TORCHBEARERS: Learning to Give Thanks in All Circumstances
As we express thanksgiving to God in the midst of challenges and trials, our hearts will be transformed, and we will be making a fragrant offering to the Lord!
As we express thanksgiving to God in the midst of challenges and trials, our hearts will be transformed, and we will be making a fragrant offering to the Lord!
Instead of chasing after the winds of human success and status, we are called to chase after the wind of God’s Spirit.
It is a sad reality that we can easily forget God’s goodness and the ways He has worked in our lives. But God has given us a tool to help us remember His faithfulness and provision.
We are never without a way of escape if our temple is filled with His presence.
The Bible gives us a call and an invitation to draw near to God, and the way has been made for us to approach Him through the blood of Jesus. But how do we practically draw near to the Lord?
If we saw the evidence of His return, would we notice or would we pass it off as that radical Christianity stuff?
The cross invalidated the devil’s work and annulled his power so completely as to destroy him.
Did you know that not giving thanks is hazardous to your spiritual health? When we withhold thanksgiving, it allows darkness and deception to have a place in our hearts and minds.
One purpose of the early creeds of the Church was to hold people to the foundational truths of their faith.
The God-ordained people who intersect our lives are a blessing and an encouragement.
If we get too tidy and limiting in our expression of faith, we will not expect the power of God to come.
When the prophets saw into the future glories of Christ, they briefly tasted the greatness of what it would be like on the other side of His coming.
We can have peace knowing that the One who guided the star will guide us, no matter our circumstances, to inner peace and a glorious ending.
In this episode, Jake teaches the connection between giving thanks and making petitions to God. Using biblical and real-life examples, he shows how thanksgiving and prayer work together and bring powerful results. Without thanksgiving, prayer is incomplete!
God has never changed His covenant with us and our yes to Him must also carry that same unchanging commitment.
It’s God’s will for us to be holy, and that couldn’t happen with the sacrifices of the old covenant.
At some point, our faith in the Lord must have a moment of decision when we choose to call upon the Lord and surrender our lives to Him.
Jesus is the one mediator between God and man who brings peace with God out of a relationship that was broken by our sin.
God wants to lead us into beautiful, just-the-right-time moments.
Your heart can become an explosion of joy because of the birth of a Baby over 2,000 years ago.
In this episode, Jake shares why thanksgiving is so important to God and encourages believers to live a lifestyle of giving thanks. Let’s be a people who give thanks and glory to God!
Wholehearted surrender includes anyone and anything that diverts or distracts you from the race God has called you to run.
The restoration of Job’s life began when Job demonstrated mercy for his friends and prayed for them.
The same Holy Spirit that was on Peter, and who raised Jesus from the dead, also works in us – in every conversation.
With a little trickle of deception here or there mixed with truth, they say something that’s false smoothly, and the audience starts nodding their head.
God is supernatural, but not everything supernatural is of God. We must learn the difference between what is of God and what is not and walk in God’s power to see the kingdom of darkness pushed back!
Cultivate your prayer life, the Word of The Lord, your worship, and your praise to the Living God.
The Lord’s unfailing presence in David’s life served as the source of his thankfulness.
What God calls us to, He will equip us for, and He will empower us for. He’ll give us what we need to do the job that He’s called us to do.
We must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and in a way that is not quarrelsome or resentful.
In this episode, Jake teaches about what happens when we see Jesus clearly. As we get a revelation of Jesus, we also get a greater revelation of our own identity and calling, the church, and the Kingdom of God!
That boldness that we need to step out in faith does not come from inside us, it comes from a supernatural indwelling of The Holy Spirit.
Let’s pace ourselves, ignoring the things that distract us or upset our pace, and keeping our eyes on the finish line.
He wants to encourage you to continue in your prayer, making room for the possibility of delay.
In church or ministry settings, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of using hype or exaggeration. Such methods highlight immaturity, impurity, and the absence of God’s presence in our midst.
The current culture has managed to create a knockoff Jesus, which is nothing short of an idol.
God is about to breathe into those situations that are impossible in the natural.
When we know Jesus, we already have his authority. We just need to stand firm on it.
Wealth in and of itself is not a sin, but where does our heart lie? Where does our treasure lie?
Joy comes from trust—but despair comes from doubt.
Our ability to engage with biblical discernment in the civic process rests upon our fervent prayers.
Shake off the vipers and vicious forces that come to steal, kill, and destroy your destiny.
In this episode, Jake teaches the balance between the love of God and the fear of God and how we need them both. These two truths do not contradict each other but are meant to work together.
Even while the wicked strut around, God will protect all of the oppressed.
Jake helps define what it means that God is sovereign, how God designed things to function on earth, and the believer’s responsibility to cooperate with Him in fulfilling His purposes.
Whatever happens to us and around us externally, we should focus on Jesus and our own spiritual growth internally.
