Beth Steffaniak

When the Pain is On!

When the pathway seemed the darkest, God was refining us and strengthening us the most!

On the Palm Of My Hand

On that summer evening my developmentally disabled child had an encounter with a Living God that changed him.

Is God at Work?

I will wait and trust that He is indeed very busy in our lives and marriages.

He Won’t Talk to Me

We all need to know that our “hearts” are understood, known, and liked by our spouses.

Repeating the Past?

Becoming aware of and acknowledging the unhealthy patterns you tend to repeat will give you a starting point to deal with them.

Trying to Grasp Grace

What would happen if we quit worrying so much about our own feelings and instead set out to protect our spouses’ feelings?

Forgiving My Earthly Father

It was then that I realized that my father was a flawed, skin and bones creature of dust … just as I was and am.

The Anatomy of Bitterness

If you truly understand the gravity of His sacrifice, you’ll be quick to extend that same forgiveness to your spouse.


Shame comes to stay and keeps the deception firmly in place.

Resurrecting Love

I know for me there are times when my husband doesn’t inspire me to love him in a dying-to-self kind of way, nor do I inspire him—far from it!

Falling Forward

God redeems not only the messes in my marriage but also the mess that I am.

Do You Really Want to Get Well?

Any pain I experience in life directly affects not just my attitude but all of my relationships, including and especially my marriage. 

When to Use Boundaries

Remember, you cannot change another person with boundaries. You can only influence or inspire that person to change.

Hesitant Husbands

He needs to be wooed by your kind interest in him and your willingness to listen.

Fighting for Your Marriage

If there’s a passion in your life that pulls you away from the passion you should have for your spouse, it needs to be surrendered or brought back into balance.

Blinded by Boundaries

I want to learn to serve my husband with the same grace and forgiveness that my Savior showed and still shows to you and me today.

In Search of Self

Finding my voice and helping others find theirs is so important to living with purpose and truly connecting positively with those we love.

My Messy Messages

I’m committed to challenging my negative inner voice with God’s truth.

Need a Marriage Work-Out?

Whenever two imperfect people with the baggage of their personalities and pasts come together, there are bound to be some major meltdowns.

The Spark of Chemistry

My husband, Gary, and I have learned to turn from fighting each other to fighting the problem instead.

Are You Fencing Out Your Spouse?

Instead of jumping into defensive mode, drop your defenses and trust God to bind your marital wounds. He’s never failed me when I’ve given it over to Him.

My Lazy Ways in Marriage

Fighting to get your own way in marriage more than you give often reveals laziness in the marriage that, in time, can kill love.