Paintbrush of Red

His blood was shed for us and He paints our story beautifully now because of it.

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Some days the pain goes way deep and the hurt is really real and really hard. The heart hurts, and the head hurts, and the soul cries, and the tears flow, and the days are just so overwhelming.

In these anxious-filled, difficult moments, we have an Author writing our lives with pen in one nail-pierced hand and a divine paintbrush of grace-filled red in the other. His blood was shed for us and yeah, He paints our story beautifully now because of it.

He’s our Saviour and He’s made a way for us to make it through this hard place! Only because of the cross, His death, and His life can we have hope and do this hard thing, defying us and staring us in the face. So whatever it is He’s written and writing and hand-painted for your story, you gotta know He’s got this and His sustaining grace covers it for us.

So beautiful you with a beautiful soul, At such a time as this, He is our Healer, our Protector, and our Provider through it all and all the way to the cross He proved it. Now, just hand those anxious thoughts, that fear, disappointment, and deep hurt over into the Saviour’s pierced hands, the one and only Author of our faith who paints our story so perfectly, so beautifully perfect for us at such a time as this! It’s ok then to just breathe and rest in His care and safekeeping and know the promise of Romans 8: 28 is Truth!

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”





This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Charis Kay Publishing

Featured Image by kai brune on Unsplash.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

A Kingdom creative. The Pastor's wife and mom of four all grown kids, loving Jesus and so thankful for His grace that holds me together daily when things go right and when they don't. Kay is an award-winning, inspirational writer and photographer with a passion for writing, powered by a strong desire to encourage others in the struggles of life and see them come to saving knowledge of the Saviour of unconditional Love! A Saviour who brings hope, lavishes grace and forgives freely. Life is hard and hope is so necessary! A nature lover always in anticipation for the next best shot of the day! It's a joy and a delight to blend real-life photography with short writings of encouragement and scripture to bring the reader in closer to the Saviour by lifting the heart and soul into His presence.

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