God saves lives. Over and over, I watch Him perform miracles in the life of someone who often plays with death.
God saves lives. Over and over, I watch Him perform miracles in the life of someone who often plays with death.
Addiction can leave us feeling trapped in a cycle of shame and guilt. We may feel ashamed of our actions and the impact they have had on our lives and the lives of those around us.
This episode talks about realizing nothing you say helps; nothing you do changes things. It reflects on that moment you begin to sink emotionally.
Self-care is crucial in addiction recovery. By taking care of ourselves, we can aid in our own recovery and make progress toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.
If you’re struggling to move out of their addiction, start with these few steps! You deserve peace and freedom, but it will take work to get there.
As we move forward on the path of addiction recovery, it’s essential to keep our focus on the promise of eternal life. This perspective can help us to maintain hope and stay motivated in the midst of challenging times.
One day, you wake up to a child you don’t know. A person who no longer lives outside of addiction. Your reflection screams at you, “What have you done?”… Every parent with a child in addiction wonders what they did wrong.
It can be hard to envision a future beyond the pain and heartache that addiction has caused in our lives. However, we can take comfort in God’s word, which reminds us that our past does not define us. And that there’s always hope for a new beginning.
The more I stayed, the more despised I became.
What do the two phrases mean? Do the words matter?
As we face the challenges of addiction. It’s easy to feel weighed down and overwhelmed. We may try to carry our burdens on our own, believing that we can handle it all. But the truth is we’re not meant to bear these burdens alone.
Living for Christ changes you, and that is where healing begins. It’s a healing that lasts.
“Let Go and Let God” I never thought this would be a phrase of controversy. We use it every day in life challenges. So, why is it a problem to apply to how we approach living with a child in addiction?
As we journey through addiction recovery, we may find ourselves consumed by negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness. It can be easy to get caught up in what we don’t have or what we can’t do, but focusing on the positive and cultivating a heart of gratitude can make all the difference.
Do we call sin, “sin,” in addiction? Are we afraid to offend? Why? People deal with sin every day, in every setting. There is no judgment here—I Promise! Just some basic insight from experience and the truth.
As we navigate the ups and downs of addiction recovery, it’s natural to feel anxious and uncertain about the future. We may wonder if we have what it takes to overcome our struggles or worry about what lies ahead.
The feeling of resentment is poison to our soul. It saturates our being with false justification.
This podcast is a journey through the life of addiction from the perspective of a mother. My hope is to bring awareness to this difficult topic.
Addiction can be a difficult and isolating experience. It can leave us feeling alone and hopeless as we struggle through the weight of our addiction. But as believers, we are called to turn to God in times of need, and prayer can be a powerful way to connect with him and find healing.
We can stop relying on our limited willpower and seek God’s power to overcome temptations and implement sustainable changes.
I’ve learned new boundaries and how to love others where they are. I hope this can help others do the same.
Facing our fears and vulnerabilities and learning to live our lives in a new and healthier way. But amidst the challenges. There is one thing that we can always rely on. The gift of grace.
The God who listens to me whine carries me through. He always has and always will.
In today’s society, people reject prayer. We hear it often, “We don’t want your prayers!”
In the face of addiction recovery. Fear can loom over us like a dark cloud, hindering our progress and suffocating our hopes and dreams. It can be challenging to overcome the paralyzing grip of fear, but there is a way out through faith.
We are in the fight for our lives against addiction, and it is time to come out of the closet and speak out for those we love most.
As, humans, we all face our own battles and struggles in life, and for some of us, addiction can be one of those battles. Addiction is a disease that can consume our lives, leaving us feeling hopeless and lost. It’s easy to lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel and give up on the journey to recovery.
A living nightmare carries on another day, another month, another year.
An emotional encounter in prayer, hope, faith, and truth. Recording could not stop the tears from falling. This podcast is a journey through the life of addiction from the perspective of a mother.
Join Christian Addiction Recovery Coach and Counselor James Egidio of the 99Relapses Podcast in this addiction and recovery Devotional Titled: The Importance of Community and how it plays an important role in addiction and recovery.
It is a grief like no other. Living grief never has an opportunity to say goodbye because it is a tragedy within “active addiction.”
Join Christian Addiction Recovery Coach and Counselor James Egidio of the 99Relapses Podcast in this Devotional Titled “The Power of Forgiveness as he describes forgiveness as a powerful tool that can help us let go of anger and resentment and move you forward in love and grace.
They alone will come to a place of reckoning within themself.
