TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Wisdom Keepers – Elders, Filling the Holes in Our “Cheese” (with Michel Hendricks)
Elders also fill the holes in the community that arise because of the immaturity that is present.
Elders also fill the holes in the community that arise because of the immaturity that is present.
“Elders by definition have a really well developed right brain skill set…they know how to model a secure attachment,…attune to others emotions even if they don’t agree with what happened,…very good at seeing the gold in a person…” — Michel Hendricks
“Gentle Protectors are willing to share in the pain that they create…Predators want to put their pain on you so they don’t feel any of it.” — Jen Coursey
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation with Chris and Jen Coursey, Authors and founders Thrive Today. Listen in as they talk about their personal journey into the elder stage.
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the 7-17-70 rule in community, and why know the stories of others are so crucial to feeling connected. Also, learn what his dream for community looks like in family and church.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the importance of building joyful social connection with elders and how healthy multigenerational community and toxic, and/or secretive multigenerational communities look very much the same but produce polar opposite results.
Dr. Warner gives incredible insight into his own personal journey to becoming an elder in his own right. What he shares is critical for all of us to hear today.
“I am looking to make all relationships permanent…Whatever we grow together, I want to make sure that it is something we can keep and we can use as an example for other people on how they should live their lives.” — Dr. Jim Wilder
“The kingdom of God; we know it’s here when Predators or changed into protectors. That is the key sign of transformation. ” Dr. Jim Wilder
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin this conversation and this series with Dr. Jim Wilder, neurotheologian, psychologist, and author whose groundbreaking work in relational brain science has shaped the way we understand community, joy, and emotional health and the reason Table and Well is doing the work they are.
In this episode, they explore what happens when people are placed into the position of elder before they are mature enough to be there. When you look across the landscape of the Christian world, you see this everywhere.
Elders need to have a community to belong to and be recognized by that community. There is a fundamental need for elders.
The Elder stage of Maturity is the most crucial and least reached stage of maturity. Without True Elders in our community, we fail to know who we are and how it is for us, as humans, to act.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their journey through the Parent stage.
You will know you are at the parent stage when you can sacrificially care for your children or the next generation without resenting the sacrifice with joy or expecting to receive anything for your efforts.
In this episode, listen in as Tennison and Ginelle dig deep into the parent stage tasks that need to be completed by all in this stage to be fully mature. There is work that we must do on this journey to maturity. Continue the Journey!
Discover the needs that every parent will need from their community to be fully mature in this stage. Just like every stage, you fully mature over time.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude the Adult stage of maturity and look at some of the obvious holes that you will see in adults who have not fully matured in this stage. Learn the importance of community and the benefits it brings as you grow into a mature adult!
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue to unpack the Adult stage of maturity. In this episode, they will lean into the Adult stage needs and tasks in order to be fully mature in this stage of maturity.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin the next stage of maturity— the Adult Maturity Stage. Listen in as they unpack the early years this stage and the three most important this to “young adults”; Relationship, Power and Truth.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude the Child stage of maturity. Listen in as they unpack the personal and community tasks and needs you can engage in that will help you and others fill any gaps you or others may have in this stage of maturity.
Listen in as they discuss the obvious maturity gaps you will see in adults who are not fully mature in this stage, what Pseudo maturity looks like and its effect on adults who operated in this place as children.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their journey through the Child Stage of maturity. Listen in as they discuss the tasks that need to be done by individuals in this stage to be a fully mature child.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin unpacking the child stage of maturity and talk through the needs (what we need from our community) in order to be fully mature in this stage of life.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin to explore the connection between Joy and Attachment.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they look at some of the obvious maturity holes you will see in adults if they have not fully matured through this stage of maturity.
In this episode, Tennison & Ginelle will begin unpacking the Infant stage of maturity and talking about the Needs and Tasks of this stage. If both the needs and tasks have not been completed, you will not be fully mature in this stage of life.
Join Tennison Ginelle as they begin Maturity Series: Revisited with an overview of each stage of maturity. Discover the primary goal and the needs and tasks of each stage. Also, get a glimpse of what you may see in adults who have not fully matured in each stage.
