The Lord Says, “Do Not Call Common What I Call Holy”

No longer speak an evil refrain about yourself from disdain or shame.

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During a recent powerful worship and prayer time, a burden of the Lord came upon me and I prophesied a strong word from the Lord that spoke to the hearts of all that were present. I feel the Lord wants me to share it openly. It was not recorded, so I am writing it from memory and additional insight as I sought the Lord.

“Do not call common what I call holy. No longer call yourself unworthy, forsaken, less than, not good enough, not smart enough, not spiritual enough, beyond hope, and every other lie from the enemy and every perception of yourself that does not agree with what I say!  Others called you this and that, and you received it as matter of fact. No more!

I, the HOLY ONE, have created you. You are made in my image and likeness. I formed you for Myself, to carry My glory and I call you holy – set apart for Me. I have chosen you and I have called you by My name, and I am Holy!”

“[Even] every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” (Isa 43:7 KJV)

The Holy Spirit continued, “Many of you have been thinking and speaking evil concerning yourself. You have forgotten that I AM in you! I have put My Spirit in you – My Spirit that is holy; you are made holy by the blood of My Son. My presence dwells in you; we are one spirit. When you dishonor yourself, you dishonor Me!”

“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” (1Co 6:17 KJV)

The Spirit of the Lord continued, “Do not call common what I call holy! Guard your mouth and tongue; renew your mind to the Truth. Even now, today is a new start. I impart this word into your heart! You are mine, called by My Name, no longer speak an evil refrain about yourself from disdain or shame.”

The phrase, “Do not call common what I have called holy” reminded me of the vision Peter had that is recorded in Acts chapters 10 and 11. God revealed to Peter the Gentiles were to be viewed as “clean,” as opposed to what Peter was perceiving as “common” or “unclean.”  It was God’s purposed intent and appointed time that the Gentiles obtain salvation through Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit. God determined beforehand (before you ever turned to Him) that you were His chosen vessel. He knows that you (and all of us) were marred by sin, but He calls you holy by the blood of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8).

It isn’t by anything we do or don’t do, it’s not by our attaining some standard of holiness that we perceive is “enough.” Believe, and see yourself in a new way. You are a new creature, made holy by the blood of Christ, justified by His Name, and sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit who is working in you! (1 Cor. 6:11)

He has called you by His Name. Name means character and authority, according to the original Hebrew language. It is His voice of authority over all of creation that declares “I have called you by My Name!” This is Truth with a capital “T” and cannot be altered! Now shift, walk in it. You are accepted, beloved, and cherished (Eph. 1:6-8). Receive the extravagant and limitless love of God! You are perfected forever by the sacrificial offering of Christ.

“By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once [for all]. … For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. ” (Heb 10:10, 14 KJV)

I hear some of you saying, “I’m not sanctified enough! The word sanctified is the Greek word hagiazō. According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, it means to make or render (acknowledge) as holy, to acknowledge as being venerable (honorable). The Spirit of the Lord said when we dishonor ourselves, we dishonor Him!

Thayer’s beautifully and powerfully expresses, “…the stamp of sacredness passes over from the holiness of God to whatever has any connection with God.” See yourself as holy, set apart for God, and live from that reality. How? Believe He has called you holy. If you continue to think and speak evil of yourself, you call God a liar. You are basically saying the blood of Jesus is not sufficient to pay the price for your sins, that you are beyond redemption, and not a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17! Unbelief limits what God can do in and through your life! Let His calling you honorable, holy in His sight, empower you to move forward. Don’t let the lies of the enemy stop you any longer!

Let your mind be renewed to the truth of God’s word. In God’s eyes, positionally, the blood of Jesus is a finished work.  The ongoing work of sanctification is through the work of the Holy Spirit and the living, active, and operational Word of God. Know that the Holy Spirit is doing this work in you. He will bring to your attention if something needs to change and help you to do it! He is for you! Let this shift your perception of yourself and your circumstances.

The Father’s love for you has never stopped, even when you were at your worst!  His deep love and immeasurable grace will cause a hunger and thirst for more of Him and all that He has ordained for your life!  Receive it! You are chosen by God and called by His Name, set apart for such a time as this!  No more calling common what He has called holy!


Purchase Alane’s book Too Many Voices: My Journey from Confusion to Clarity here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on AlaneHaynes

Featured Image by Sherman Yang on Unsplash


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About the Author

Alane Haynes is an author, speaker, and apostolic/prophetic teacher. Alane has authored four books: “Moses – Shocked in the Desert, Learning God’s Ways So We Can Enter the Promised Land,” birthed from a prophetic dream and written from subsequent nights of being awakened by the Holy Spirit, to “write what I tell you.” She has also written an accompanying Study Guide for “Moses…” a compilation of Holy Spirit-inspired poetry, “Called Unto His Presence,” and “Too Many Voices – My Journey from Confusion to Clarity.” Her prophetic blogs have been featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and other platforms. With her husband Kerry, Alane co-founded “Eternal Truth Now Ministry (see Ministry page)” and “Golden Vessels,” a ministry to the elderly in Assisted Living homes.  They currently have a broadcast program on Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network – When they are not ministering, Alane and her husband Kerry enjoy spending time with their daughters and five grandchildren and being outdoors enjoying the beauty of God’s creation

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