KINGDOM ASSURANCE: Proverbs 28: 1-28
When we walk in reverence for God we receive blessing.
When we walk in reverence for God we receive blessing.
We don’t need praise from men but aim to please God, and God alone.
Whatever is in a person’s heart will come out through their speech, eventually.
The way of the Lord is what is asked of us as He modeled it for us.
Even those who find it difficult to get along with their parents are still commanded to honor them.
Joy is on the other side of the issue or problem that we are now having.
It is the power of His written and spoken Word that releases us.
All that you do for Kingdom work is never without purpose.
As a follower of Jesus, we are created to be a bridge, as Jesus is a bridge between man and God.
As we grow up in the things of God, there are just some things that we must purge from our lives.
Being corrected improves our character and strengthens our walk with the Lord.
Our character is formed by the values and morals that we put in place.
As we grow in our walk with the Lord, we understand how He is always at work to change our heart.
We understand that punishment is sometimes needed to restrain evil.
Our actions speak much louder than our words.
A God-driven purposed life will achieve, accomplish, and bring the fulfillment we are looking for.
It is so important to get wisdom! It makes us prosper.
In those times of being offended, it’s important to take the time to let the Lord soften the blow.
We must not let any unclean remembrances distract us from our spiritual purposes.
Speaking carelessly can produce the feeling of defeat, not victory.
If anger grows in our hearts, unchecked, it turns to bitterness and being hateful. When that happens, the anger is now controlling us.
Our kind and caring principles develop roots at home before being extended to the world.
What you give your attention to, you give, not only life to, but power also, good or bad.
Anything that is “above” our devotion and love for God is an idol.
Embracing pride will slow down our growth process and even hinder our life of peace.
Our journeys through life are to be moving forward and upward in the things of God.
A house built on the rock, who is Jesus, can withstand any storm because its foundation is solid.
Keep looking to Jesus and let Him revive, refresh, and restore.
Don’t let the enemy steal what is rightfully yours, your inheritance.
We are called to bring healing with our words.
God will bless your business as you hold integrity and honesty in high regard.
May we honor You in all we say and do, leading the way for others to come and to know You.
Wisdom’s house is large, well-appointed, and unshakable.
Wisdom is looking to gain access to our lives.
We protect our eyes so we can keep our vision clear.
God enables us to obey His commands and teachings, as we learn to yield.
God delights when we use wisdom and learn to purge, remove, and separate ourselves from foolish behavior.
If we examine our thoughts and ways and ask God to help us, He will.
God’s heart is yearning for whole-hearted passion and dedication.
He delights in opening up portals of blessings as we embrace walking in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Wisdom is worth more than all that money or gold can buy.
God is leading us to see the rewards of obedience.
Those who find wisdom find life and blessing.
Those who follow wisdom add beauty and honor to their lives.
Being prudent and disciplined will pave the way for our future.
God delights for our path in life to be secure.
Weariness can keep us from diligently seeking Him and even awaiting answers for our own prayer needs.
Thorns represent challenges that we are called to overcome.
If it’s God’s Word and God’s desire, your promise given will not turn up empty.
We must walk by faith knowing that we are overcomers because Jesus already overcame.
God is not only getting us ready, but He is also getting something ready for us.
As we grow in our walk and in faith, we then begin to see some purging that is taking place in our lives.
Facing resistance will train us to build strength and character as we press ahead.
Examining our priorities and where we are in our walk with God is a great way to start the new year.
Being a disciple of Jesus involves implementing spiritual disciplines in our lives.
If we want to be fulfilled and feel complete, we only will achieve this as we align our lives with God’s plan and His will.
New direction, new fervency, and new vision will be given with blueprints that will catapult us to a new level in our service to the Lord.
You are favored in the eyes of the Lord as you walk in His ways.
God delights to swoop down and make us a thriving servant in His name.
This seed, the Holy Spirit, within cannot be destroyed.
Restoration occurs because of who He is in and through us.
Let the Word work. It’s alive and active.
The enemy delights when we keep our focus on the problem, the despair or anguish that we are in.
He doesn’t promise when He’ll answer, but He will answer.
Hand them the life preserver and show them the One who preserves and redeems all life.
Our good works of being His chosen ones are simply being His witnesses.
He has heard your cry; and He shall move on your behalf to deliver you from that trap, from that snare.
Blessing someone who has done you wrong disarms the enemy.
God told the Israelites they were stiff-necked and rebellious, yet, still, the apple of His eye.
His love for you is so constant, consistent, and complete that it reaches into eternity.
We, as Christians, should value our bodies as a sacred place where God dwells.
Christians can sow forth light to the extent that they receive it from the Lord and reflect it from Him to others.
Our Abba is instructing us to arise and shine.
If we become like non-Christians and become contaminated by the impurities of the world, we lose our influence.
If our goal is to become like Him, applying the beatitudes will challenge the way we live each day.
Great is our reward in heaven as we follow hard after our God.
The enemy loves to use those we love to verbally attack and falsely accuse.
As a disciple of Jesus, suffering is inevitable.
As a child of God, when we intercede, we are being pacemakers.
Being pure in heart involves having a singleness of heart toward God.
We are asked to be merciful, to love mercy, for when we do, we are blessed.
Spiritual refreshment, abundance, enjoyment, and nourishment are provided by the One who is all of that.
The great peace we receive is unmixed blessedness.
If you are mourning the loss of someone or something, be encouraged that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted.
No matter our status in life, we must recognize our spiritual poverty before we can come to God in faith to receive the salvation He offers.
Positioning ourselves to hear God and receive direction is of high importance.
There is a mandate on His church, His Ekklesia, to complete what He began.
From this place of community within, they walked as Jesus walked, not only in word and deed but in the miracles of God.
There are just some things that defy the laws of nature that cannot be explained; they are beyond human understanding and reasoning.
We can use the keys to access heaven’s resources and gain insight from God’s perspective for our current earthly situations.
Oftentimes, revelation is given without full understanding from the one who receives it.
Let’s begin by having a deeper understanding of who Jesus is, our perfect King.
We must understand that the power of hell that comes against us will not prevail.
The Spirit will endow Him with the wisdom to undertake wise purposes and with the power to carry them out.
Jesus so desires to be complete in us, not have us compete for position.
We are being instructed to hear what the Spirit is saying.
We can marvel at His counsel and walk in His counsel as He consoles and counsels us.
Being empowered to fulfill the plan of God upon your life will include warfare.
God has always intended for man to be brought back to Himself through His Spirit.
Embrace and listen to the sound that is going forth throughout the earth.