A Call to Action to Preserve Our Sovereignty, Freedom, and Liberties

An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications.  

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An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications. It would represent a huge leap forward towards the Biblical one-world governance—or as globalists have referenced “The New World Order” or the foundation of “The 2030 Agenda.”

Reports are that the Biden Regime quietly intends to sign two international treaties that turn the United States’ sovereignty over to global governance under the World Health Organization (WHO)—at the beginning of June!

A little over a year ago, we published an article calling for your support to block these treaties entitled NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION: “This is the Biggest Issue of Our Time!”  Here is an excerpt from that post that captures what is at stake:

Due to the monstrous legislation that was pushed through at the end of last year to circumvent the then-pending shift of power in the House of Representatives in January,  we could lose our national sovereignty to the CCP-controlled World Health Organization (W.H.O.)

Buried on page 950 of a 2000-page bill was a clause that effectively pre-approved and would make us subject to any mandate issued by the W.H.O. Upon declaring an actual, potential, alleged, or even phony health emergency, the citizens of the United States would become bound to adhere to their dictates.

This could relate to anything, such as a disease outbreak, alleged climate change, perceived gun violence, food scarcity, and more. They would have the ability to issue lockdowns, quarantine camps, forced vaccines, forced treatment, prohibition of treatment, gun confiscation, food rations, social credit systems, etc.

It is not hyperbole to say that these treaties would allow World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus to become the World Dictator.

For more context, the WHO is a United Nations agency. Dr. Tedros is an Ethiopian citizen and is not a medical doctor.

On May 1st, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) spearheaded the issuance of a joint congressional letter to the Biden Administration signed by all 49 GOP Senators expressing opposition to the two treaties. Of course, strongly worded letters are not enough—especially from a minority position and when the stakes are so high.

Today, we are once again addressing this urgent matter to enlist your help in raising awareness, imploring our representatives to intervene, and telling Biden that we strongly oppose these treaties.

Considering that our Senators and Representatives continue to fail to represent the will and interests of our constituents, it is important to fight against this tyranny at both the federal and state levels. Rejection of the treaties and exit from the WHO altogether at the Federal level AS WELL AS states passing legislation that denies jurisdiction to the WHO should be joint objectives.

Join the Sovereignty Coalition to take action to stop the Biden Regime from signing on to two international treaties later this month that usher in global governance. Also, please pass this along to others and let your voice be heard.

You can take action in the following ways:

  1. Share this post with others;
  2. Keep abreast of what is happening; and
  3. Go to SovereigntyColation.org to sign the declaration and contact your representatives.

Dr. Meryl Nass and James Rogurski continue to actively fight against the treaties and extensively cover this critical matter. They both can be found on SubStack.com by clicking on their respective names. Here is Dr. Nass’ latest article on ways to stop this pending tyranny.

Please join with us to take action to preserve our sovereignty, freedom, and liberties!

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Gary is President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds and the Kingdom Winds Collective. He has a heart for creativity and advancing the Kingdom! In his spare time, he can be found enjoying time with his cats, searching for the next Mack and Manco pizza, listening to music, playing or watching sports, learning new things, or multitasking any of the above.

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