Aftermath of the Debate: The Fading Joy of Deception and Lies

Focus not on words and platitudes and vibes. Instead, focus on actions and results. 

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OPINION – Last Tuesday, the Presidential candidates squared off for the second debate in the 2024 cycle, but just the first meeting between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. 

Expectations were low for Kamala as she has avoided all contemporaneous interactions and has had a four-year history of word salad ramblings and bizarre cackling when speaking in a public forum. And, of course, the first debate triggered a Democratic Party coup to remove Joe Biden and insert Harris. 

Many initial reactions were that Harris did well, primarily because she cleared the very low bar set for her by speaking coherently. But, did she really persuade anyone on the substance of issues? The rapid and winding nature of debates often creates a “fog of war” type effect, so reflecting back and more deeply assessing what happened over a few days tends to present a clearer picture. 

In this case, that time and process have proven to be highly beneficial and particularly revealing about each candidate and the enormous stakes of the upcoming election. The 2024 election is undoubtedly the most consequential of our lifetime—and the past few days have brought that into clearer focus. 

Kamala reinforced in the debate that her key campaign strategy is pretty much to avoid addressing the top issues important to the American people, lie about everything, and say whatever is necessary, whatever resonates to get elected. 

This, of course, is because once elected, she can do whatever the criminal cabal directs her to do and suffer zero consequences. After all, once they seize full power for another term, we will be just about entirely under their control, and we will likely never be able to vote our way out of it again. 

Another key strategy for Harris is to leverage her mindless, interminable cackling to be perceived as joy—rather than the previously perceived “Hey, I got nothing good to say” vibe. 

In the debate, she pivoted back and forth between the persona of a self-righteous mean girl falsely accusing her opponent to being Obama in a skirt pants suit, promising hope and change for a better tomorrow. 

Considering that she has been the actual Vice President over the past four years, it is tremendously self-indicting to acknowledge that We the People, desperately do need hope and change. At least she recognizes the disaster that the Biden-Harris regime has been, but it is incredibly preposterous to try to sell the American people on the notion that she is the one to fix the mess she created. 

That amounts to the equivalent of hiring ANTIFA to spruce up Minneapolis. 

Throughout the debate, Kamala’s strategic demeanor was bolstered by her exaggerated body language and facial expressions. Virtually every second that Trump spoke (which, interestingly, ABC was sure to always show in a split screen), she displayed a perpetual combination of glares, scowls, eye rolls, smirks, laughs, aborted cackles, and twisted facial histrionics. 

Her intent was clear—essentially to lie without speaking—by projecting that whatever Trump said was ludicrous, untrue, unserious, and absurd. 

Conveniently, the moderators (the mannequin-like professional newsreader and Kamala’s literal ex-sorority sister) aided and abetted all of it with their obvious prickly hostility towards Trump and warm congeniality towards Harris. 

The moderators addressed Kamala with reverence and honor, something along the lines of “Dear Leader” or “Your Majesty.”

Conversely, they addressed Trump with scorn, disregard, and contempt. If the camera could show thought bubbles over their heads, they would have read something like “You deplorable,” or “Shut up, Nazi,” or, “Wait, what, loser.”

While not fact-checking Harris once, despite her endless stream of lies—they repeatedly fact-checked Trump, typically lying to portray his statements as being lies. Hilariously, every one of their fact-checks was countered on social media the next day with a torrent of video and photographic receipts demonstrating that the moderators were the actual liars. 

Clearly, ABC was all-in on torpedoing Trump while making Kamala look like the love child of Ronald Reagan and Oprah. This makes great sense considering that, besides her sorority sister serving as moderator, ABC News is headed by Harris’ purported best friend, Dana Walden. 

Additionally, after the debate, a whistleblower from the news outlet came forward with an affidavit alleging that the Harris campaign was given the debate questions in advance. 

