Don’t Auto-Lock on Fear

A certain amount of the right kind of fear is good; it is when it lingers that it starts to become a problem.  

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Have you ever seen peace jump out the car window?  If not, it kind of looks like this.  You are driving down a busy interstate in the dark and suddenly your headlights illuminate a deer in the middle of the road.  Fear jumps into the car and peace gets pushed out.  Now, fear that kicks adrenaline into high gear so that you step on those breaks is okay, but if the fear stays…

Well —- You would never step on the gas pedal again, right?

A certain amount of the right kind of fear is good; it is when it lingers that it starts to become a problem.  The last thing you want is for peace to be pushed out the window and fear to take over everything.  Fear like this, the one that delays in the spaces of the heart and mind, creating scars, wounds, and worry… this is the kind you do not want!  If fear tries to take over this week and peace is knocking on the car window, don’t push the auto-lock!!

If the doors are locked, it results in the securing in of fear and locking out of peace, which then causes a spiraling down of soul and catching of breath that does not easily move; therein, causing tumult and being locked out of your own life!

Fear paralyzes and steals the life we are meant to have in Jesus…


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you…Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”  – John 14:27 ESV


God alone is perfect love, and in perfect love, there is peace — a peace we can hold on to and be enveloped in!  He does not desire us to live continually in the lie that fear whispers into our lives, he wants us to stand firm when the floodwaters rise!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Bloom and Reed

Featured Image by Steven Coffey on Unsplash


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About the Author

Rose Ward is the founder of Ministry Moms, Mother Bears of Canada, and Bloom & Reed —an online platform that develops and creates content and educational resources for Christian Women in Ministry (Writers, Speakers + Creatives), Youth, and Children.

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