Tina Yeager

Tina Yeager is a holistic emotional wellness and purpose coach, Flourish Today radio show host, Flourish-Meant podcast and YouTube show host, and an award-winning author, so I understand the challenge of juggling roles. Besides a daily matcha latte, what keeps me going is my hope of inspiring someone like you. Your well-being is my mission, and your time is precious.

FLOURISH-MEANT: Circle of Life – with Stacy Shewey

How can we change the world and grow individually by learning about the circle of life? Today’s guest, Stacy Shewey, shares the blessings and unique opportunities that spring forth from lending our lives to facilitate intergenerational well-being.

FLOURISH-MEANT: Have Joy Anyway – with Robin Shear

When facing unpleasant circumstances, how can we have joy anyway? Today’s guest, Joy Coach Robin Shear, shares how we can use joy in messy or even hopeless life situations to overcome and flourish despite them.