Carol McLeod


When your heart is a mangled mess … hope has the power to heal.

Let There Be Joy

Into the darkness of sin and shame, an angelic chorus heralded the news that delivered Jesus to earth.

Christmas Is All About You!

It is about you, making yourself available at this time in history to reveal the presence and love of our Savior.

When Christmas Looks Different

I can’t help but think maybe He is stripping away the worldly trappings of this season so I can focus on what really matters.

The Heart of Joy

Your heart can become an explosion of joy because of the birth of a Baby over 2,000 years ago.

We Are the Sabbath People

The Sabbath is a large chalice overflowing with the wine of abundance. It is the Bread of Life, broken, and forever filling.

Made New

He loves to speak new life over the dead, barren places in our hearts.

How Big is Your God?

May we all strive to have a childlike faith, trusting that God can and will take care of us.

The Ripples of Christmas

Christmas is just too miraculous … too eternal … and too significant … to confine it to one calendar month in this paradigm known as “time.”

What’s Your Addiction?

Nothing else satisfies my soul like time spent in His presence reading His love letter that was written just to me!

Light Always Wins

As an adult woman, I still don’t much care for the dark but no longer am I intimidated by it.

How to Love Others Well

Perhaps every day on the calendar should be celebrated as an opportunity to give love to a lonely, hurting world.


Perhaps you need to sing a song that reminds you that God will have the last word during every tumultuous time in your life!

Because of Christmas…

Because of Christmas … we can hope for the impossible and we can trust the good, good Father.

A Thanksgiving Prayer

It is with sincere thanksgiving we acknowledge that the “more” for which we ache has already been found in You.

The Beauty of Grit

We will all suffer at some moment in our lives, and we must be prepared to suffer well and to suffer joyfully.

The Joy of Gathering

There is a direct correlation between how much joy you experience and how deeply connected you are.

You are Chosen

God’s work on planet Earth will not be complete without your enthusiasm and potential.

Keep a Tender Heart

A tender heart doesn’t deny the truth but lives in a town by the name of “Mercy.”

Coffee and Sunshine

The morning has evolved into a resplendent day filled with rare and precious possibilities.

Savor the Little Moments

I don’t want to lose the purity of the simple days in life in the wait for the next grand event that becomes a professional display of exorbitance.

My One Regret

The window is small for evangelism … the time is short to impact someone’s eternity.

Change Is Coming…

How one travels the rapids of transition may just determine how the traveler comes through on the other side of the surprising metamorphosis.

How Did THAT Happen?!

If you never spend any time at all getting to know Him … how will you ever be like Him?

Big Thoughts

Life … in all of its splendor … is built one delightful day at a time!

Even Better

I dare you to figure out what you are good at … and then do that even better!

The Joy of Christmas

When Christmas lights up the ordinariness of my feeble attempt at life … the uncommon miracle paints a picture of stunning impact.

Christmas Music Season is Here!

Some events are so pervasive that they are worth celebrating for more than just a day … or more than just a month … and Christmas is one of those extraordinary events.

Where Is Christmas?

Christmas is found in the extraordinary and eternal love that God has for His children.

Why Friendship Matters

A sincere companion is generous with her time … her home … her family … and her resources.

Believe for It

I began to thank the Giver of all miracles in advance for my Thanksgiving miracle!

What’s It Going to Take?

Perhaps what it takes is for a person, made in the image of God, to pursue the heart of the Father with every fiber of one’s being.

The Inevitability of Aging

I deeply desire for the fruits of the Spirit to become more delicious in my life the longer they are allowed to develop and ripen.

Is Jesus at Home in Your Heart?

There is a fire of God’s specific intention for your life that is meant to burn brightly within your heart all the days of your life.

Live Momentously

Leaving a personal history of lasting value is not determined by the value of the home in which you live … but it is determined by what common events take place in your home.

Let Me See the Blueprints

You must not foolishly believe that you can cast a quick glance at the Word of God and instantly know what it takes to build an exceptional life.