Ethan Hoover

RECHURCHED: What is the False Gospel? - The False Gospel E1

Join Ethan and Matthew as they briefly tease out the four main false gospels circulating in today's Church: the Prosperity, Psychology, Progressive, and Political gospels. 

RECHURCHED: The Shot Heard 'Round the World (Trump Assassination Attempt) - Discerning the Devil's Playbook E2

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Scripture Q+R (Part 2) - The False Gospel E13

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher host Rechurched's first ever Q+R episode tackling several great questions submitted by the community on the content discussed in Season 1.

RECHURCHED: Discerning the Devil's Playbook

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: Context is Everything" Q+R (Part 1) - The False Gospel E12

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher host Rechurched's first ever Q+R episode tackling several great questions submitted by the community on the content discussed in Season 1.

RECHURCHED: The Conclusion is Only the Beginning | Discerning the Devil's Playbook E13

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: Season 1 Review - The False Gospel E11

In this episode, they summarize, define, and capture the essence of the Pure Gospel, as well as each of the four categories of the False Gospel.

RECHURCHED: Demonic Projection - The Democratic Playbook | Discerning the Devil's Playbook E12

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: The Pure Gospel - The False Gospel E10

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher approach the pure, unadulterated Gospel by looking at Jesus' first words in ministry, the origin of sin, God's covering, and more. As Christians, we have to get the Gospel right in order to get life right.

RECHURCHED: Play #4 Continued: Wolves Disguised As Shepherds (Local News) - Discerning The Devil's Playbook E11

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: The Lie of Separation of Church & State (Political Gospel | Part 2) - The False Gospel E9

Join Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher as they begin their discussion on the fourth and final type of false gospels, the Political Gospel.

RECHURCHED: Convert the Youth - Discerning the Devil's Playbook E10

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: The Gospel is Political (Political Gospel | Part 1) - The False Gospel E8

Join Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher as they begin their discussion on the fourth and final type of false gospels, the Political Gospel.

RECHURCHED: Play #3 Continued: The Lie of "Loving Your Neighbor" - Discerning The Devil's Playbook E9

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: The Biblical ABC’s of LGBTQIA+ (Progressive Gospel | Part 3) - The False Gospel E7

Why are these important things to discuss? To be Rechurched is to have a Biblical worldview so that we can discern the motives of the various movements and, Scripturally, know how to lovingly and truthfully respond to them.

RECHURCHED: Play #3 - Create Conflict To Groups and Nations (Discerning The Devil's Playbook)

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: Wokeism is a Hateful Religion (Progressive Gospel | Part 2) - The False Gospel E6

In part 2 of the Progressive Gospel, Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss Critical Race Theory, the Social Justice Movement, and Climate Change and how the progressive Church has joined hands with these ideologies.

RECHURCHED: Play #2 Continued - The Power of Propaganda (Discerning The Devil's Playbook)

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: When are Human Rights Wrong? (Progressive Gospel | Part 1) - The False Gospel E5

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher define terms and dive into what the progressive gospel is, where it came from, and why it's important to know and look out for. Join them in this detailed discussion!

RECHURCHED: Play #2 - Control the News or Narrative (Discerning The Devil's Playbook)

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: The Psychology Gospel and How the Gospel Impacts Psychology (Psychology Gospel) - The False Gospel E4

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher are joined by a special guest, Dr. Karl Benzio, as they continue their discussion about the Psychology Gospel and how the Gospel impacts psychology.

RECHURCHED: Play #1 Continued - Breaking Down the Wall Between Church and State (Discerning The Devil's Playbook)

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!

RECHURCHED: "The Bible is All About You!" (Psychology Gospel) - The False Gospel E3

In this episode, Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher talk about the Psychology gospel: what it is, where it came from, and why it's dangerous. But more than that, they discuss Biblical self-esteem, how this "gospel" spreads, and the contrast between this false gospel and the True Gospel.

RECHURCHED: Play #1 Continued - Breaking Down the Wall Between Church and State (Discerning The Devil's Playbook)

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!