The Strength of Brothers

Men’s fellowship is an important oasis of maleness where men can encourage one another.

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Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17 (NASB)

With the Scottish summer in the early stages, it is time to make preparations for the garden; the first weeding session of many, and annual flower plans to name just two things. One gardening duty it comes to mind from my childhood was the first cut of the privet hedges that surrounded our garden in the village. I knew that the hedges were going to get cut when Dad started sharpening the hedge shears with the whetstone; the end result was a set of seriously sharp shears that cut through the hedge easily. Only the iron whetstone could sharpen steel so well. The same is true of Christian brothers in fellowship; there is no substitute for the brotherhood of other men of God.

There are many ministries in churches, but the one that is the least attended after the prayer meeting is the men’s fellowship. Men have been drifting away from religion and the church since the two world wars, and there have been few efforts in the church to bring men back into fellowship, but most importantly into a relationship with God. The men’s fellowship is an important oasis of maleness where men can encourage one another. I remember past precious memories of men’s fellowships; one being in Stockton-On-Tees where the men’s fellowship was a strong group in the church I attended – what a blessing it was. I also remember the men’s fellowship from a church in Glenrothes, which attended the annual “Christian Men Together” conferences in Glasgow – hundreds of brothers in Christ from all across Scotland!

Dear Reader, some of my dearest memories of my growth in faith came from being mentored by mature brothers in Christ. To level it out, the women of my family were responsible for bringing me to Christ, and a couple of Godly women were mothers to me in the Lord. But there have been nearly ten men of God in my past life who have raised me up in my faith in Christ – this is the work of God sharpening me for service. Brothers, I encourage you in all sincerity to seek the fellowship of other men of God. I particularly encourage you to seek out those mature brothers who have been in God and His Word for many years, that they may guide and build you up in the faith. Dear brothers, may our Father God guide and bless you as you become the man that God can use each day.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Devotional Treasures

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About the Author

Devotional Treasures is a daily source of Biblical posts on various sources; they are free to all. These are written by me, Alan Kearns, and are inspired by my own private reading/study of God's Word.