Tennison & Ginelle Barry

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 12

Join Tennison & Ginelle as they continue their conversation with  Steve and Lisa. Hear how practicing the rhythms and tools in community, was the key to unlocking the transformation that was experienced in their lives.  Also, listen in as we discuss how the Table prepared for me in the presence of my enemies could have been a table of community…

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Young Adult (Adult Maturity Part 1 )

This episode will focus on the “Young Adult” or “Maturing Adult” stage within the Adult Stage of maturity – more commonly known as the teenage years.  These years are very important in our character development.  Listen in as we discuss the three most important things to young adults as we all mature through this stage; Relationships, Power, and Truth! 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 11

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they welcome Steve and Lisa to the Podcast. Hear how they “sleepwalked” into the Table from Redding, CA, and how this discovery was what they had been looking for.  Listen in as they begin to tell us their story of how walking into the Table with Muffins and OJ has awakened and put into flesh what was stirring in their hearts. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Half Brained Church – Toxic Group Identity

Part 17 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they discuss some very easy ways that churches and community build their group identity around very toxic and potentially destructive things.  These usually start as a “great way to minister” to a group of people, but if gone unchecked you can begin to identity yourself as your malfunction, (who we are when we are not acting like ourselves.)

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Half Brained Church – Shallow Group Identity

Part 16 – In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle will be talking about different ways we try to form strong group identities that are, in reality, very weak and shallow.  These group identities have missed the mark on who we should be identifying with and do not help us transform into who God has designed us to be.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 10

We found Victoria’s answer to the question, “The Table to me is…?  Listen in as  Tennison and Ginelle hear Victoria express what the Table is to her.  Also, discover some little nuggets that come out in this short podcast as they continue to discuss the Table. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 9

Tennison and Ginelle welcome two more friends from the Table in this Episode, Callie Craig and Cathy Reum. Listen in as they discuss the beauty that happens around the Table, how family bonds are created, how what happens at the Table is different from other gatherings, and how being a part of this community has filled a space that they were longing for. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 8

Tennison and Ginelle welcome two more friends from the Table in this Episode, Callie Craig and Cathy Reum. Listen in as they discuss the beauty that happens around the Table, how family bonds are created, how what happens at the Table is different from other gatherings, and how being a part of this community has filled a space that they were longing for. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Half Brained Church – Group Identity

Part 13 – What is it?  Why is it so important? How is it formed? Did Jesus create a Group Identity? What happens when Group Identity is shallow or toxic?  These questions and more will be answered over the next several podcasts as they unpack Group Identity.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 6

Join Tennison, Ginelle, Jason and Victoria Twombley as they continue to share their Stories from the Table.   In this episode, listen in as they unpack the importance of holding space for each other’s emotions and journey and how being right or wrong or fixing the “problem” is not the biggest thing…relationship is!  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 5

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they welcome Jason & Victoria Twombly to the podcast. Listen as they begin to share their Story from the Table and discuss how the Table is a place that helps people build their home in their own hearts with God and not be a squatter in the hearts of others.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 4

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin the first of many conversations with friends around the Table.  Maranda and Darryl join them and answer the question, “To me, the is, or has been.”  The answers will leave you speechless!  You don’t want to miss this episode!

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 3

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin the first of many conversations with friends around the Table.  Maranda and Darryl join them and answer the question, “To me, the is, or has been.”  The answers will leave you speechless!  You don’t want to miss this episode!

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table – Part 2

Throughout this series, they will be interviewing people that have experienced their table and hearing what the Table has meant to them and how their experiences have met a need that was deep in their souls. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their discussion of how the Table came to be and the simple rhythms that provide safety, belonging, identity, and transformation.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Half Brained Church – Hesed—Stuck Like Glue

Part 7 – God’s plan for his creation was never for us to be “saved” or “born again”, it was and is for us to be attached to Him with a bonded or sticky love.  He also intended for us to be attached to each other in this same way.  So what does it mean to be deeply attached or bonded to God, yourself, and others?

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Stories from The Table

Throughout this series, they will be interviewing people that have experienced their table and hearing what the Table has meant to them and how their experiences have met a need that was deep in their souls.  In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle discuss how the Table came to be and how it has shaped their lives. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Community Identity Statement – Part 5

e Seek to See and Be Seen, Hear and Be Heard, Know and Be Known.  This statement carries a lot of meaning.  Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle finish this conversation and talk through, WE practice the gift of presence, and We actively practice relational curiosity with ourselves and others.  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Community Identity Statement – Part 4

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their discussion through  Table & Well’s Community Identity Statement.  In this episode, they will begin to discuss the third statement, We Seek to See and Be Seen, Hear and Be Heard, Know and Be Known.  This statement carries a lot of meaning.  Listen in as Tennison, and Ginelle unpack it. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: The Young Adult (Adult Maturity Part 1 )

