TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Wisdom Keepers – Elders, Filling the Holes in Our “Cheese” (with Michel Hendricks)
Elders also fill the holes in the community that arise because of the immaturity that is present.
Elders also fill the holes in the community that arise because of the immaturity that is present.
In Loving Samaritans, pastor Terry Crist demonstrates how it’s possible to live a life of radical inclusivity without compromising one’s beliefs or the truth of the Gospel.
By not sticking to my boundaries, I let the nonacceptance affect me significantly.
It’s okay to step away from people who are bad for your mental and spiritual health.
“Elders by definition have a really well developed right brain skill set…they know how to model a secure attachment,…attune to others emotions even if they don’t agree with what happened,…very good at seeing the gold in a person…” — Michel Hendricks
Imagine writing love letters to the man in the future whom you will one day marry but have yet to meet. Cally talks about embracing singleness, waiting for God’s best, and celebrating God’s plans for you right now.
“Gentle Protectors are willing to share in the pain that they create…Predators want to put their pain on you so they don’t feel any of it.” — Jen Coursey
Like so many of us, Bible study mentor Sarah Frazer found herself saying, “God, this wasn’t part of the plan. I didn’t sign up for this.”
Joy is still possible depending on how deeply connected to God we feel and how deeply connected to others we feel.
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
In the face of unthinkable circumstances, Noree Bowbeer’s uncommon courage gave the gift of life to her son, Christian Johnson.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation with Chris and Jen Coursey, Authors and founders Thrive Today. Listen in as they talk about their personal journey into the elder stage.
Is unbridled freedom dividing America?
In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are fully alive.
Stephanie Rousselle’s hope-filled story as a former atheist to the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries is unforgettable. She helps us to start this year by trusting the goodness of God.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the 7-17-70 rule in community, and why know the stories of others are so crucial to feeling connected. Also, learn what his dream for community looks like in family and church.
Do you feel too busy to pray? Then you’re invited to find REST in God’s loving presence. Today’s guest, Asheritah Ciuciu, offers you a respite from your spiritual to-do list in her book, Prayers of Rest: 365 Prompts to Hear God’s Voice.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the importance of building joyful social connection with elders and how healthy multigenerational community and toxic, and/or secretive multigenerational communities look very much the same but produce polar opposite results.
How do we exchange hurt for hope? As a recovered drug addict, stage-four cancer survivor, and former widow, Sheryl fought anxiety, depression, and despair for years before understanding her identity in Christ.
Being a true follower of Christ means being a presence of love, peace, and encouragement in every interaction.
Dr. Warner gives incredible insight into his own personal journey to becoming an elder in his own right. What he shares is critical for all of us to hear today.
Alisa Childers helps us understand progressive Christianity, deconstruction, and the non-negotiables of faith in Jesus Christ.
“I am looking to make all relationships permanent…Whatever we grow together, I want to make sure that it is something we can keep and we can use as an example for other people on how they should live their lives.” — Dr. Jim Wilder
Cancer touches everyone and yet churches are often under-equipped. How can cancer be a blessing? How do we best minister to cancer patients and caregivers?
Life and healing come through honest communication with the right person in the right way at the right time.
“The kingdom of God; we know it’s here when Predators or changed into protectors. That is the key sign of transformation. ” Dr. Jim Wilder
Today’s episode offers encouragement to any woman praying about a call to ministry.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin this conversation and this series with Dr. Jim Wilder, neurotheologian, psychologist, and author whose groundbreaking work in relational brain science has shaped the way we understand community, joy, and emotional health and the reason Table and Well is doing the work they are.
Heated arguments between keyboard warriors, “unfriending” family or friends who believe differently than us, and wars on the international stage—our world is full of conflict. Dr. Oletha Barnett believes God created diversity far beyond race and that He designed diversity, which can often lead to conflict, to grow us, and give us opportunities to practice biblical principles. Through that, we can find unity.
In this episode, they explore what happens when people are placed into the position of elder before they are mature enough to be there. When you look across the landscape of the Christian world, you see this everywhere.
Episode #199 – Today’s episode is a much-needed candid conversation for anyone who is tired of hustling and never feeling enough, and longing to truly embrace grace. Blake helps us know how to take a bold stand for Christ in today’s contentious culture.
Elders need to have a community to belong to and be recognized by that community. There is a fundamental need for elders.
If you want to thrive instead of strive in your marriage, this episode is for you! Christa Hardin, MA, is a relationship expert, author, and podcast host. We talk about practical ways we can better understand and support each other.
God wants you to surround yourself with those who lift you up, help you flourish, and move you forward.
