John’s Gospel: Follow

Do not shrink back from the Jesus Story. It is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.

John’s Gospel: Breakfast

As they pulled for land, a figure waved to them from the beach. At that distance, they did not recognize the Lord.

John’s Gospel: Annas

Through the stone walls, Peter and John could hear the interrogation of Jesus by the Sanhedrin.

John’s Gospel: Before

Jesus, the name above every other name, must be uttered in faith as we praise, worship, and pray.

John’s Gospel: Joy

They would abandon the One who had found them and desert the One who had brought them to the gates of heaven.

John’s Gospel: Friends

Obedience to the commands of Christ connects us to like-minded, like-hearted brothers and sisters.

John’s Gospel: Helper

Far from being helpless, the followers of Jesus—beginning with those eleven common men—would be mighty–divinely–assisted.

John’s Gospel: Mansions

As Jesus spoke the candles and lamps seemed to burn brighter as if fueled by the hope He was giving them.

John’s Gospel: Servant

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

John’s Gospel: Bethany

The level of worship Mary brought to Jesus resulted in a level of understanding that others did not receive.

John’s Gospel: Abraham

Still smiling, Jesus went on, “And I do not seek My own glory; there is One” (pointing to heaven) who “seeks and judges.”

John’s Gospel: Hear

The proof of who is of God and who is of the devil is found in the beliefs and behavior of an individual.

John’s Gospel: Judgement

People today who deny the dual nature of Jesus—Son of God and Son of Man—have the same problem the Pharisees had that day.

John’s Gospel: Adultery

His splendid answer still rings through all these centuries giving hope to those who have fallen. “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

John’s Gospel: Division

The leaders of the people scrambled to try and get their parade going again. The people were divided. That was part of the plan—turn those feeble-minded souls against each other and mostly against Jesus. Confusion was the dividing device. The talk was frantic and conflicted: This is the prophet! This is the Christ! Will Messiah […]

John’s Gospel: Rivers

His words were amazing, revolutionary, and true. “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.”

John’s Gospel: Sent

The leaders realized the sentiment of the people was not yet settled against Jesus in sufficient force. It was too soon to make a move.

John’s Gospel: Brothers

By the time of Jesus’ ministry, Mary was a widow with a rather large family for whom Jesus was a problem.

John’s Gospel: Offended

Even His own disciples failed to see this and complained among themselves—a useless thing to do! Jesus knew their thoughts!

John’s Gospel: Bread

“What sign will You perform then, that we may see it and believe You? What work will You do?”

John’s Gospel: Believe

Realizing the mix of good motives with bad, Jesus resigned Himself to seize the moment as a teaching opportunity.

John’s Gospel: Baskets

Knowing the thoughts of His men, Jesus decided to test them. He asked the one named Philip, “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?”

John’s Gospel: Fever

Jesus spent two days in the Samaritan village of Sychar where He had met the famous Woman at Well.

John’s Gospel: Nicodemus

He did what he could to make things better, to make everyday life a better reflection of how things should be.

John’s Gospel: Lamb

Since the baptism of John was an act of repentance, why did Jesus, who had no sins, submit to John’s ritual?

John’s Gospel: Wilderness

Here was his pulpit found, his platform, and the fashion of the wilderness—a belt of camel’s hair—was his only vestment.

John’s Gospel: Flesh

This story is real. This eternal Word, present and active at Creation and ruling from the Throne of Heaven, had come to do both a cosmic and personal work.

Luke’s Gospel: Peace

The reunion of Jesus with His core group of followers was not at all like these gatherings.

Luke’s Gospel: Emmaus

Before Jesus appeared to the assembled disciples, two discouraged disciples gave up and started for home.

Luke’s Gospel: Risen

The resurrection of Jesus had already taken place. There were no human witnesses to the actual event.

Luke’s Gospel: Barabbas

At any rate or by any name, this one deserved to be in jail, unlike the true “Son of the Father,” Jesus.