The Life Model and the Maturity Indicators are some of the pillars that have influenced and compelled us to create Table & Well. Those Maturity Indicators are the primary framework that almost everything we do is built on.
Life invited us to take a pause from recording the podcast. It became a little longer than we anticipated but during that time so much has been revealed to us and we can’t wait to start sharing it with you.
Ally George joins Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their deep drive into joy and quiet. In this episode, they will be talking about building your Quieting Capacity. Just like you need to build your Joy Capacity building your Quieting Capacity is just as important.
We find Joy in the faces of the people around us. The ability to sustain Joy is directly connected to the amount of Joy that is in our ‘Joy Well’ Join Tennison and Ginelle as they pick up their conversation about Joy. In this episode, they will talk about the finding Joy on the faces of others and Appreciation.
God designed us to live in and out of Joy. It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy? Why is it so important? How do we get, keep and refill Joy?
God designed us to live in and out of Joy. It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy? Why is it so important? How do we get, keep and refill Joy?
True transformation, healing, spiritual formation, and character development can only happen in community.
Listen in as Tennison, Ginelle, and Jason talk about, how to practically find peace in your body even after your mind has been quieted from the questions and anxiety that you may have been facing. They also, explore Jason’s passion for men in this day and age to be the men that God designed them to be.
Ally George has a passion for seeing people become free from fear and painful struggles by the power of the Holy Spirit! She loves the process of discipleship and coaching. She has been trained through Thrive Ministries and RARE Leadership in the understanding and development of relational skills.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their story. In this episode learn where Table and Well are today and what the future holds. Listen as they talk about Co-Labs and Community 101 and how their healing, growth, and simple yes to following God on this crazy journey has produced true, deep transformation in others.
Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle talk through the “origin story” of Table and Well, what the process was in the development, and how God was preparing them to launch Table and Well for over a year. Learn why the name Table and Well is so important to them and the meaning behind the name.
Listen in as their daughter, Liv (Alivya), joins them to openly and honestly unpack how her early years and her parents’ undoing affected her and their relationship. How their mutual growth and intentional conversations to face the hard things have repaired and restored their connection and relationship.
In this episode, they tell comical and relatable stories of setbacks and victories as they began to turn the corner in their marital connection. Listen in and discover the importance of creating Joy moments and learning the art of play and how they are needed for healthy, deep relationships.
This episode looks at how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage. You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.
Over the next 4-5 episodes Ginelle and Tennison will unpack their continuing journey to relational health and maturity. You will learn where and how the journey started, how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage, and how it affected their children. You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.
What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture? Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead? What would it take to change the culture? Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?
What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture? Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead? What would it take to change the culture? Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?
How do we get so caught up and miss what is actually happening right in front of our faces? How do we miss the people who are being hurt, disowned, and even excommunicated by the organization that we have given our lives to? How do we allow narcissism to run rampant in our churches and community?
Part 35 – If living Whole-Brained is truly how God created us, why don’t we? Why does it seem so hard to live relationally? What are we missing, or is this really just an unrealistic utopian dream? Or does it simply come back full circle to maturity?
Part 34 – Tennison and Ginelle continue their conversation about practical skills that, when practiced, will help you live more relationally aware and mature. They will also talk about what your results could be when these skills are practiced.
Part 33 – If living Whole-Brained is truly how God created us, why don’t we? Why does it seem so hard to live relationally? What are we missing, or is this really just an unrealistic utopian dream? Or is it simply, we don’t have the relational skills?
Part 32 – In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle will be discussing what Whole-Brained relational mature pastors and leaders look like. What character traits that we should be looking for, and be seen, in our leaders. What is the purpose of the titles, Apostle, Pastor, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, that we give our leader
Part 31 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin to unpack Whole-Brained Christianity. In this episode, they will revisit the 4 ingredients for healthy soil and what a Whole-Brained church could look like.
Part 30 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they discuss the ways to protect your community from the disease of narcissism, the importance of a mature community, and the formula needed to eradicate this disease from our churches, communities, and family.
Part 29 – Join Tennison & Ginelle as they discuss and dissect these two very different ways to operate in enemy mode, the effects of each, and what is happening in your brain and the brain of the narcissist while this is happening.
