A Fresh Impartation of God’s Fire
I AM looking for people to be releasers of My Glory as I send My Fire across this Nation and around the world.
I AM looking for people to be releasers of My Glory as I send My Fire across this Nation and around the world.
You have been strategically placed where you are, and have been uniquely designed for My specific plan for your life.
I AM raising up Mentors who will teach submission, and how to get victory over adversity.
Many prodigals who have strayed will be coming back home, and others will discover the ministry of what The LORD has ordained them to do.
Radical young leaders, fueled by the Holy Spirit will confront darkness head-on, bringing hope and transformation to their communities.
It’s time for the world changers to come forth and bring revival to the land.
They are strong, very courageous, and tenacious in warfare because they know their enemy.
God is about to breathe into those situations that are impossible in the natural.
This is the time to boldly step into new adventures, and explore new depths in My Kingdom.
Shake off the vipers and vicious forces that come to steal, kill, and destroy your destiny.
The LORD is looking for those who are fearless and ready to face challenges, tenacious in spiritual warfare, alert and watchful of the enemy.
Believers who will carry such a weighty anointing that people will sense the presence of Jesus when they are around them.
God is calling people from all generations, from the youth to the elderly, to release His word to a world in turmoil.
A spiritual awakening is underway, and many of you are discerning the intense battle raging in the heavenly realm.
Everything that you have endured will be used for My Glory.
God wants us to be able to perceive what He is doing and then release it here on this earth,
He wants to bring you into a place where you will sense His tangible mighty presence like a cloud of glory.
We are those who were thrown into the lion’s den but walked out victorious.
Jesus is calling you to move forward with determination and a fresh vision.
Deliverance is coming to those who are enslaved in bondage, oppression, and hopelessness.
As you remove any debris and anything that is hindering you, I will set you ablaze with My Glory once again.
Being led by The Holy Spirit not only involves listening to His direction but also acknowledging His convictions.
Allow Him to bring those dead things back to life and refresh those areas that are parched and dry.
I AM rekindling the fire to those who are called to go out and set the world ablaze.
The source of your dilemma is not from God but from the enemy.
Jesus is calling us to take authority over our personal lives, as well as our families and our nation.
The sword of My Word will be in their mouths because they are unwavering in their faith and their strength is in Me.
Some of you are tired of waiting on God’s promise and you are about to settle for an Ishmael.
As you rise up and decree and declare that “All is well!” Jesus will honor your faith and raise that which is dead back to life.
As you learn how to stay strong in times of adversity, He will entrust you with greater responsibilities.
I AM calling every believer to rise up and take your place in The Kingdom of God. It’s time to take a stand to take back your land.
Jesus wants to use your past failures as fuel to catapult you into your future.
Some of you have taken your eyes off Jesus, therefore you are not walking in the promises that He has provided for you.
As believers, we have been blessed with a unique calling and anointing and we must value and protect that which The LORD has entrusted to us.
I will open the eyes of My People to see as an eagle sees things from a panoramic view.
The sword of the LORD will be in their mouths and they will be tenacious and unwavering in their faith because their strength is in Jesus.
To you who have been relentlessly wrestling with God, “Your perseverance will surely be rewarded.”
You will no longer speak empty words, but your words will impact the lives of others.
Jesus is the Lion of Judah and He is releasing you from any pit that the enemy might be trying to hold you in.
I will break the restraints that are holding you back from all that I have provided for you.
Don’t contradict that which I AM birthing within you with words of doubt or dishonor.
I AM the God of restoration, and I AM about to step in and turn your situation around for My glory.
God says to those who have lost hope, “It’s time to live again!”
We are now His Tabernacle, and His Glory rests upon us — and dwells within us.
No longer will you listen to the thoughts of confusion and the accusations of the enemy, but you will be consumed with the fire of My Glory.
I AM calling My People to tune in to The Good News, and watch what I AM about to do in the land of the living.
The LORD is looking for end-time war horses who will run together as one.
Don’t let her appearance fool you because she is also a warrior.
If the LORD called you to something, it will come to pass — but there is a timing.
