The Pearl of Great Price

There is no comparison, to laying our lives down for heaven’s Champion and receiving the reward of His sacrifice.

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Matthew 13:45-46 The Message

God’s kingdom is like a jewel merchant “On the Hunt” for exquisite pearls.” “Finding the One” that is flawless, “He Immediately Sells Everything” and buys it.


“On The Hunt”

Matthew 5:8 The Message

“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.


Everyone is searching for the love that brings the most value.

You’re truly blessed when you get your inside world put right -your mind and your heart, then you can see God in the outside world.

Our lives flow from one source, our hearts. Our hearts are pursuing our One, True Love, and some never find Him. The One that is flawless, the One that was wounded for our sins.

Everyone is searching like the merchant searching for the most exquisite Pearl. They just don’t know the Love that they’ve been looking for their whole life is Jesus!


“Finding the One That is Flawless”

Jesus says his kingdom is like a merchant finding the most exquisite pearl. Jesus himself is the exquisite pearl. Just as pearls do not form without pain, Jesus was born to die and to live again becoming the most valuable and significant of his creation. The Flawless one becoming flawed and yet flawless again. All for love. This shows us that there is beauty that comes out of pain in this life of brokenness, there is glory still.

You cannot have a miracle without moments of madness. Just as you cannot create a pearl without pressure, you cannot have resurrection power without the cross our Saviour bore on Calvary. The Flawless One is worth more than words can describe. More than silver, more than gold, more than the love that comes from a mother, more than the protection of a father. More than the touch of a beloved child, more than the love of a wife or husband. He’s the Flawless One!


How Pearls Are Made

“Did you know an oyster that has not been wounded in any way does not produce pearls?  A pearl is a healed wound. Pearls are a product of pain, the result of a foreign or unwanted substance entering the oyster, such as a parasite or a grain of sand. The inside of an oyster shell is a shiny substance called “Nacre.” When a grain of sand enters, the nacre cells go to work and cover the grain of sand with layers and more layers to protect the defenseless body from the oyster. As a result, a beautiful pearl is formed!


“Immediately Sells Everything”

Once the merchant found the perfect pearl, he sold everything he owned and purchased the pearl, spending all he had.

Once we realize the value in Jesus, the Flawless One becomes all we think of our very lives are sold out to gain the most Beautiful, Flawless Saviour!  We give our lives; in return, we gain True Love. The world behind us, the cross before us. There is no comparison, to laying our lives down for heaven’s Champion and to receive the reward of His sacrifice that is eternal life and joy.

I love the word “immediately” The merchant immediately sells everything.


Oh God, my prayer today is that I have the merchant’s heart. That I sell all to gain You. I give it all away, every dream, every ambition, every goal, to follow You and have You as my King forever. You are truly worth living for!!!!

You are worthy!!! You are worth my life. I give it away, all for Love. Just as You did for me.


Featured Image by Marin Tulard on Unsplash

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About the Author

Reed Swanson is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With a fervent dedication to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Reed has devoted his life to teaching and ministering the Word of God. He resides in Fort Myers, Florida.