Part 28 – Self-justification can come in many forms, everything from, “You’ll never understand in a million years!” to “How dare you question me!” to ” God told me to do this.”
Part 27 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue to unpack the relational infection known as narcissism. What are the effects on the people who are under the leadership of a narcissist?
Part 26 – Believe it or not, we actually look for, find, put in leadership, and hire people with major narcissist tendencies and call them strong leaders and follow them blindly. All while there is a wake of destruction behind them.
Part 25 – How do shame and narcissism intersect? What happens when people are not taught how to metabolize shame? Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their conversation on the relational infection. In this episode, they will continue to unpack this disease and the motivations behind the actions and motives of the narcissist.
Part 24 – Narcissism may not be what you think is actually very easy to overlook and encourage. Sometimes it is hard to recognize until it is too late. The church, in its current structure, is the perfect breeding ground for narcissism to grow, thrive, and return if the relational connection of its people is not strong. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin to unpack this insidious disease.
Part 23 – SIn this episode, Tennison and Ginelle finish their conversation on healthy correction by taking a good look at toxic shame and why it must be rejected at all costs! The power of shame was never meant to be welded the way most commonly do. But until God’s way becomes the norm, we must recognize and reject shame and correction that is toxic in its nature.
Part 22 – Shame is an emotion that God has hardwired into in our brain, so we must learn how to use it. Join us as we unpack this controversial thought and see how God has designed us to feel shame but not wear it.
Part 21 – Correction is necessary to shape and mold character. However if it is not done in a healthy way, it will cause more hurt, and division in your relationships. Join Tennison and Ginelle and they begin to unpack what healthy correction looks like and why it is so important.
Part 20 – Today’s episode will focus on the how of healthy group Identity. It starts with a group identity statement that says, “We are a people that…..”
Part 19 – Today’s episode will focus on the how of healthy group Identity. It starts with a group identity statement that says, “We are a people that…..”
Part 18 – Healthy group identity is something that is very important to have a strong community and something that is not normally talked about. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin the conversation about healthy group identity, who forms it, what it is, and how it is formed.
Part 17 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they discuss some very easy ways that churches and community build their group identity around very toxic and potentially destructive things. These usually start as a “great way to minister” to a group of people, but if gone unchecked you can begin to identity yourself as your malfunction, (who we are when we are not acting like ourselves.)
Part 16 – In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle will be talking about different ways we try to form strong group identities that are, in reality, very weak and shallow. These group identities have missed the mark on who we should be identifying with and do not help us transform into who God has designed us to be.
Part 15 – What if Jesus was constantly creating Identity statements for His followers to grab ahold of? What if the Sermon on Mount was one big identity statement? How would that change how we read it? Tennison and Ginelle will discuss these questions and more in this episode.
Immanuel Journaling is a simple way to improve your awareness of God’s presence and understand His goodness. The practice will build a secure attachment to God and strengthen your identity.
Living in a constant state of appreciation is crucial for our own well-being and the deepening of our relationships.
Part 14 – In every relational interaction we have, we are always asking two questions; Who are we, and How is it like my people to act? The answers to these questions come from the group of people you belong to, and your relational experiences with those people. These actions, responses, expressions, happen pre-consciously and reveal your character.
Part 13 – What is it? Why is it so important? How is it formed? Did Jesus create a Group Identity? What happens when Group Identity is shallow or toxic? These questions and more will be answered over the next several podcasts as they unpack Group Identity.
Part 12 – In this episode, we will focus on how “Sharing weakness and being vulnerable” in safe community builds Hesed. We also introduce how narcissism directly opposes Hesed and why narcissist people are threatened by it.
Part 11 – Hesed is the relational glue that holds us together. That glue does not apply itself to your relationships. Building Hesed just doesn’t happen on its own. It takes intentional time and practice. Listen in as we begin a conversation and talk through the four ways to build Hesed in your community.
Part 10 – If Hesed is lacking fear, shame, weakness, withdrawal, and performance will rule. Join us as we conclude our conversation and answer the question, How much Hesed is in your community?
Once we see and understand who and what God truly is, He will cease to be how we acquire our treasure and become our treasure.
