Spiritual Shift in Society

Many will continue to be outraged by the culture of heaven being displayed as it clashes with every ideal they’ve sworn on for life.

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I’m seeing a major shift occurring in our global society and culture, but mostly in the West. I’m seeing a lot of Christians becoming more openly offended by the true, radical Gospel of Jesus Christ and a determination not to recognize Kingdom Culture as the standard— but rather clinging to a retarded gospel that is centered around “self.”

Simultaneously, I’m seeing an increase in those who’ve tried “church” and have been hurt or disappointed; returning to searching and walking in the reality and pursuit of the true definition of Christianity. This group wasn’t convinced by religious shows, traditions, or activities but they are encountering a spiritual revelation of what Kingdom of Heaven culture actually looks like. In fact, this group of people is seeing and understanding with almost more purity and truth that following Jesus costs something…no, it costs everything, and they are willing to pay that cost. Today, this cost often looks like standing out from a people who are worshiping something altogether different and they are being ridiculed, chastised, and ostracized for their beliefs, very different way of thinking, and especially how they love. The world and even parts of the Church aren’t understanding how or why they are loving the most unloveable and undeserving. They are not understanding why they see things so differently and it greatly offends them. The more this group increases and the louder they get by displaying the heart of the Father, the more offended and outraged the other “religious” group gets.

The other group is clinging to, fighting for, and demanding their way that is fueled by a worldly way of thinking—while the latter group is giving up more and more self and serving the least of these among society. They are giving up their personal time and foregoing higher income and pleasures to, instead, spend time in the House of Prayer with fellow Jesus Freaks.

A great divide is beginning. Many will continue to be outraged by the culture of heaven being displayed as it clashes with every ideal they’ve sworn on for life. They will insist that their way is right and that things must be done their way otherwise everything will fall apart.

The latter group will press on, un-offended by the dogmatic screams and shouts of the first, realizing that the storm is coming and time is short. They are preparing for the storm that has been promised and prophesied while the first group is fighting to preserve and maintain something that was promised and prophesied to be utterly destroyed.

And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”

(Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬).



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ann Lindholm

Featured Image by Sam Schooler on Unsplash


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