THE BREATHING GOD PODCAST: It’s Time to Be Free from Fear!
Today, Gretchen leads you through an encounter that unlocks the chains of fear and anxiety.
Sometimes, we just need to breathe. To let go of the turmoil in our souls and reconnect with the Source of life—Jesus. The Breathing God Podcast is a place where you can do just that. It’s a safe place for you to slow down and breathe so that you can encounter the presence of God.
Join best-selling devotional author, Gretchen Rodriguez, each week as she shares encouragement from the heart of God that will help you grow in your intimacy with Jesus so that you can live in the peace and joy that defies circumstances.
Today, Gretchen leads you through an encounter that unlocks the chains of fear and anxiety.
In this episode, we encounter the Lord together so that He can do a deeper work of healing in our hearts.
The Lord wants us free from carrying the heavy burden of trying to be a rescuer because He is the TRUE RESCUER! Today, I unpack an encounter I had with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one of the most powerful encounters I’ve ever had.
If your mind has been running on a “hamster’s wheel,” you’ve been distracted, overly busy (physically OR mentally), or discouraged, this episode is for you.
The Lord wants us free from carrying the heavy burden of trying to be a rescuer because He is the TRUE RESCUER! Today, I unpack an encounter I had with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one of the most powerful encounters I’ve ever had. Love is running to YOU today to rescue you and set your heart free!
If your mind has been running on a “hamster’s wheel,” you’ve been distracted, overly busy (physically OR mentally), or discouraged, this episode is for you.
Today I share two visions the Lord gave me to encourage you. The first has to do with finding hope when the storms of life are raging. The second vision has to do with the people in our lives who have been heavy on our heart. I believe this session is going to help bring a fresh perspective to what you’re going through.
The Lord gave me a prophetic picture for those who are sitting in the darkness of turmoil, waiting for the Lord to come through. Take a good look at the podcast photo for this episode and then join me as I share what He showed me. I believe it will encourage your heart.
I saw the Lord erasing our boundary lines concerning faith. He is about to WOW us and do things we wanted to believe He’d do but we’re scared to fully believe because we didn’t want to be disappointed. We are about to rise to a new level of faith because of His great love!
The Lord gave me two visions for those who are going through the fires of adversity. Join me today as I share God’s heart with you.
Right there, in the center of your being, is the Lord. He is in you, and you are in Him. You are the merging of divinity and humanity. You are a new creation in Christ, and you have been created to know and experience Him. Today, I lead you into the Word, and as you engage with it, you will encounter the Lord’s holiness, beauty, love, and reality.
We all want a full life, saturated and overflowing with all God has for us. Today, I unpack what the Lord spoke to my heart for us. He is inviting us into a life so full that we drip with Him wherever we go.
Today, I lead you into an encounter with Jesus, the Light of the world.
Today I share a portion of a prophetic word and talk more about contemplation. One of the biggest hindrances to silent prayer (contemplation) is our minds. For most of us, it takes time and patience. Stillness comes more naturally as we practice it, and soon it becomes a home we easily return to.
Today I begin to unpack a little more about contemplation and how it can radically change our relationship with the Lord for the better!
Today I share exciting personal news and lead you into the desire of God for you today.
I had a glorious encounter with Jesus a while back. His glory was radiating through me, and all that could be seen was Him. This weekend He asked me a very important question about what could dim that glory in us. Today, I unpack the encounter and what He taught me. This episode is for you!
The anointing of the Lord was heavy on me during this episode. He wants us to become unshakable because He is unshakable. Today’s episode went in a completely different direction than I planned, but I’m so glad that He took over.
The anointing of the Lord was heavy on me during this episode. He wants us to become unshakable because He is unshakable. Today’s episode went in a completely different direction than I planned, but I’m so glad that He took over.
Perfect peace is available to all of us, regardless of our situations. Peace defies circumstances and is as close as the Spirit within us. Let’s lean into the Lord today and say yes to His invitation to a lifestyle of stable, miraculous peace.
The Lord is leading all of us to a place of inner stillness that completely contradicts what’s happening in the chaos around us. Join me as I share what He put in my heart for you regarding a new level of peace that was designed to be your lifestyle.
We all go through times when we cannot see, feel, or maybe even remember the truth. In this episode, I share something that has helped me in these times. It has been life-changing for me, and I pray it will be for you, as well.
Today Gretchen shares a portion of a prophetic word and also what it means when you see repeated numbers.
The Lord wants you to know that just one GLANCE of your worshiping eyes overwhelms His heart. If you’ve had trouble finding His presence, or connecting with Jesus the way you once did, I believe today is going to free your heart in a powerful and precious way.
We all need encouragement from time to time. Today, I discuss a very simple but helpful tool to help us encourage ourselves when we feel heavy, weary, and oppressed.