Once we see and understand who and what God truly is, He will cease to be how we acquire our treasure and become our treasure.
People that live in this posture believe that God exists to supply what we need or desire. Receiving God’s gifts is the entirety of our relationship with Him. They have reduced God to a Genie to grant us our desires.
Part 9 – Hesed is the relational glue that binds us together. If Hesed is present in your community you will find love, connection, identity, and belonging. If Hesed is lacking fear, shame, weakness, withdrawal, and performance will rule. How much Hesed is in your community?
People that live in this posture believe that God exists to supply what we need or desire. Receiving God’s gifts is the entirety of our relationship with Him. They have reduced God to a Genie to grant us our desires.
Part 8 – Hesed/Attachment is so important in creating identity. Our connection to God is directly connected to our connection, positive or negative, with the people around us.
Living a LIFE OVER GOD means that there is no room or need for God. Our desire to control our environment and mitigate our fears no longer requires appeasing God. Instead, we view the universe as a machine that we can understand.
Living WITH God Series – In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle’s conversation centers around what living a LIFE UNDER GOD looks like, presented in the book ‘WITH: Reimagining The Way You Relate to God’ by Skye Jethani.
LIFE WITH GOD is different because its goal is not to use God; its goal is God. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin their new series Living With God.
Part 7 – God’s plan for his creation was never for us to be “saved” or “born again”, it was and is for us to be attached to Him with a bonded or sticky love. He also intended for us to be attached to each other in this same way. So what does it mean to be deeply attached or bonded to God, yourself, and others?
Part 6 – What are some practices and practical things that you can do to begin cultivating a Joy Fueled community? Listen as Tennison and Ginelle talk about the practical things that they have begun to incorporate into their rhythms of life to create a Joy Fueled community.
Part 5 – Joy is the first ingredient for strong, healthy, transformative communities. So many churches/communities function without joy as their fuel. The result is usually a community fueled by fear, shame, and performance where true transformation is not produced.
Part 4 – True transformation, Identity, Character Development, Spiritual Formation, and Discipleship can only happen in healthy communities and relationship with those we have belonging. If this is the case, how do we create, cultivate, and maintain these types of communities?
Part 3 – True transformation, true discipleship, only comes inside of healthy relationship and that is what is missing from the western church. That is how Jesus did it with His disciples. We are designed to live, learn and grow in community.
Part 2 – Transformation = truth + good choices + power | This statement sounds true and is widely accepted in most church circles today. What if I told you that is not the formula for transformation? What if I told you that this formula was missing a key ingredient? Did I tell you that this formula was a Half Brained formula?
If spiritual formation is the central task of the church, how are we doing? Are we seeing and experiencing lasting deep transformation? Are a lot of Christian communities strong and connected, or weak and shallow? If we are honest with ourselves, I think we will answer the latter to both questions. Why?
In this episode, listen as Britton Smith describes his and his family’s experiences around many Tables over their five months on the road. Going from handshakes to hugs, strangers to belonging, friends to family in a matter of hours.
Britton Smith shares the new paradigm of disciple-making—letting people see you in “all your glory,” the true you and not the polished version we are so accustomed to presenting to the word.
In this podcast, Britton Smith describes his personal journey from Pastor to Pioneer and how this has been the best thing for him and his family. Listen in as he talks about how he is no longer following Jesus because it was his job but because it is his only way of life.
Part of the common human experience is the longing to be seen, known, heard, and loved. Listen in as they discuss how these desires are met at the Table.
Listen in on how Bethany Boring uses the simple rhythms of the Table in multiple arenas of her life. They discuss how we witnessed someone at our Table go from “I’m not sure why I am here?” to “I don’t want to leave!”
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation with their good friend Bethany about the simple rhythms of the Table and their ability to bring families and strangers together!
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their conversation with Jessica. Listen in as they discuss how we go from strangers to belonging at the Table. Even though the desire and result of the Table are belonging, safety, and connection. The heart is not for safety, belonging, and connection to Table and Well; it is to God’s Family Table!
Join us as we continue our conversation with Jessica Mullen; listen in as she shares the exact moment in time when she realized what God’s Family should be and how we should act.