This episode will focus on the “Young Adult” or “Maturing Adult” stage within the Adult Stage of maturity – more commonly known as the teenage years.  These years are very important in our character development.  Listen in as we discuss the three most important things to young adults as we all mature through this stage; Relationships, Power, and Truth! 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Child Maturity – Part 3

Join us as we talk through practical personal and community tasks that you can practice to help sure up your own gaps and help sure up the gaps in your community’s maturity. Our heart is that you are walking and living in the highest form of maturity for your age and stage of life.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Child Maturity – Part 2

This episode focuses on the needs and tasks of the child’s stage of maturity.  We will also explore pseudo maturity and how being given responsibilities above your maturity stage doesn’t mature you faster it actually can stop your growth in that stage. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Child Maturity – Part 1

Have you ever wondered why kids are so selfish?  The answer. They are supposed to be.  The primary goal of children between the age of 4 & 12 is to learn what satisfies them and how to take care of themselves.  Listen as we dive into the needs and tasks of the Child Stage of Maturity.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Identity and Belonging – A Conversation with Bethany Boring

Identity & Belonging.  Can you have one without the other?  Do you need to find belonging before your Identity is fully formed?  Or do you need to have a fully formed Identity before you can truly belong?  What if we gave people belonging regardless of their identity?  These are just a few of the questions Tennison and Ginelle raise in this podcast episode.   

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Infant Maturity – Part 3

Tennison and Ginelle help you identify where you may have gaps in your maturity pertaining to that stage; Practical tools that you can begin to practice to grow in those gaps; and Practical tools to help you be someone else community.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Infant Maturity – Part 2

What do adults look like when the needs and tasks of the infant stage of maturity have not been fully completed?  What are some of the key indicators that tell us that we need to go back and learn skills that we did not fully learn between the ages of 0-4. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Infant Maturity – Part 1

The primary goal of infants is to learn how to receive and live in Joy.  These are skills that many adults struggle with. Join us as we explore the needs and tasks of infants and how to practice the skills you may have missed from this stage of life.   

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Intro to Relational Maturity – Part 1

Join us as we start to unpack the 5 stages of relational maturity and talk through what maturity is and isn’t, and why it is critical to living a joy-filled life. Knowing these stages can begin to bring clarity to your identity and start you on the path to true transformation. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Building Quieting Capacity

Ally George joins Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their deep drive into joy and quiet. In this episode, they will be talking about building your Quieting Capacity.  Just like you need to build your Joy Capacity building your Quieting Capacity is just as important. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy – Building Capacity through Faces and Appreciation

We find Joy in the faces of the people around us. The ability to sustain Joy is directly connected to the amount of Joy that is in our ‘Joy Well’  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they pick up their conversation about Joy.  In this episode, they will talk about the finding Joy on the faces of others and Appreciation.  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy—Building Capacity

God designed us to live in and out of Joy.  It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten.  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy?  Why is it so important?  How do we get, keep and refill Joy?  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy—What is it?

God designed us to live in and out of Joy.  It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten.  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy?  Why is it so important?  How do we get, keep and refill Joy?  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Interview with Jason Twombly – Part 1

Listen in as Tennison, Ginelle, and Jason talk about, how to practically find peace in your body even after your mind has been quieted from the questions and anxiety that you may have been facing.  They also, explore Jason’s passion for men in this day and age to be the men that God designed them to be.  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Interview with Ally George

Ally George has a passion for seeing people become free from fear and painful struggles by the power of the Holy Spirit! She loves the process of discipleship and coaching.  She has been trained through Thrive Ministries and RARE Leadership in the understanding and development of relational skills.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 6

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their story.  In this episode learn where Table and Well are today and what the future holds.  Listen as they talk about Co-Labs and Community 101 and how their healing,  growth, and simple yes to following God on this crazy journey has produced true, deep transformation in others.   

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 5

Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle talk through the “origin story” of Table and Well, what the process was in the development, and how God was preparing them to launch Table and Well for over a year. Learn why the name Table and Well is so important to them and the meaning behind the name.   

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 4 (Liv’s Story)

Listen in as their daughter,  Liv (Alivya), joins them to openly and honestly unpack how her early years and her parents’ undoing affected her and their relationship. How their mutual growth and intentional conversations to face the hard things have repaired and restored their connection and relationship. 

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 3

In this episode, they tell comical and relatable stories of setbacks and victories as they began to turn the corner in their marital connection. Listen in and discover the importance of creating Joy moments and learning the art of play and how they are needed for healthy, deep relationships.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 2

This episode looks at how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage.  You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 1

Over the next 4-5 episodes Ginelle and Tennison will unpack their continuing journey to relational health and maturity.  You will learn where and how the journey started, how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage, and how it affected their children.  You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Response To Mars Hill – Part 3

What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture?  Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead?  What would it take to change the culture?  Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?