The Elder stage of Maturity is the most crucial and least reached stage of maturity. Without True Elders in our community, we fail to know who we are and how it is for us, as humans, to act.
We talk about this unique science fiction-romance inspired by the book of Job and Brock’s own story of faith, hope in grief, and staying true to your calling.
God’s desire for us is to be welcoming both in our hearts and our homes.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their journey through the Parent stage.
Are you concerned about raising children and grandchildren in today’s cultural climate? How can prayer release heaven on earth? Sharon Jaynes helps us know how to use the words of Scripture to pray powerfully and purposefully over our children.
You will know you are at the parent stage when you can sacrificially care for your children or the next generation without resenting the sacrifice with joy or expecting to receive anything for your efforts.
This episode is a celebration and heartfelt farewell as we wrap up the Make Life Matter podcast.
In this episode, listen in as Tennison and Ginelle dig deep into the parent stage tasks that need to be completed by all in this stage to be fully mature. There is work that we must do on this journey to maturity. Continue the Journey!
Do you ever struggle to believe in God’s promises, especially when there seems to be a delay? Shannon Popkin invites us to be shaped by God’s promises in the waiting in Shaped by God’s Promises: Lessons from Sarah on Fear and Faith?
Discover the needs that every parent will need from their community to be fully mature in this stage. Just like every stage, you fully mature over time.
In this day, where loneliness is at an all-time high, we need to rediscover the power of cheering.
In The Loudest Roar, you’ll marvel at the power, majesty, and authority of our Lord Jesus and learn how to stand in the unshakable victory He’s already won for you.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude the Adult stage of maturity and look at some of the obvious holes that you will see in adults who have not fully matured in this stage. Learn the importance of community and the benefits it brings as you grow into a mature adult!
Edie Melson shows you how to turn to God for help with Soul Care When the Nest is Empty.
We have to put a bit of effort into how we show up as friends if we want to live deeply connected lives.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue to unpack the Adult stage of maturity. In this episode, they will lean into the Adult stage needs and tasks in order to be fully mature in this stage of maturity.
When desperation strikes, is it possible to exchange panicked pleas for powerful peace? Author Rachel Wojo answers this question in her new book, Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin the next stage of maturity— the Adult Maturity Stage. Listen in as they unpack the early years this stage and the three most important this to “young adults”; Relationship, Power and Truth.
How do we stop the cycle of comparison, especially for teenage girls? Lee Nienhaus, co-author of Comparison Girl, helps us identify the lies holding us hostage to comparison and live in freedom.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude the Child stage of maturity. Listen in as they unpack the personal and community tasks and needs you can engage in that will help you and others fill any gaps you or others may have in this stage of maturity.
While it’s important to be uncompromising when we communicate the truth, Scripture also calls us to speak the truth with love. But in a world that seems as hostile as ever, how do we do that?
Listen in as they discuss the obvious maturity gaps you will see in adults who are not fully mature in this stage, what Pseudo maturity looks like and its effect on adults who operated in this place as children.
Julie helps us to build trust in God, understand the power of prayer, and find hope even in despair.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their journey through the Child Stage of maturity. Listen in as they discuss the tasks that need to be done by individuals in this stage to be a fully mature child.
The world is a scary place. Focusing on the mess can paralyze us with fear. Grace Fox wants us to live courageously and freely, and one way we can do this is by anchoring our souls in the truth of who God is.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin unpacking the child stage of maturity and talk through the needs (what we need from our community) in order to be fully mature in this stage of life.
Do you want to share your God story with greater confidence? Do you want to embrace evangelism with enthusiasm rather than obligation?
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin to explore the connection between Joy and Attachment.
How do we create and strengthen Christ-centered community as women in a culture that is increasingly more divisive and driven by comparison?
Prayer and diligence not only benefit the offender, but they also benefit you.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they look at some of the obvious maturity holes you will see in adults if they have not fully matured through this stage of maturity.
Amber Cullum is the host of the top-ranked Grace Enough podcast. She helps us embrace practices of sabbath, gratitude so we can experience a deeper relationship with Christ and more meaningful relationships with others.
Stacey explains the types and indicators of abuse, a language we should use and not use when speaking with survivors, and courageous steps for both victims and abusers.
In this episode, Tennison & Ginelle will begin unpacking the Infant stage of maturity and talking about the Needs and Tasks of this stage. If both the needs and tasks have not been completed, you will not be fully mature in this stage of life.
If you’re trying to do a million things at once and feel like you’re not doing any of them well, you’re not alone. Mentor and longtime corporate leader Peggy Bodde views work as sacred and has invested her life in showing women how to thrive in the workplace.