Ahhh.. bitterness. Resentment we hold onto against people or situations that rob our peace. (If we allow it) It took me months to work through this round, but I’ve made it to the other side, and you will, too.
I understand the heartache of addiction in the lives it touches. It has hit my family…hard.
In this Devotional, James talks about surrendering to God!
Finding yourself in a place of hopelessness and fighting for the will to carry on. Addiction is a tough road for those living it- the person struggling with substance use and the family who loves them
Families choose to disconnect from addiction for various reasons- usually justifiably.
The pain and damage caused by addiction can strain even the strongest bonds, leaving us feeling hopeless and isolated. However, the message of the Gospel offers hope for restoration and healing.
This episode is about the unfamiliar space between the empty nest and raising grandchildren. I reflect on the challenge of letting go and moving in a purpose I never saw coming.
By placing our faith in God and relying on His strength, we can navigate through triggers and temptations, empowering ourselves to make healthy choices that honor Him.
Gradually, I stopped trying to flee my cell built by the evil of addiction. I accepted my fate.
We don’t have to live as prisoners to what we have experienced in our past. Many people have overcome these obstacles, and I know you can, too. Freedom is yours.
In our journey toward recovery, whether from addiction, sin, or any form of brokenness, accountability plays a crucial role in facilitating healing and transformation.
We are in the fight for our lives against addiction, and it is time to come out of the closet and speak out for those we love most. For me, this has been an eye-opening experience in knowledge, faith, and ability to love through the most trying times.
In this devotional, let us explore the dangers of isolation and the biblical principles that encourage us to overcome it.
There is a fine line between the idle amusements of passing distractions and our impulse compunction to remain unplugged from reality.
Have you had to change how you dealt with your loved one’s addiction and the impact it had on your life? Do you feel misunderstood in your decisions? You are not alone.
As we seek to overcome addiction, the importance of walking in righteousness cannot be overstated. It’s through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are empowered to live a life that is pleasing to God.
We know it’s a hard task to stand beside us, and we know it isn’t easy to continue to listen to the same stories, but we appreciate you!
In a world that constantly bombards us with messages of dissatisfaction and the pursuit of more, cultivating contentment can be a challenge. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to find our satisfaction in him and to resist the temptations of addiction.
I joined the ranks of “I want what I want and I want it now.”
One mother was in the misfire of a battle to save her child’s life. One moment, one experience, one question that haunts me to this day. Journey along a glimpse of addiction on one of the worst days of my life.
As we navigate the challenges of addiction recovery, it can be easy to become discouraged when we experience setbacks or relapses. In those moments, it’s important to remember that God has a plan for our lives, even when we can’t see it.
One mother was in the misfire of a battle to save her child’s life. One moment, one experience, one question that haunts me to this day. Journey along a glimpse of addiction on one of the worst days of my life.
Addiction is a disease that can have devastating effects on an individual’s life. It could strip away one’s dignity, self-worth, and relationships. However, God’s love is transformative. And it can heal even the most broken of hearts.
It will take time to learn to live outside the hurt, sorrow, and fear.
From overdose to loss of relationships, children, jobs, and homes—parents witness so much. It is accepting our powerless nature in a war we are not in that is a challenge. It feels like it’s our war because it’s our child. It’s not. We want to save them, but we are not their life raft.
Addiction can often lead us to feel lost, trapped, and defined by our struggles. It can feel like our past mistakes and failures have consumed us, and we may struggle to see ourselves as anything other than an addict.
On those days when you are feeling overwhelmed, unnoticed, and perhaps forgotten, take a few moments to sit in the lap of your Father.
The story of Spiritual Battles and addiction. Where we were and where we remain today.
As followers of Christ, we are called to live a life of sobriety and walk in the freedom that comes from it. In this devotional, I’ll explain and explore some of the biblical principles that guide us in living a sober life and the joy and freedom that come from it.
There are people all around putting blame and shame on parents who are already a hurting mess.
For all those who have lost a loved one to addiction, we take a moment for you.
As Christians, we are called to renew our minds and be transformed by the word of God. This transformation is not only spiritual but can also impact our behavior and thought patterns, including those associated with addiction.
I could willingly let go and cling to just one thread of my Lord’s garment, believing He would reach down and grab hold of me.
There is always a point of desperation when things turn, and surrender becomes inevitable. Journey through me from point A to Z on a road we never imagined we’d be in and a situation that takes every ounce of your willpower to surrender.
