Patrick Weaver and I have a yoke-breaking conversation around abuse and what covenant marriage is and isn’t. This eye-opening discussion will hopefully empower believers to be the hospital we need for the broken-hearted sitting in the pews of the Western church.
With hearts awakened by the Holy Spirit and minds renewed by the word of God, Dr. Eddie Hyatt believes that authentic revival can transform the church and impact the world in the 21st century.
John’s visits to heaven and subsequent visitations from Jesus highlight how relational our God is. John does an amazing job of explaining how emotional healing and forgiveness is a process. Untangling our emotions with the Lord leads to the ultimate freedom.
Ronnie and Jeannie Cummings have a true redemption story.
God is using the Bible to bring transformation to the people of Ukraine and surrounding Communist countries. The stories of how embracing the Bible have given hope to the hopeless is awe inspiring. We discuss how God can change nations through his word and what could happen if this was embraced in the West.
When you get involved with what God’s doing on the earth, there is nothing more fun and life-giving. Don’t be scared because all things are being used and brought into the authority of Jesus.
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
We can’t always control what happens to us. But we can discover how to heal the hidden hurt it leaves behind.
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
Doug Stroup from Make It Clear Studios discusses how he overcame a traumatic brain injury and how God has used his story and perseverance to bring about other’s stories through film.
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
Craig Cooney, of the Daily Prophetic channel, and I speak about transition and how Holy Spirit is at work in our lives across the earth. From walking through the hallway to recognizing our calling in Christ, this powerful episode will help increase your faith journey.
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
Through forgiveness and healing, Lauren’s story equips the listeners to know Jesus can heal anyone of father wounds.
With hearts awakened by the Holy Spirit and minds renewed by the word of God, Dr. Eddie Hyatt believes that authentic revival can transform the church and impact the world in the 21st century.
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
John’s visits to heaven and subsequent visitations from Jesus highlight how relational our God is. John does an amazing job of explaining how emotional healing and forgiveness is a process. Untangling our emotions with the Lord leads to the ultimate freedom.
God is using the Bible to bring transformation to the people of Ukraine and surrounding Communist countries. The stories of how embracing the Bible have given hope to the hopeless is awe inspiring. We discuss how God can change nations through his word and what could happen if this was embraced in the West.
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
When you get involved with what God’s doing on the earth, there is nothing more fun and life-giving. Don’t be scared because all things are being used and brought into the authority of Jesus.
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
The Praying Medic and Heather have an amazing discussion on God’s healing miracles and how you can experience His power and authority in everyday life. We also talk about the dreams he’s been having and how to prepare for what’s ahead for the United States.
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
Hear about how God’s grace and mercy lead us into inner healing and bring us into an intimate relationship with the Father.
Michael regularly sees flat feet healed, blind eyes opened, and other miracles. This episode truly encourages you to open your eyes to the possibilities God has before us and calls us to partner with Jesus to bring heaven to earth.
Jennifer Eivaz is a content contributor for many online Christian publications, has been featured on several Christian television shows, hosts the popular podcast Take Ten With Jenn, and authored several bestselling books.
Steve Harmon walks in signs, wonders, miracles, and in some really good theology. We have a fantastic conversation on how inner healing and deliverance work together to bring people into freedom.
Dennis Funderburg, Jr.’s testimony of God’s goodness and truth will make you think through your theology and relationship with the Trinity.
Join us as Roger Nix, a pastor from Believers Church, does a fantastic job of unpacking inner healing and how it works in people’s lives.
Come listen to Tina’s inner healing and deliverance story of being completely healed from Multiple Sclerosis. Her story is an incredible faith journey of coming into the right relationship with the Trinity and walking out her healing with Papa God. Miracles still happen!
Welcome to the Pursuing Redemption Podcast, where healing and restoration are celebrated in stories from those who have walked through fire and come out on the other side. Come along on the healing journeys of our speakers and hear about the redemptive power of Jesus.
Parker tells the story of surviving a traumatic childhood while being sex-trafficked by her family. She was radically delivered from Satanic Ritual Abuse and, through inner healing with God, has come out on the other side completely whole.
Welcome to the Pursuing Redemption Podcast, where healing and restoration are celebrated in stories from those who have walked through fire and come out on the other side. Come along on the healing journeys of our speakers and hear about the redemptive power of Jesus.
Parker tells the story of surviving a traumatic childhood while being sex-trafficked by her family. She was radically delivered from Satanic Ritual Abuse and, through inner healing with God, has come out on the other side completely whole.