Join Tennison Ginelle as they begin Maturity Series: Revisited with an overview of each stage of maturity. Discover the primary goal and the needs and tasks of each stage. Also, get a glimpse of what you may see in adults who have not fully matured in each stage.
What would it look like if women truly embraced God’s purpose for their lives? A sought-after international speaker and Christian minister, Kim Maas empowers women to step boldly into their roles of leadership in the kingdom.
The Life Model and the Maturity Indicators are some of the pillars that have influenced and compelled us to create Table & Well. Those Maturity Indicators are the primary framework that almost everything we do is built on.
How do we guard the ministry God has entrusted to us? How do we choose community over competition?
Life invited us to take a pause from recording the podcast. It became a little longer than we anticipated but during that time so much has been revealed to us and we can’t wait to start sharing it with you.
We all want to be treated with respect, and that actually needs to start with us.
Men fill an important role as fathers, husbands, and friends. How can we best honor them and express what they mean to us? What do we do if we have a difficult relationship with our father?
Ally George joins Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their deep drive into joy and quiet. In this episode, they will be talking about building your Quieting Capacity. Just like you need to build your Joy Capacity building your Quieting Capacity is just as important.
If the burden of life feels too heavy to handle, maybe you’re carrying something you were never meant to carry alone. Joel helps us identify why we carry too much, implement boundaries and balance, and understand how to prioritize what matters most.
We find Joy in the faces of the people around us. The ability to sustain Joy is directly connected to the amount of Joy that is in our ‘Joy Well’ Join Tennison and Ginelle as they pick up their conversation about Joy. In this episode, they will talk about the finding Joy on the faces of others and Appreciation.
Give yourself permission to slow down. In this episode, Jodi offers slow-living shifts and ways to care for your soul by creating a path away from burnout and toward restoration.
God designed us to live in and out of Joy. It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy? Why is it so important? How do we get, keep and refill Joy?
Today, I’m sharing a devotion from “Astounded,” Letters from a Lonely Laundry Basket, and giving three keys to help encourage you when something shifts your normal.
God designed us to live in and out of Joy. It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten. Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy? Why is it so important? How do we get, keep and refill Joy?
Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.
You have the autonomy to make decisions that honor and respect your values and feelings.
There’s something powerful about being able to connect face-to-face with someone lonely or hurting.
True transformation, healing, spiritual formation, and character development can only happen in community.
Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.
Listen in as Tennison, Ginelle, and Jason talk about, how to practically find peace in your body even after your mind has been quieted from the questions and anxiety that you may have been facing. They also, explore Jason’s passion for men in this day and age to be the men that God designed them to be.
Jennifer Rothschild became blind at age fifteen and now helps others live beyond limits. She and Angela talk about navigating our feelings in seasons of disappointment and living an abundant life in Christ no matter what the circumstances.
Ally George has a passion for seeing people become free from fear and painful struggles by the power of the Holy Spirit! She loves the process of discipleship and coaching. She has been trained through Thrive Ministries and RARE Leadership in the understanding and development of relational skills.
On this week’s podcast, Angela shares one of her most powerful teachings.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their story. In this episode learn where Table and Well are today and what the future holds. Listen as they talk about Co-Labs and Community 101 and how their healing, growth, and simple yes to following God on this crazy journey has produced true, deep transformation in others.
She Found His Grace is a story of healing for anyone who has experienced abortion. It is also a call to action for the church. There is hope, love, and forgiveness after abortion.
Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle talk through the “origin story” of Table and Well, what the process was in the development, and how God was preparing them to launch Table and Well for over a year. Learn why the name Table and Well is so important to them and the meaning behind the name.
Melinda champions and equips Christian parents of LGBTQ-identified children to love well, not compromise the Word of God, and faith in prayer.
Listen in as their daughter, Liv (Alivya), joins them to openly and honestly unpack how her early years and her parents’ undoing affected her and their relationship. How their mutual growth and intentional conversations to face the hard things have repaired and restored their connection and relationship.
Mandy shares the story of how God used an introvert like her to step out of her comfort zone and follow God. A self-titled “unlikely difference maker,” she reminds us that God can use us, too, when we dare to say yes!
In this episode, they tell comical and relatable stories of setbacks and victories as they began to turn the corner in their marital connection. Listen in and discover the importance of creating Joy moments and learning the art of play and how they are needed for healthy, deep relationships.
March is all about: 1) Finding the strength of sisterhood, 2) Living in the power of surrender, and 3) Answering the call to be a bridge.