Angela Donadio

A published author, worship leaders, songwriter, and recording artist.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Honoring the Men in Your Life – with Blythe Daniel

Men fill an important role as fathers, husbands, and friends. How can we best honor them and express what they mean to us? What do we do if we have a difficult relationship with our father?

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Keep it Light – with Joël Malm

If the burden of life feels too heavy to handle, maybe you’re carrying something you were never meant to carry alone. Joel helps us identify why we carry too much, implement boundaries and balance, and understand how to prioritize what matters most.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: An Invitation to Exhale – with Jodi H. Grubbs

Give yourself permission to slow down. In this episode, Jodi offers slow-living shifts and ways to care for your soul by creating a path away from burnout and toward restoration.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: When Something Shifts Your Normal

Today, I’m sharing a devotion from “Astounded,” Letters from a Lonely Laundry Basket, and giving three keys to help encourage you when something shifts your normal.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Rahab and the Power of Your Story – with Shadia Hrichi

Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Angela Donadio – Follow Me (Stories from Greece)

Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Live Beyond Limits – with Jennifer Rothschild

Jennifer Rothschild became blind at age fifteen and now helps others live beyond limits. She and Angela talk about navigating our feelings in seasons of disappointment and living an abundant life in Christ no matter what the circumstances.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: April Moments that Matter

On this week’s podcast, Angela shares one of her most powerful teachings.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: She Found His Grace – Serena Dyksen

She Found His Grace is a story of healing for anyone who has experienced abortion. It is also a call to action for the church. There is hope, love, and forgiveness after abortion.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: The Daring Rescue – Melinda Patrick

Melinda champions and equips Christian parents of LGBTQ-identified children to love well, not compromise the Word of God, and faith in prayer.

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