In this episode, Jake teaches the concept of God’s timing and shares three specific things that happen at an appointed time in our lives. We can trust the Lord to fulfill His word in due season!
Filled with His Presence and Power, to not only share the good news verbally but to demonstrate the Power of that Kingdom.
When we receive Jesus and what He has done for us, we come into relationship with God and our lives are changed from the inside out!
Creating division is the by-product of false teachers.
As we know the Lord more, hear God’s word, and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will learn how to ‘step out of the boat’ and live lives of faith!
People join formalized religions, like organized Christianity, for a variety of influential or societal reasons.
All unredeemed people are living under the influence of a system of unbelief driven by an anti-Christ spirit.
This woman got to meet the creator of the universe and hear how God would use her to tell others about Him.
The first words of the devil recorded in Scripture are, “Did God really say?” From the very beginning, we can see that the original temptation to mankind was to doubt God’s word.
In this episode, Jake shares about various ways that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray. As we allow the Spirit to lead us in prayer, we will see effective intercession and fruit for God’s Kingdom!
Both the crushing and rebuilding are expressions of God’s merciful love.
When Jesus doubled down, He turned a dark moment into something beautiful.
Kingdom saboteurs will hamper evil goals by expressing God’s goodness in contrast to an attempt to control people’s behavior.
Can you carry the weighty things of God?
A prophet is a person who must first and foremost love the people to whom they speak.
As we yield to the Holy Spirit and walk in His ways, His fruit will be produced in and through us!
Job’s most significant choice in his troubles was to worship God when it appeared there was nothing to worship Him about.
No matter the turmoil in your life, you don’t need to be shaken because God is with you.
In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul lists nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. What are these gifts, and how do they operate?
May we, like Enoch, spend quality time daily in God’s presence, with His Word, listening to His Holy Spirit.
In this episode, Jake shares some of the factors and flawed arguments that lead to the doctrine that the gifts have ceased, and he shows that the gifts of the Spirit are in fact for today. Let’s embrace the fullness of the Spirit and all of His gifts!
The truth of a matter is not always found in consensus.
How I wish we hated our own sin, as much as we hate everyone else’s.
God included the epistles in His Word so Christians could read and learn how to maintain lives pleasing to Him.
All believers are indwelt with the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, but there is a difference between being indwelt with the Spirit and being empowered by the Spirit.
Don’t be moved by the circumstances, God Is working behind the scenes.
Acceptance is that place of peace for doing the right thing, moment to moment, in series, for a lifetime — bearing for our imperfections.
For many believers, the Holy Spirit seems to be a mysterious force or is neglected altogether. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is His role in the Christian life?
Joel and Abijah began to view ministry as more of a job, and not as a higher calling to serve the people of God.
The shadows our enemy hides in are called deceit and deception.
Will we stand for biblical values, seeing the world through a biblical lens no matter what it costs us or our family?
Jesus is preparing His bride to move in greater demonstrations of His power.
Be open at all times to the Spirit’s application of that truth in your life, whether it has to do with staying or going.
As Moses lifted his hands to the Lord, the Israelites won the battle. This is a powerful picture of how prayer works together with missions. When prayer is connected to missions, there is great fruit for the Kingdom of God!
After the battle, Samuel selected a stone and marked it with the name “Ebenezer” meaning “the stone of help.”
It only takes one dangerous person of faith to turn an army of hell on its heels.
When our enemies come against us, our faith and dependence on God will protect us.
While there is no formula for deliverance, there are some biblical keys to help us to walk in freedom. Jesus is still the Deliverer, and He has paid the price to set us free!
Having a clear vision of where you are going, and why you want to go there, is so important.
In this episode, Jake shares powerful testimonies of believers who received deliverance from evil spirits. For many believers, deliverance is the missing link in their journey of transformation!
If you seek anything today, may you seek His presence.
We need to think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth where the stump of what was is no longer giving life.
God’s Fire first makes us pure, then creates within us the passion that is needed to cause us to burn.
Many believers assume that it is impossible for a Christian to have a demon because of being a temple for the Holy Spirit. But is this belief based on biblical truth or human logic?
God smiles on us because He sees Jesus in our lives.
These virtues, are not simply admirable traits but essential components of a life lived in accordance with God’s will.
What we are pursuing in this life will reveal our motivation and the condition of our hearts.
Yielding to the unrestrained impulses of the spirit of the world will create a spiritual free-for-all.
What does it mean to have a demon? Is ‘possessed’ the right word to use for someone with demonic influence?
The Lord’s battles are centered around a battle against the spiritual forces that oppose “truth, humility, and justice.”
Many will become complacent, but choose to define it as balance.
As women of faith, we are called to delve into the depths of Scripture, seeking understanding and guidance.
We must willingly and humbly go to the one who can give us spiritual nourishment.
How we answer this question determines, at least in part, how we view and address various issues and struggles that believers go through. Let’s clear away the confusion so that more captives can be set free!