Where’s Your Focus?

Does your old slavery and bondage to sin just seem more comfortable, easier, and safer than trusting God for deliverance?

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Forty years of wilderness wandering plagued the Israelites because they listened to the report of ten spies instead of God’s promise to give them the promised land. They had experienced God’s miraculous works for their deliverance, yet still, rather than believing God’s promise and facing their enemies with faith, they were caught up in human deception and discouragement.

The giants occupying their land were huge and the enemies were strong, the challenge too dangerous, the risk too great. They refused to move out and take possession for fear of their lives.

They wept and wailed through their night with bitterness! They complained and grumbled about their plight! Why did we leave Egypt? We’ll die in this forlorn land! Shouldn’t we just go back? Wouldn’t it be better? Be safer? Wouldn’t it just be easier back in captivity? Those unfaithful, unbelieving, grumbling Israelites twenty years and older never made it into the land of promise because God saw to it that their unbelief would not be honored.

Oh, the wilderness wanderings we face when we focus on deception instead of truth. When we focus on the giants instead of the promises; when we rebel instead of trust!

You know it don’t you? The wilderness of rebellion, unbelief, deception, and despair? Does your old slavery and bondage to sin just seem more comfortable, easier, and safer than trusting God for deliverance? We need to move on out and take what God has promised through trust, while He still gives opportunity. Courage is found when we take God at His word and trust him even though the giants are many and the tasks impossible.

I wonder who we hear? The reports of people or the Lord’s promises to us.?


“For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” 1 Corinthians 10:11



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Charis Kay Publishing

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About the Author

A Kingdom creative. The Pastor's wife and mom of four all grown kids, loving Jesus and so thankful for His grace that holds me together daily when things go right and when they don't. Kay is an award-winning, inspirational writer and photographer with a passion for writing, powered by a strong desire to encourage others in the struggles of life and see them come to saving knowledge of the Saviour of unconditional Love! A Saviour who brings hope, lavishes grace and forgives freely. Life is hard and hope is so necessary! A nature lover always in anticipation for the next best shot of the day! It's a joy and a delight to blend real-life photography with short writings of encouragement and scripture to bring the reader in closer to the Saviour by lifting the heart and soul into His presence.

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