As human beings, we often try to mask our weaknesses and hide them from others. In addiction recovery, however, we must confront our weaknesses head-on and seek help from a higher power. As believers, we can find hope in surrendering our weaknesses to God and embracing his strength to overcome them.
Letting go and letting God is probably the hardest thing she will do.
Addiction can be a lonely and isolating experience. It can leave us feeling disconnected from God, others, and even ourselves. However, the Bible teaches us about the power of community in addiction recovery.
The journey from holding on so tight out of fear to letting go out of love- for you. The challenge of letting them make their decisions and accepting you have no control.
Cultivating a grateful heart can help us overcome addiction and find joy in everyday life. It can help us shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, from our problems to God’s blessings.
With every step that Jesus takes, the tunnel cracks, and walls shake.
In the process of recovery, it’s important to face, regret, and make amends for past mistakes.
For all those who battled cancer valiantly and found victory on the other side.
Addiction is overwhelming—but not impossible. The battle to win can feel like an insurmountable mountain, an unrelenting force that threatens to consume and destroy everything in its path.
Embracing vulnerability can lead to deeper healing and connection with God and others in addiction recovery.
When we constantly tell ourselves negative things, we start to believe them, and they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The good news is that we can overcome negative self-talk and replace it with positive biblical affirmations.
Even if today is filled with sorrow, happiness does exist.
We may become so focused on the end goal of sobriety that we forget to find joy in the journey itself. However, God calls us to rejoice always, no matter our circumstances.
Healthy relationships are built on trust, communication, and respect, all rooted in biblical principles..
Addiction is a difficult and often complex struggle; it can be all too easy to feel discouraged or overwhelmed as we work toward recovery. But in the midst of these difficulties, there is a powerful force that can help us stay the course and find the strength we need to persevere. This force is patience.
This episode is a reflection back to the time just before I began my recovery. There is anger, bitterness, pain, acceptance, and resolve here. I began to confront some hard truth within myself, and it was HARD! If you’re in that place, know you are not alone.
Addiction can be a powerful force in our lives, and one of the biggest challenges we face is coping with triggers that can lead to addictive behaviors. Triggers can come in many forms, from people and places to thoughts and emotions.
Addiction can leave us feeling trapped in a cycle of shame and guilt. We may feel ashamed of our actions and the impact they have had on our lives and the lives of those around us.
Self-care is crucial in addiction recovery. By taking care of ourselves, we can aid in our own recovery and make progress toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Anxious feelings haunt me day and night. I live in grief that many will never understand.
As we move forward on the path of addiction recovery, it’s essential to keep our focus on the promise of eternal life. This perspective can help us to maintain hope and stay motivated in the midst of challenging times.
It can be hard to envision a future beyond the pain and heartache that addiction has caused in our lives. However, we can take comfort in God’s word, which reminds us that our past does not define us. And that there’s always hope for a new beginning.
As we face the challenges of addiction. It’s easy to feel weighed down and overwhelmed. We may try to carry our burdens on our own, believing that we can handle it all. But the truth is we’re not meant to bear these burdens alone.
Faith and hope believe in the Big Picture even if we cannot see it.
Recovery is possible! I will never doubt that. Our minds are stronger than any addiction, even substance use. The brain can be healed by new mindsets and thought patterns. Are you willing to do the work and be your own boss?
If you are lost watching your loved one battling substance use, please take a great minute to remember 1) You’re not alone. 2) God has your back far better than anyone else 3) Peace is possible through Christ Jesus.
As we journey through addiction recovery, we may find ourselves consumed by negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness. It can be easy to get caught up in what we don’t have or what we can’t do, but focusing on the positive and cultivating a heart of gratitude can make all the difference.
As we navigate the ups and downs of addiction recovery, it’s natural to feel anxious and uncertain about the future. We may wonder if we have what it takes to overcome our struggles or worry about what lies ahead.
Addiction can be a difficult and isolating experience. It can leave us feeling alone and hopeless as we struggle through the weight of our addiction. But as believers, we are called to turn to God in times of need, and prayer can be a powerful way to connect with him and find healing.
My surrender allows my divine creator to be my strength in the middle of my weakness.
The Lord desires for His children to cry out to Him. He wants us to ask for help.
Facing our fears and vulnerabilities and learning to live our lives in a new and healthier way. But amidst the challenges. There is one thing that we can always rely on. The gift of grace.
In the face of addiction recovery. Fear can loom over us like a dark cloud, hindering our progress and suffocating our hopes and dreams. It can be challenging to overcome the paralyzing grip of fear, but there is a way out through faith.