn how to live up in a down world!
Before you can live in the Light you have to get into the Light. There is only one way to get in. Find out in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette share their love of life, faith, and each other while living up in a down world.
Sin entered the world because Adam and Eve looked in the wrong direction. Where is your focus? What is distracting you? How do you stay the course?
Jimmy and Annette discuss their health and wellness journey by embracing the Carnivore W.O.E. “Way Of Eating. If you are interested in getting your health back and finding balance in your life in Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Are you an overcomer or are you overcome by circumstances? Why is the church of Philadelphia an overcoming church? Learn more in today’s episode.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they navigate the complex landscape of life with faith, hope, and love!
In today’s episode, Sharon will share a prophetic dream that God gave her and a warning of the end-time deception.
Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss this important question, “Does God really need me?”
In your Christian journey, there comes a transition from leather shoes to iron shoes. How do you walk in iron shoes? Find out in today’s episode.
Jimmy and Annette dive into the subject of Grace and it may not mean exactly what you’ve been told. Join us for an important conversation that will leave you “living up in a down world.”
God has placed His dominion on the inside of you. In today’s episode, find out what’s hindering it and how to release it.