The Lord is Good and Filled With Unfailing Love
For some reason, we allow pride to keep us from taking our petitions to the Lord.
For some reason, we allow pride to keep us from taking our petitions to the Lord.
Anytime any of us, even those God has called, refocus our worship away from Him, we sin.
You can rely on God’s faithfulness, righteousness, justice, and, of course, His unfailing love.
Jesus made a similar observation when he saw the crowds. He described them as sheep without a shepherd, confused and helpless.
God gets to our destination before we do. Yet, He brings up the rear as we make our way there.
God wants to help us in our times of need. He wants us to call upon His name.
It’s God’s will for us to be holy, and that couldn’t happen with the sacrifices of the old covenant.
The Lord’s unfailing presence in David’s life served as the source of his thankfulness.
When we know Jesus, we already have his authority. We just need to stand firm on it.
Even while the wicked strut around, God will protect all of the oppressed.
Just because we view something as “deep trouble” doesn’t mean God views it the same way.
God will continually extend His hand and His grace to draw us close to Him again.
Many people have tried to approach God by making some sort of deal with Him.
No matter the turmoil in your life, you don’t need to be shaken because God is with you.
God included the epistles in His Word so Christians could read and learn how to maintain lives pleasing to Him.
The shadows our enemy hides in are called deceit and deception.
When our enemies come against us, our faith and dependence on God will protect us.
God smiles on us because He sees Jesus in our lives.
We must willingly and humbly go to the one who can give us spiritual nourishment.
He didn’t think he would need to deal with deception, especially from another prophet.
Their salvation depended on what they did with the blood of their slaughtered lamb.
If a person finds themself basing their Christianity around their Sunday morning church attendance, then they are religious.
Thankfully, because of the Holy Spirit, we can see past our sins to the one who forgives our sins.
Plant God’s Word in your life and harvest the good works God wants from you.
We want to hear what God says to us so we don’t stray from His will for our lives.
Christians must carefully avoid engaging in traditions that try to change or add to the Word of God.
Instead of building a relationship with their Lord, they thought they could win Him with their offerings.
God understands you, and He loves you, and He put His plan together with you in mind.
When you feel far from God, it’s time to examine your heart and your priorities.
God, we want to experience your glory every day. Then, as it illuminates from us, others will be drawn to you.
Every one of us needs a place where we can get alone with God.
Lord, we thank you for paying the cost so we could spend eternity with you.
Jesus, though, wants us to trust God and believe Him for everything we pray for.
Because of the compassion of God, He designed for us to live the love of Christmas every day.
Lord, thank you for the celebration that happened in heaven when each of us accepted Jesus.
Take note of how Jesus responded to those who exhibited faith in God. He marveled over them.
It would seem to me that when God has all of your heart, you will be able to give Him thanks for everything.
Even before Adam and Eve became the first parents, God had already declared the proper order of society.
Plant and water for the kingdom even though you may not see that harvest.
Buildings can only serve as places to gather. The real church though is alive.
We need memorials of faith in our lives for our future generations.
We can learn from Haman’s life that God honors the humble, but he hates the proud.
We don’t need to fear the storms in our lives no matter what they look like or where they’ve come from.
No matter how big or insignificant His plan may seem, He wants our complete obedience and devotion to Him.
We need to let the light of Jesus shine through us so others can see Jesus in us.
What some described as the Lord moving too slowly, Peter revealed as God’s patience.
The Lord has made us His temple, His holy priests, and His sacrifices to offer at His altar.
Yes, we are still sinners, and yes, we will still sin. But when we trust in the Lord, He frees us from the PENALTY of sin.
All sin is like yeast and can easily spread throughout our being.
Gamaliel knew that neither they nor anyone else would ever successfully stand against the Lord.
A person experiences spiritual blindness when the mud of sin covers their spiritual eyes.
If a person keeps living for the moment, they will miss eternal life with the Lord.
Faith is a lifestyle, it’s not just a sentence in a prayer.
Even though our salvation is free, it comes with responsibilities.
Our first order of business is to live a God-inspired life.
The king recognized God as his strength and he patiently waited on the Lord.
The relationship he built with the Lord gave him the faith he needed.
Your tongue is your mouthpiece; it isn’t your source.
To prepare our minds simply means making a conscious choice to serve God in all we do.
Every person will, at one time or another, acknowledge the majesty of God.
He was so focused on himself and his popularity that he didn’t even recognize God as “his God.”
The presence of God comes through obedience to the Lord.
We must never settle for less when it comes to our spiritual well-being.
With Jesus, though, we can get back on the right track.
When the Lord chose Cyrus, it had everything to do with God’s people.
God is never too busy to personally take care of you.
God is wanting us to be continually humbled before Him.
Jesus told us that our relationship with the Lord and our fellowship with each other must revolve around love.
We are not our own, we belong to the entire body.
It is only through the grace of God we can achieve real purity and holiness.
For the battle about to take place, God just needed someone who would trust Him.
Think about how you, me, and the entire church have at times disrespected Christ. Yet He continues to love us no matter what.
The next time you feel like everything is going against you, think about how Job handled his life’s difficulties.
No matter how our faith becomes tested, we must keep our eyes on Jesus.
What good would I be to God’s Kingdom if I have no interaction with the worldly folks around me?
With God on their side though, they did the only thing they could do. That was to expect a miracle!
A lifestyle of worship includes seeking God’s kingdom and living a righteous life.
This story isn’t about water, it’s about trusting God. Moses and Aaron suffered the consequences because of their lack of trust.
God is our strength, our place of safety, our light, and our help!
Whether you suffer vocal persecution or a physical altercation for doing right (God’s work), He will reward you.
The same Holy Spirit that inspired the scriptures will also deal with our hearts.
There is no doubt that God wants us to pray for the needs of others.
We can put a song in our hearts and praise with our lips just as the Psalmist did.
Unlike humans, God doesn’t and never will discipline us when He is angry. His discipline always comes by way of His compassion.
Even though these men were unexpected choices made by Jesus they became great disciples.
When He is our focus, as we are experiencing trying times we will be at peace.
Baptism is a public symbol of us dying to our sins and receiving new life in Christ.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say we only need to worship God when we feel like it.
The glorious privilege of God’s faithful ones is our assurance of victory.
Satan has always used the tactic of multiple gods, thus bringing confusion to people.
God’s plans for our lives are firm but can be put on hold as He patiently waits for us.
All can approach Him, but not everyone can enter into His presence.
Instead of looking down to make sure we don’t trip, we must look to the Lord. He will make sure we don’t get tripped up.
We all have moments and even days when we wonder where God is or if He hears our prayers.
He is not just the Word, He is life itself.
Our destiny is to be a full-fledged family member in God’s family.
As a young arrogant evangelist, I commented that I would never work in tobacco.
Whether you or I like it or not, we influence others by what we do and say.