Today, I share with you what the Lord put on my heart as an invitation to you to reconnect, remember, and reprioritize.
This is one of the longest episodes I’ve done but it is so good! I could have talked to my guest, Laura Duncan, for hours about connecting to our hearts, showing ourselves compassion, and healing emotional pain. I hope you will be as blessed as I was.
Today, I want to encourage your heart. If you’ve been distracted, distraught, or having difficulty shaking off doubt, fear, and unbelief, this episode is for you.
Today we take a moment to “Be still and know that He is God.” Join me today for a short time of prophecy, prayer, and stillness.
In this episode, my special guest, Cindy Helton, and I discuss two other methods of contemplation called branching and breath prayer. It is such a rich discussion, and at the end of the episode, Cindy leads us into a time of encounter. I believe you will be truly blessed.
The Word of God is a doorway that leads to encounter, and you have been invited to step through it so that it becomes alive to you in ways you didn’t know possible. If reading the Bible has become boring, mundane, and religious, or if you want to experience the Living Word in a fresh way, this episode is for you.
Lectio Divina is the practice of encountering God through His Word. It is a beautiful and powerful way to experience Jesus as the Living Word.
Join Gretchen as discusses imaginative contemplation with her friend Eunice Combrink.
In this episode, I dive into the subject of contemplation, which is one way we position our hearts to encounter God. Regardless of who you are or where you are in your walk with the Lord, you can encounter Him!
You are going to be so encouraged by the two testimonies she shares of encountering Jesus. I truly believe that your faith for life-changing encounters of your own will explode after hearing this episode.
Today we talk about one of the ways you may be hearing or sensing God without realizing it. I also share a word of encouragement from Jesus that is vital for every one of us, regardless of the season we’re in.
Get comfortable and set aside distractions; we’re going to encounter the Lord together.
Join us as we discuss the beauty, intimacy, and value of creating with our Creator. Today’s episode is going to encourage the creatives and reawaken the dreams of others. It’s time to create!
Today, we go into the presence of God together. I also share an encounter that will help navigate you out of anxiety, fear, and lies of the enemy. Sit back and relax as you engage your heart with the love of God. This is going to be an episode you’ll want to listen to more than once.
If you have been feeling worn out and weary, the Lord wants to encourage you today. Whether you have been standing and believing for breakthrough for days or years, this word is for you. Be strengthened today, as I share God’s heart with you.
In today’s episode, we discuss one of my favorite encounters that Blake had when Jesus showed him a graveyard of His dreams. It is both beautiful and challenging. I believe you will be greatly blessed.
The Lord has a word of hope for you today. He is coming into every broken place of your heart and doing a miraculous work of healing. He is doing a work of Kintsugi in your life and making you stronger and more beautiful than ever before.
Have you ever been so bombarded by thoughts that you can’t find your peace? Both truth and lies are after one thing–your heart. Join Gretchen as she walks you through practical ways to stop those spiraling thoughts, guard your heart, and get your peace back.
You were created to feel God’s love, to encounter Him, and to know Him. You are not insignificant or overlooked by Him. In today’s podcast, we will enter into a vision of the Lord’s incredible love for you and where you fit in the grandeur of creation. Open your heart to encounter the love of God in a fresh new way!
When I was praying for you, the Lord took me into a prophetic vision that I know will encourage you. God hears you and He is releasing wisdom so that you can walk in strength and stability that has nothing to do with the state of the world.
How do we handle those seasons when it seems God isn’t speaking? In today’s episode, Gretchen takes a look at how Moses handled it and we’ll discover the hidden purposes of silent seasons. Plus, she shares a simple but powerful tool to help you quiet your mind so that you can hear from God.
DR. BRIAN SIMMONS is the lead translator of The Passion Translation®. The Passion Translation (TPT) is a heart-level translation that uses Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts to express God’s fiery heart of love to this generation, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word.
Join Gretchen Rodriguez today, as she shares the importance of perspective, the power of our thoughts, and how to disengage with the pressure we so often place on ourselves.
Join Gretchen Rodriguez in this episode, as she shares the powerful encounter she had with Jesus where He answered those questions. She will never again wonder if He cares, and she prays you will walk away from this episode feeling the same way.
Join author, Gretchen Rodriguez, as she shares her heart for starting this podcast. Get ready to discover the beauty of intimacy with Jesus and the wonder of Breathing God.
Join author, Gretchen Rodriguez, as she shares her heart for starting this podcast. Get ready to discover the beauty of intimacy with Jesus and the wonder of Breathing God.
Join author, Gretchen Rodriguez, as she shares her heart for starting this podcast. Get ready to discover the beauty of intimacy with Jesus and the wonder of Breathing God.