God’s voice does not come to add to Scripture but to give specific instruction, direction, correction, and encouragement for our lives. In this episode, Jake shares a sermon about the importance of the voice of God in the life of a believer and how we should press in to hear His voice in a greater way.
Through forgiveness and healing, Lauren’s story equips the listeners to know Jesus can heal anyone of father wounds.
Throughout the Bible, we see that God is a God who speaks. In this episode, Jake shares some of the main ways that God speaks to us. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, we can become more sensitive to His voice and how to be led by Him!
Tina and Heather have a beautiful discussion of honesty about growing up in an abusive home and how God redeems our stories. Tina’s love for others has transcended into the juvenile system in CA, where she ministers regularly to teenagers. Her story is one of hope and bringing light to dark places.
There has been much corruption and abuse in the area of prophetic ministry, but that doesn’t mean that prophecy is not valid. In the midst of corruption, God is raising up a pure prophetic stream.
Patrick Weaver and I have a yoke-breaking conversation around abuse and what covenant marriage is and isn’t. This eye-opening discussion will hopefully empower believers to be the hospital we need for the broken-hearted sitting in the pews of the Western church.
The gift of discerning spirits is an important gift for the church to walk in, but there is a big difference between discernment and suspicion.
With hearts awakened by the Holy Spirit and minds renewed by the word of God, Dr. Eddie Hyatt believes that authentic revival can transform the church and impact the world in the 21st century.
Using biblical teaching and modern examples, he shares principles that give believers a foundation to weigh prophetic words. As we grow in discernment, we can learn to receive words from the Lord and reject words that are not from Him!
John’s visits to heaven and subsequent visitations from Jesus highlight how relational our God is. John does an amazing job of explaining how emotional healing and forgiveness is a process. Untangling our emotions with the Lord leads to the ultimate freedom.
True prophetic words from the Holy Spirit can bring great encouragement, strengthening, and direction to God’s people. But false words can do damage to the body of Christ.
Ronnie and Jeannie Cummings have a true redemption story.
God wants to expose and remove corruption so that a pure prophetic stream can be released in our generation!
God is using the Bible to bring transformation to the people of Ukraine and surrounding Communist countries. The stories of how embracing the Bible have given hope to the hopeless is awe inspiring. We discuss how God can change nations through his word and what could happen if this was embraced in the West.
Throughout the Bible, we can see that God warned His people about the danger of mixing pagan practices with the worship of Him.
When you get involved with what God’s doing on the earth, there is nothing more fun and life-giving. Don’t be scared because all things are being used and brought into the authority of Jesus.
Giving thanks can have a powerful effect of transforming our lives and drawing us closer to the Lord. But the ultimate end of thanksgiving is that it gives glory to God.
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
Thanksgiving is not simply about a moment or about celebrating a holiday once a year; it is meant to be a lifestyle.
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
As we express thanksgiving to God in the midst of challenges and trials, our hearts will be transformed, and we will be making a fragrant offering to the Lord!
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
It is a sad reality that we can easily forget God’s goodness and the ways He has worked in our lives. But God has given us a tool to help us remember His faithfulness and provision.
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
The Bible gives us a call and an invitation to draw near to God, and the way has been made for us to approach Him through the blood of Jesus. But how do we practically draw near to the Lord?
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
Did you know that not giving thanks is hazardous to your spiritual health? When we withhold thanksgiving, it allows darkness and deception to have a place in our hearts and minds.
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
In this episode, Jake teaches the connection between giving thanks and making petitions to God. Using biblical and real-life examples, he shows how thanksgiving and prayer work together and bring powerful results. Without thanksgiving, prayer is incomplete!
We can’t always control what happens to us. But we can discover how to heal the hidden hurt it leaves behind.
In this episode, Jake shares why thanksgiving is so important to God and encourages believers to live a lifestyle of giving thanks. Let’s be a people who give thanks and glory to God!
