LIFEPOINT CHURCH: The Power Given for Unity | One Body, One Fellowship | Nathan Bentley

Watch the LifePoint Church Sunday message. The Church is not a building… or is it???

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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan emphasizes the importance of living for the Savior and not merely for religion. He articulates how the Holy Spirit transforms lives when individuals become part of a community where God’s presence resides. By citing Ephesians Chapter 2, Pastor Nathan explains how believers are no longer strangers but are now citizens, children, and even parts of the very temple where God dwells. The sermon challenges Christians to move out of their comfort zones, engage deeply with their church community, desire spiritual gifts, and partake in the transformational power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Nathan also shares a personal story of how the Holy Spirit led him to reconcile with someone he harbored negative feelings towards, demonstrating the practical application of his message.

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About the Author

LifePoint Church is led by Pastor Nathan Bentley and is located in San Tan Valley, Arizona. Our mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Christ through intentionally SERVING, GIVING, CARING FOR OUR NEIGHBOR.

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