
He was saying, “You are God. You can do whatever you want to do, however, and whenever you want to do it. And I exalt you! I submit to your supreme authority.”

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The scenario of David, Bathsheba, Uriah, Joab, and Jedidiah (Solomon. Why don’t we call him by Jedidiah-loved by God?)) is absolutely intriguing. I’ve taught on it several times and every time I read the encounter I’m still intrigued. This time I got stopped at the point in the situation where David & Bathsheba’s first son dies because GOD took the boy’s life in judgment against David’s sin. The Lord tells David in verse nine that the evil he did was having Uriah struck down by an enemy sword and taking his wife to be his own. Why didn’t God mention the adultery that took place initially?

Then, in verse fifteen we’re told GOD afflicted David’s first son he had with Bathsheba. He lived for seven days, while David fasted and prayed for the Lord to spare his son. The boy died on the seventh day. Instead of mourning David went to the House of the Lord and worshipped him?!

I believe David recognized the supreme divinity and justice of God. This was David’s way of expressing ultimate fear, trembling, and reverence before a Holy God. He was saying, “You are God. You can do whatever you want to do, however, and whenever you want to do it. And I exalt you! I submit to your supreme authority.”

Then, they have another son. Now this son born of a scandalous marriage is loved by God and given the name, Jedidiah, we know him as Solomon!

David had over nine wives plus many concubines, yet, he was known as a man after God’s own heart! As soon as he recognized his sin he was grieved. He humbled himself, repented, and sought the Lord. Yet, this guy had many wives. In fact, his son, you know the one, “loved by God,” Jedidiah (Solomon), was the wisest man to ever live and he had hundreds of wives and concubines…and was allowed to build the temple of God?! What??

He is God.

He can do whatever he wants, however, and whenever, and through whomever he wants.




This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ann Lindholm

Featured Image by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash




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