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
God is supernatural, but not everything supernatural is of God. We must learn the difference between what is of God and what is not and walk in God’s power to see the kingdom of darkness pushed back!
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
In this episode, Jake teaches about what happens when we see Jesus clearly. As we get a revelation of Jesus, we also get a greater revelation of our own identity and calling, the church, and the Kingdom of God!
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
In church or ministry settings, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of using hype or exaggeration. Such methods highlight immaturity, impurity, and the absence of God’s presence in our midst.
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
Doug Stroup from Make It Clear Studios discusses how he overcame a traumatic brain injury and how God has used his story and perseverance to bring about other’s stories through film.
In this episode, Jake teaches the balance between the love of God and the fear of God and how we need them both. These two truths do not contradict each other but are meant to work together.
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
Jake helps define what it means that God is sovereign, how God designed things to function on earth, and the believer’s responsibility to cooperate with Him in fulfilling His purposes.
Craig Cooney, of the Daily Prophetic channel, and I speak about transition and how Holy Spirit is at work in our lives across the earth. From walking through the hallway to recognizing our calling in Christ, this powerful episode will help increase your faith journey.
In this episode, Jake teaches the concept of God’s timing and shares three specific things that happen at an appointed time in our lives. We can trust the Lord to fulfill His word in due season!
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
When we receive Jesus and what He has done for us, we come into relationship with God and our lives are changed from the inside out!
Through forgiveness and healing, Lauren’s story equips the listeners to know Jesus can heal anyone of father wounds.
As we know the Lord more, hear God’s word, and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will learn how to ‘step out of the boat’ and live lives of faith!
With hearts awakened by the Holy Spirit and minds renewed by the word of God, Dr. Eddie Hyatt believes that authentic revival can transform the church and impact the world in the 21st century.
The first words of the devil recorded in Scripture are, “Did God really say?” From the very beginning, we can see that the original temptation to mankind was to doubt God’s word.
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
In this episode, Jake shares about various ways that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray. As we allow the Spirit to lead us in prayer, we will see effective intercession and fruit for God’s Kingdom!
John’s visits to heaven and subsequent visitations from Jesus highlight how relational our God is. John does an amazing job of explaining how emotional healing and forgiveness is a process. Untangling our emotions with the Lord leads to the ultimate freedom.
As we yield to the Holy Spirit and walk in His ways, His fruit will be produced in and through us!
God is using the Bible to bring transformation to the people of Ukraine and surrounding Communist countries. The stories of how embracing the Bible have given hope to the hopeless is awe inspiring. We discuss how God can change nations through his word and what could happen if this was embraced in the West.
In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul lists nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. What are these gifts, and how do they operate?
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
In this episode, Jake shares some of the factors and flawed arguments that lead to the doctrine that the gifts have ceased, and he shows that the gifts of the Spirit are in fact for today. Let’s embrace the fullness of the Spirit and all of His gifts!
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
All believers are indwelt with the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, but there is a difference between being indwelt with the Spirit and being empowered by the Spirit.
When you get involved with what God’s doing on the earth, there is nothing more fun and life-giving. Don’t be scared because all things are being used and brought into the authority of Jesus.
For many believers, the Holy Spirit seems to be a mysterious force or is neglected altogether. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is His role in the Christian life?
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
As Moses lifted his hands to the Lord, the Israelites won the battle. This is a powerful picture of how prayer works together with missions. When prayer is connected to missions, there is great fruit for the Kingdom of God!
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
While there is no formula for deliverance, there are some biblical keys to help us to walk in freedom. Jesus is still the Deliverer, and He has paid the price to set us free!
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
In this episode, Jake shares powerful testimonies of believers who received deliverance from evil spirits. For many believers, deliverance is the missing link in their journey of transformation!
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
Many believers assume that it is impossible for a Christian to have a demon because of being a temple for the Holy Spirit. But is this belief based on biblical truth or human logic?
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
What does it mean to have a demon? Is ‘possessed’ the right word to use for someone with demonic influence?