I will restore the vision of those whose eyes have become dim, and those who have been blinded by deception will begin to see with clarity.
I will move mightily on your behalf as you walk in integrity, sincerity, and a manner worthy of Me.
The Lord is raising up men and women who will not bow or submit to the evil agenda of the world, or the plans of the adversary.
Many have been stuck in a season when they’ve become so spiritually stagnant that the things of God no longer move them.
As you pursue your Dream, your perseverance will catapult you into your destiny.
I believe that some of us are going to experience extraordinary “face-to-face” encounters with Jesus in the days ahead.
You have been chosen as carriers of My Presence to release the atmosphere of Heaven wherever you go.
The LORD is saying: “Do not allow the enemy to magnify the situations in your life, and don’t look at the giants as unconquerable.”
We will be speaking the mysteries of heaven and transforming the world around us.
There will be those who are carrying the presence of God and His presence will be in them and surround them.
Radical believers will emerge in this season with a fresh revelation from the Throne of Heaven.
They are those who will trumpet My Voice, resound My Words, and release My Glory to a dry and thirsty land.
This is the day of unnatural occurrences when men will leave their ideologies and religious traditions to follow after truth.
Jesus wants you to know that it is His desire to restore to us the years and everything the enemy has destroyed and plundered from us.
These mysteries are being imparted to you as you study and search His Word as you would search for a treasure.
God wants to bring you into greater dimensions of His glory.
The Lord is about to revive those who are willing to press in!
Misfortunes are sent to destroy us, but as we strengthen ourselves in The LORD, we will always come through.
That which you have conceived is soon to be delivered.
This place is necessary for your spiritual growth to bring forth the gifts that I have placed on the inside of you.
The Holy Spirit wants to show us things beyond the natural realm, and He is inviting us to come up to a higher place with Him.
As you allow this living water to flow in you and through you, you will become a fountain of refreshing to others.
We are entering days of shock and awe and it’s time to rise up and get free from childish ways.
She is a carrier of My Presence and she releases My Glory wherever she goes.
There is a move of the Holy Spirit that won’t be quenched in the days ahead.
I AM releasing a mighty wind of My Glory to transform lives ‘suddenly.’
The Holy Spirit wants to use you to bring radical, life-changing encounters to others.
We need to get in one accord and grab hold of what The Holy Spirit is doing.
I will use those who were left to die as I pour My glory into them to deliver others from the very thing that they have been set free from.
As you allow My word to sustain you, you will no longer be limited in your ways of thinking.
Some of you have not yet identified or even discovered that valuable treasure inside of you yet.
Don’t allow fear to grip your heart, and refuse to allow thoughts of anger to fester in your mind.
Allow Holy Spirit to enter into every area of your life in this New Year to bring wholeness and restoration.
A cleansing stream of purified water that will not only bring refreshing and renewing to you, but you will also refresh and restore others.
The Holy Spirit wants to elevate you to new levels of knowing Him, new levels of His glory, and a new level of revelation.
We must enter this Sacred Place with clean hands and a pure heart.
We serve a Mighty God, Who is able to turn any life around no matter what you’ve been through.
You have not been created to carry burdens, but I have created you to be a carrier of My glory.
Jesus is calling you to come back to the place where you heard His Voice through the Written Word.
As you use My Authority and speak My Name, mountains will move.
Jesus wants to heal and repair areas in your life that need to be restored and rebuilt.
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, so you must act accordingly.
Don’t be alarmed by the rise in warfare, but know that this is an indication of His coming glory.
There are so many mantles lying dormant, waiting for someone to pick them up
God wants to revive you just as He did when He sent an Angel to Elijah.
The world is about to see the brightness of His glory radiating upon the Bride of Christ.
The LORD wants to release His Glory in an unprecedented way.
When you worship in the midnight hour, prison doors will be opened and chains will be loosed.
Don’t let your guard down for a minute, but allow Jesus to lead and guide your life and ministry.
The Ekklēsia will raise their voice with worship that will reverberate across the land.
The Lord is raising up believers with the eyes of an eagle to be able to see from a higher place.