
The Strongest Man In the World

For many of us, no other man, no other position, no other title carries the throw weight of the father—even if he wasn’t there for you.

Dealing With Anger

Learning to control these moments of anger will sweeten our lives in countless ways.

Where are the Kings?

To the men who know you are Kings, keep calling out the King in other men! They need you!

The Secret Power of Dad

I walked away from the hospital that night with the deep realization that, along with this child was born a whole new level of responsibility.

A Letter to the Unaware Husband

I see you tell yourself, “I’m a pretty good husband and I’ve got a pretty good marriage,” all the while having no idea what’s really happening.

God is Declaring “Man on fire!”

I received the strong impression that the revival we are awaiting will not occur anywhere in any nation unless regeneration takes place in the hearts of men first.

Act Like a Man

David, one of the greatest warriors of all time, never mentioned biceps or bravado.

Rise Up Men of God

It’s time for you man of God, to throw off your grave clothes and arise to the fullness of what the Lord has called you to do.