
TORCHBEARERS: Pressing in for the Voice of God

God’s voice does not come to add to Scripture but to give specific instruction, direction, correction, and encouragement for our lives. In this episode, Jake shares a sermon about the importance of the voice of God in the life of a believer and how we should press in to hear His voice in a greater way.

TORCHBEARERS: Ways that God Speaks

Throughout the Bible, we see that God is a God who speaks. In this episode, Jake shares some of the main ways that God speaks to us. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, we can become more sensitive to His voice and how to be led by Him!

TORCHBEARERS: How to Test Prophetic Words

Using biblical teaching and modern examples, he shares principles that give believers a foundation to weigh prophetic words. As we grow in discernment, we can learn to receive words from the Lord and reject words that are not from Him!

TORCHBEARERS: How Thanksgiving and Prayer Work Together

In this episode, Jake teaches the connection between giving thanks and making petitions to God. Using biblical and real-life examples, he shows how thanksgiving and prayer work together and bring powerful results. Without thanksgiving, prayer is incomplete!

TORCHBEARERS: Only One Gave Thanks

In this episode, Jake shares why thanksgiving is so important to God and encourages believers to live a lifestyle of giving thanks. Let’s be a people who give thanks and glory to God!

TORCHBEARERS: A Supernatural Showdown

God is supernatural, but not everything supernatural is of God. We must learn the difference between what is of God and what is not and walk in God’s power to see the kingdom of darkness pushed back!

TORCHBEARERS: What Happens When We See Jesus Clearly

In this episode, Jake teaches about what happens when we see Jesus clearly. As we get a revelation of Jesus, we also get a greater revelation of our own identity and calling, the church, and the Kingdom of God!


In church or ministry settings, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of using hype or exaggeration. Such methods highlight immaturity, impurity, and the absence of God’s presence in our midst.

TORCHBEARERS: Is God’s Will Automatic?

Jake helps define what it means that God is sovereign, how God designed things to function on earth, and the believer’s responsibility to cooperate with Him in fulfilling His purposes.

TORCHBEARERS: Are the Gifts of the Spirit for Today?

In this episode, Jake shares some of the factors and flawed arguments that lead to the doctrine that the gifts have ceased, and he shows that the gifts of the Spirit are in fact for today. Let’s embrace the fullness of the Spirit and all of His gifts!

TORCHBEARERS: Who is the Holy Spirit?

For many believers, the Holy Spirit seems to be a mysterious force or is neglected altogether. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is His role in the Christian life?

TORCHBEARERS: When Prayer and Missions are Connected

As Moses lifted his hands to the Lord, the Israelites won the battle. This is a powerful picture of how prayer works together with missions. When prayer is connected to missions, there is great fruit for the Kingdom of God!

TORCHBEARERS: A Pure Sacrifice to the Lord

In this message, Jake teaches the characteristics of a pure sacrifice to the Lord. Using Mary’s example, he encourages all believers to live a life poured out for Jesus in response to who He is and His great love for us!

TORCHBEARERS: Embracing the Whole Counsel of God

It is the whole counsel of God that is the foundation for truth, that will protect us from deception and will keep us from getting unbalanced. The Lord is maturing His church to embrace His fullness!

TORCHBEARERS: The Beauty of Holiness

All throughout Scripture, God calls His people to holiness. This is not meant to be a legalistic burden or an arduous task but a beautiful aspect of our relationship with the Lord.

TORCHBEARERS: The Other Side of Your Obedience

In this episode, Jake shares a sermon on how our steps of obedience impact our destiny and the lives of others. When God accomplishes His purposes on earth, He works through people who are yielded to Him.

TORCHBEARERS: How to Make Life-Changing Decisions

In this episode, Jake gives practical wisdom and biblical principles for making important, life-altering decisions. We can trust that the Lord will lead us as we seek Him and desire to follow His plan for our lives!

TORCHBEARERS: Walking in God’s Appointed Time

One of the aspects of walking in our destiny is keeping in step with God’s timing. In the Bible, we can see that there is an appointed time for certain things to take place and for being fully released into our calling.

TORCHBEARERS: How Passion Fuels Our Purpose

What we are passionate about can be a clue to discovering our destiny, and passion is necessary to help us overcome the various obstacles and trials that inevitably come with fulfilling our purpose.