Called to Faith

We’re called to enter into a faith that’s abstract and yet so very concrete and solid!

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Believers are called to believe in the living, active and victorious Lord. The One who lived, walked, taught, died, and rose to new life, conquering death to make a way for us to escape its grip and its ‘so forever’ penalty! It’s a simple ‘faith’ thing, so simple yet so complex, that we may tangle up its simplicity with our theology and head knowledge completely missing the soul mark and the fundamentals of it. It’s not a Social Gospel, It’s not about what we do and how much we do! It’s about our solid faith in our Saviour and what He’s done for us, not what we do for Him. Our works won’t cut it! But our faith in Jesus’ will. 

The thing is, It’s not all that difficult, but it’s not just ‘simple’ either and we don’t have to understand it, we just have to accept it!

We’re called to enter into a faith that’s abstract and yet so very concrete and solid! Abstract, because we can’t see the one true God we worship, but solid because we see His creation, and we know that we know that we know, He’s present in our lives! Believers, without doubt, know that He has saved, renewed, and transformed old life into new! We stand amazed in His presence when we stand before Him justified, cleansed, and forgiven in our moment of belief! That ~ beautiful one is a solid faith in a sovereign God! Old desires have passed and the new desire within our very being is to live to please Him. Oh yeah ~ That’s true saving faith; where divine grace meets us in the old mud puddles of yesterday and the same old, same old, that once got our attention and drew us into the sinking mire, dissipates before us, as we grow and mature in the faith! It’s called freedom and It’s a sweet life ~ no, it’s not easy; it’s not a bed of roses, and the way is difficult and long and heavy and broken at times ~ but it’s sweet and it’s abundant!

It’s not simple; it’s very complex to a hardened heart. Undeserved? Yeah, it’s undeserved, but we’re under grace and losers are winners in God’s economy. When He graces us with unconditional love, it’s a defining moment in our history, when the old is gone and the new has come.

We are so lavishly graced with such an awesome opportunity to repent and be freed of our bondage. Why do we linger on the fringes when now is the time of salvation?

“Behold now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” 2 Corinthians 6:2.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Charis Kay Publishing

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About the Author

A Kingdom creative. The Pastor's wife and mom of four all grown kids, loving Jesus and so thankful for His grace that holds me together daily when things go right and when they don't. Kay is an award-winning, inspirational writer and photographer with a passion for writing, powered by a strong desire to encourage others in the struggles of life and see them come to saving knowledge of the Saviour of unconditional Love! A Saviour who brings hope, lavishes grace and forgives freely. Life is hard and hope is so necessary! A nature lover always in anticipation for the next best shot of the day! It's a joy and a delight to blend real-life photography with short writings of encouragement and scripture to bring the reader in closer to the Saviour by lifting the heart and soul into His presence.

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