As if that’s not enough, some attentive sleuths spotted Kamala wearing earrings that look strikingly similar to a European tech company’s product that doubles as earbuds. Perhaps these two factors explain how Harris suddenly became more fluent and fluid than what we have ever witnessed when not tethered to a teleprompter. 

You can’t make this stuff up. Truth really is stranger than fiction. 

And, regarding Kamala’s litany of lies, here is a quick, top-of-mind list in no particular order:

  1. Kamala falsely portrayed Trump as being opposed to IVF.
  2. Kamala discredited Trump repeatedly by falsely proclaiming, “You will hear this guy tell lots of lies.”
  3. Kamala falsely claimed that nowhere is abortion happening in advanced months.
  4. Kamala scoffed and laughed at the notion that migrants are killing and eating pets as well as ducks and geese from parks in Springfield, Ohio.
  5. Kamala falsely asserted that Trump plans to implement a 20% sales tax.
  6. Kamala repeated the tired old Charlottesville lie.
  7. Kamala repeated the lies about the Russian Collusion hoax
  8. Kamala reinforced the climate change hoax. 
  9. Kamala falsely claimed that it was a lie that she desired to confiscate firearms.
  10. Kamala repeated the lie that Trump stated our nation would be a blood bath if he is not elected. 
  11. Kamala continued the lie that Project 2025 is Trump’s plan.
  12. Kamala falsely claimed that Trump sent insurrectionists to overtake the Capital on January 6th. 
  13. Kamala lied, suggesting that police died defending the Capital on January 6th.
  14. Kamala falsely claimed that Trump rally attendees flee the events out of boredom.
  15. Kamala falsely alleged that Trump does not care about his supporters.
  16. Kamala falsely claimed that there is not one active member of the U.S. Military serving in an active combat zone. 

The biggest lie of all was when Kamala, pontificating with that shrill nails-on-a-chalkboard voice, brazenly claimed victory in a “free and fair” election in 2020, chiding Trump about how 81 million people fired him. 

It takes a special level of sociopathic wickedness to follow up the theft of a nation with a cocky, defiant chastisement of the prime victim (along with all of us Americans who have suffered the consequences of the Biden-Harris regime) for rebuking that treasonous crime. 

Quick side note – Yes, I definitively stated that the election was stolen. We are on the cusp of losing our nation forever, so there is no time for pretending. The evidence is overwhelming, and only the lawfare specialists, unscrupulous liars, and hopelessly deceived profess otherwise. 

Back to the debate. 

All-in-all, viewers learned virtually nothing about Harris’ plans and positions other than she supposedly wants to give a lot of tax credits to buy votes and that she grew up in a typical hardworking middle-class family with neighbors who took pride in their lawns. Otherwise, Kamala dodged and weaved, denigrated and denied, and lied from start to finish. 

In the meantime, Trump pushed back against the three-on-one assault to correct their false allegations and state his positions. He struck a very serious and sometimes angry tone—reflecting the righteous anger most all of us harbor. 

The entire feel of the debate was like David, representing We the People against Goliath—the regime, Deep State, and Globalist cabal. 

In the end, after Kamala joyfully offered up her hope and change pitch, Trump saved his best for last. His closing message amounted to this: 

If you really plan to do all those wonderful things like closing the border, building the wall, making life affordable again, bringing world peace, etc.—why haven’t you done them over the past four years, and why don’t you go right back to the swamp tonight and make them happen now? 

Bingo. Kamala is behind the mass invasion of our country, the suffocating inflation, the ever-expanding wars, and so much more—and only plans to continue the intentional destruction of our nation. 

Although she refused to answer the question, we were clearly better off under Trump—by leaps and bounds. 

Focus not on words and platitudes and vibes. Instead, focus on actions and results. 

Turn off fake news. And rally everyone you know to act and vote to save our nation. 

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Gary is President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds and the Kingdom Winds Collective. He has a heart for creativity and advancing the Kingdom! In his spare time, he can be found enjoying time with his cats, searching for the next Mack and Manco pizza, listening to music, playing or watching sports, learning new things, or multitasking any of the above.