Just Give Me Jesus

Pointing to the creche he said, “We have that game.”

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As part of an Advent program, I invited children forward and told them the Christmas story with the manger. One little boy held up his hand and said, “Hey, you know what?” Pointing to the creche he said, “We have that game. We have that game at our home” Within seconds, all the children echoed, “We have that game.” I tried to clarify quickly that the Nativity was not about a game but a story. I’m not sure the lesson was learned.

I sure need a story, not a game. Games are good for entertainment, testing skill, and cleverness but stories provide a narrative. In the narrative we find ourselves and meaning in life is revealed.  The words plumb the depths of our souls, and our imagination, opening us to Truth which frames our faith.

Faith is built upon a story. Ritual then lives out the story. Celebration responds to the story. So, every year, we come back tonight to the Christmas narrative. We come back—like a time machine–we return, we remember, we recollect, the story which is the same as last year. But what is different is time does not stand still.

We are different. The Christmas story is the same but we are not. There is tragedy in our world like we have not known before and there is fear. We come to the Christmas story reading our time into it.

I listen, to the angel and the announcement to the shepherds. Like many of you, I have heard this angel a million times before, but this year the angel speaks to our time: “Do not be afraid,” the angel says. “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” The message from the angel is don’t let fear block joy.

Fear can be an obstacle to joy. Fear is literally a killjoy. But the new truth, or perhaps the deep and profound truth which has always been there, is—in spite of fear–joy surrounds us. The Christmas story is not saying fear doesn’t exist. It does say, by living in and trusting God, we can experience joy.

Return to the story. Mary was no doubt a frightened young woman. Yet, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced to her, much like the shepherds, “Do not be afraid Mary.” Fear is embedded in the Christmas story, but it isn’t the entire story. Mary trusted in God. She recognized the presence of God in her life and she was filled with joy.

Joseph knew fear. He knew Herod. He knew what people were thinking about Mary. His life changed.  Again, the angel of the Lord appears to Joseph, and says, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife.” 

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Joy to the world. That’s our story. When God’s time enters our time, we play for real.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Robin Jennings

Featured Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

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About the Author

Personal growth is something we all seek, but spiritual renewal is something our souls yearn for, whether we know it or not. Robin, a gifted storyteller, sought-after professional speaker, knowledgeable teacher, and author on the importance of spiritual growth and renewal in everyday life, he empowers others with the Biblical guidance needed for deep personal reflection. A clergyman in the Episcopal Church, Robin was named as one of the top religious leaders by Louisville Magazine in the community. He is also the author of several commentaries for the national Bible Reading Fellowship and three books, including May You Live in Christ: Spiritual Growth Through the Vision of St. Peter,  The Door to Renewal: Spiritual Growth Through the Mind of St. Paul, and A Letter to the Church and the Next Generation: Spiritual Growth Through the Witness of James.

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