LIFEPOINT CHURCH: Water and Spirit | Summer of Good News (with Pastor Nathan Bentley)

Watch the LifePoint Church Sunday message. This sermon also explores the idea of continuous spiritual filling and the importance of letting go of personal pains and grudges to allow the Spirit to work more fully in one’s life.

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In this sermon, the focus is on understanding the importance of baptism and the transformative power of being born again through the Holy Spirit. The sermon discusses the story of Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus, emphasizing the need to be born of water and the Spirit. Pastor Nathan critiques the prevalent notion of simply ‘reforming’ our lives and challenges listeners to seek true transformation through the Holy Spirit. The sermon also explores the idea of continuous spiritual filling and the importance of letting go of personal pains and grudges to allow the Spirit to work more fully in one’s life.

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About the Author

LifePoint Church is led by Pastor Nathan Bentley and is located in San Tan Valley, Arizona. Our mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Christ through intentionally SERVING, GIVING, CARING FOR OUR NEIGHBOR.

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