What does “I have given you the keys of the kingdom,” (Matthew 16: 19) indicate exactly? I am still learning, as most of us are. As I was focusing on the resurrection, I saw some keys in the resurrection story that I want to share. Here they are:
1) The Key Of Preparation
“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.” (Luke 24: 1) They were preparing His body for burial.
- Be intentional about preparation for the Kingdom of God.
2) The Key of Seeking And Finding
“They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. (Luke 24: 3)
- The journey of seeking and finding may lead us to something far greater than what we could ever imagine, even the impossible.
- Don’t limit the Lord in our realm, for the impossible may happen.
3) The Key of Wonder And Amazement
“While they were wondering about this.” (Luke 24: 4a)
- Be open for God to wonder and amaze us.
4) The Key of Suddenly
“Suddenly, two men in clothes that gleamed like lighting, stood beside them.” (Luke 24: 4b)
- The suddenly of God may surprise us.
5) The Key of Being Awestruck
“In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground.” (Luke 24: 5a)
- Yes, the awesome power of God produces childlike awe.
6) The Key of Looking And Being Alive
“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24: 5b)
- Look for those who are alive in the Spirit, not dead in a religion.
7) The Key of Not Here
“He is not here; He has risen!” (Luke 24: 6)
- Be open to understanding that Jesus is not just in the “here and now,” but also in the future. The place we think may be not here nor there.
8) The Key of Remembrance
“Then they remembered His words.” (Luke 24: 8)
- Part of remembering is acceptance, even when we don’t understand.
9) The Key of Telling Others
“When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the eleven and to all the others.” (Luke 24: 8)
- Go and tell and don’t worry if you’ll be received.
10) The Key of Believing
“But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense,” (Luke 24: 11)
- We must believe even when others don’t.
- Just one may catch hold of what you’re saying.
“Peter, however got up and ran to the tomb.” (Luke 24: 12)
It’s time to walk through ALL that God has for His Kingdom kids.
KINGDOM PRINCIPLE: God opens up what He wants to open. He is the open door.
Featured Image by Tumisu, from Pixabay
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