Ryan exposes how abuse is built into the fabric of American churches, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. His story shows it is possible to rebuild your faith and find healing from church trauma and spiritual manipulation.
How we answer this question determines, at least in part, how we view and address various issues and struggles that believers go through. Let’s clear away the confusion so that more captives can be set free!
There is a great need for revival and awakening in America, and the Bible is not silent about how to seek God for Him to heal our land.
God’s heart is for healing! That is the life-giving message that Jerod and Candice Long discovered as they watched their boys battle life-threatening illnesses.
In this message, Jake teaches the characteristics of a pure sacrifice to the Lord. Using Mary’s example, he encourages all believers to live a life poured out for Jesus in response to who He is and His great love for us!
After finding freedom and Christ back in 2019, Frank Rich now dedicates his life and works to helping other high-performing men remove the spirit of lust from their lives that is silently killing their productivity and preventing them from experiencing all this incredible life has to offer.
It is the whole counsel of God that is the foundation for truth, that will protect us from deception and will keep us from getting unbalanced. The Lord is maturing His church to embrace His fullness!
God gives us permission to choose Him again and again. Parker and I discuss continual healing from satanic ritual abuse along with how much healing has happened in her life this last year.
The concept of the fear of God is taught all throughout the Bible. What is the fear of the Lord and why is it important?
Michael Wenger and I discuss the miraculous healing of his son Silas along with his faith journey. We all think of the ‘big’ miracles God performs, but God is also in the business of the ‘small’ things.
The New Covenant in Christ does not lower God’s standard of holiness, but it does change how we relate to God and are transformed from the inside out. Grace is not a license to sin—it empowers us to walk in holiness!
Dana’s testimony is one of God’s power to set us free and help all of us walk out of John 10:10 in our everyday lives.
All throughout Scripture, God calls His people to holiness. This is not meant to be a legalistic burden or an arduous task but a beautiful aspect of our relationship with the Lord.
Today, we have a beautiful conversation about God working in the world. Robbie Dawkins’ family story, which marked his life at a young age, really sets forth the mandate to ‘Set the Table’ and see and expect God to do the miraculous in your life.
In this episode, Jake shares a sermon on how our steps of obedience impact our destiny and the lives of others. When God accomplishes His purposes on earth, He works through people who are yielded to Him.
Sharelle Mendenhall gives words of wisdom, encouragement, and joy to those looking to step into their calling and find healing through life’s trials.
There can be a fine line between following a dream and chasing a delusion. How do we know the difference?
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
In this episode, Jake gives practical wisdom and biblical principles for making important, life-altering decisions. We can trust that the Lord will lead us as we seek Him and desire to follow His plan for our lives!
Since an unexpected angelic encounter in 2002, Wanda ministers through a spirit of wisdom and revelation that empowers believers to know their authority, embrace their calling, and demonstrate heavenly realities on the earth (Ephesians 1:17.)
When walking in our God-given purpose, there are seasons of preparation and seasons of fulfillment.
The Praying Medic and Heather have an amazing discussion on God’s healing miracles and how you can experience His power and authority in everyday life. We also talk about the dreams he’s been having and how to prepare for what’s ahead for the United States.
Fulfilling our purpose does not happen by the mere passing of time but by our steps of obedience to God. Being faithful with little and keeping ourselves submitted to the Lord is key.
Our discussion centers around coming to faith in Jesus and walking out from under the spirit of religion. This powerful testimony will leave you craving to know the one true God more every day.
For every calling and purpose, there is a process of preparation. What is a season of preparation and what are some of its characteristics?
Hear about how God’s grace and mercy lead us into inner healing and bring us into an intimate relationship with the Father.
One of the aspects of walking in our destiny is keeping in step with God’s timing. In the Bible, we can see that there is an appointed time for certain things to take place and for being fully released into our calling.
What we are passionate about can be a clue to discovering our destiny, and passion is necessary to help us overcome the various obstacles and trials that inevitably come with fulfilling our purpose.