3 Little Ways to Make Big Impact in a Digital World

There’s something powerful about being able to connect face-to-face with someone lonely or hurting.

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Have your kids ever used a rotary phone? Have they ever watched television on a box TV with knobs for a remote? Have they ever heard of an ancient artifact called a cassette player?

These things that used to be a real part of our lives growing up might not even be identifiable to our children. But not all things of the past are dead and gone. And not all things of the future are always better.

In a fast-paced world where everything seems to have gone digital, relationships sometimes suffer rather than thrive because we’ve neglected some of the old proven tools.


Here are a few small things that you can do (and teach your kids to do) that can still make a huge impact in a digital world.


A handwritten note rather than a text or email

I love being able to be connected instantly through text and email.

But sometimes, there are much more personal and meaningful ways to communicate, especially when it comes to showing gratitude and appreciation.

One of the best ways I know is a handwritten note.

Last month our teenage boys wrote a thank you note to someone who has invested in them in multiple ways.

They were surprised the next time they saw them and they immediately said, “You don’t know just how much that note meant to me. Thank you.”

A handwritten note of thanks or encouragement is powerful because it implies careful thought and intentionality.


A personal visit rather than a call or text

In our culture, it’s much less common anymore to just show up unexpectedly on someone’s doorstep. And so often, we just don’t.

But at times, it can be super meaningful, especially to the elderly or shut-ins, when you visit them in their homes.

Our family recently visited a shut-in widower, and he said, “I enjoy the phone calls, but they just aren’t quite the same as a personal visit.”

There’s something powerful about being able to connect face-to-face with someone lonely or hurting.

Why? Love sometimes seems a whole lot easier to pass through you as a person than through you on a phone.


An actual prayer rather than just a personal response that you’ll pray

In the world of social media, we can let everyone know our prayer requests with the click of a button.

And people can reply that they’re praying in an instant. And believe me, I’m thankful for that.

However, sometimes we need to follow the Spirit’s leading and pick up the phone to call and actually pray with that someone.

Because 100 people replying that they’ll pray can be powerful, but maybe not as impactful as one person calling to pray with them verbally and personally.

I can remember this happening to our family recently…

My wife had posted on Facebook a somewhat vague struggle our family was facing. A local pastor friend called me that night and said, “I don’t know what all is going on, but just wanted to check in, see if there’s anything we could do to help, and pray with you.”

The fact that he saw my wife’s post, and chose to pick up the phone and personally call, was impactful on me.

I want to be that person to others. And I’ve found that a great place to start is with the people I love within the walls of my own home. 

So, in a fast-paced digital world, who could you write a note to this week, personally visit as a family, or actually say a prayer with?

It’s a little thing that probably won’t take too long on your end, but whoever’s on the receiving end might just see it as a Really Big Deal.

Never underestimate how even a small gesture of kindness can have a big impact. Especially, in a digital world. 


Purchase Godly Parenting in an Ungodly World: How to Raise Not Just Good but Godly Kids Through Heart-Driven Grace-Based Parenting here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Godly Parent.

Featured Image by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Andrew Linder has invested his life into full-time children’s and family ministry since 2001. He’s passionate about helping kids and their families. He loves teaching kids the Bible, running, wrestling with his boys, and anything bacon.

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