Book Review: If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer

Although If the Boot Fits is a Cinderella retelling, it is not predictable.

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Karen Witemeyer puts a Western twist on Cinderella in her latest release, If the Boot Fits.


Book Blurb

If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer book cover

Determined to prove that cattle king Eli Dearing has no justification for evicting his stepmother and half brothers, Asher Ellis uses the cover of a fancy ball to break into the Three Cedars ranch house to search for proof of wrongdoing. On the verge of discovery, he flees, but a boy’s cry compels him to make a daring rescue.

Spunky and independent, Samantha Dearing balks when she learns the ball her father is hosting in her honor is nothing more than a matrimonial ambush. Taking a break from her unwanted suitors, Samantha spots a thief fleeing her home. When the stranger ends up saving her brother’s life, she hides the only clue to his identity left behind–his boot–and resolves to find him herself.

But when Samantha encounters the older brother of a student she tutors, all thoughts of the bootless mystery man vanish. Although Asher tries to keep his distance from Samantha for reasons of his own, a series of suspicious accidents befall her, and his protective instincts flare, no matter the cost to their future.


My Thoughts

This book was so fun. Though If the Boot Fits is a Cinderella retelling, it is not predictable. I loved the twists Witemeyer included.

Asher, though imperfect, is a wonderful hero. I loved the way he doted on his stepmother and two younger brothers. And Samantha is wonderful too. Not only because she shows her younger brother such devotion but also how hard she tries to be an example of Christian charity.

It was also great seeing Asher and Samantha overcome the glaring differences between them. The romance isn’t too fast or too slow, but a perfect balance.

Overall, If the Boot Fits is an imaginative retelling of Cinderella with a Western twist.

Purchase If the Boot Fits here!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Jennifer Purcell

Featured Image by Dan Dumitriu on Unsplash

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About the Author

Jennifer Purcell is a Georgia native who loves to write about her faith and family. When she's not planted in front of her laptop or got her nose stuck in a book, she teaches children at an after school Bible club and at her church's Wednesday night youth program. You can check out her blog at

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