The phrase “Look To Him” has been in my spirit for a few days now. Usually when that happens, I go to the place where my Father is speaking from–His Word.
Looking up the word “look” showed me several scriptures, of which I had to discern which one was being highlighted. Here’s the one:
“Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34: 5 The radiance David was speaking about was joy.
Do you know anyone who is radiant with joy? As I asked the question, several people are coming to mind. These radiant, joyful folks are pleasant always. They never appear to have a bad day, nor does any stress show in their countenance. In fact, when I speak with these effervescent ones, their speech reflects their exuberance.
We ask ourselves, why is she always happy? What makes them this way? Our answer is what we just read. It’s because the radiant joy comes from looking to the Lord!
Spending time with God, is looking to Him, and chatting with Him. When we position ourselves with Him, everything changes. I mean everything! Our attitude changes, our countenance, our demeanor, and our disposition. We take on His character which settles upon us.
Living face to face with God has an affect on our life. Even if we can’t see Him, He is present, always.
What spoke to me in this verse was that “shame” was removed. It says, “…Their faces are never covered with shame.”
If you wrestle with shame, let shame lead you to a forgiving God, who has removed shame. If you have already been led to our forgiving God, recognizing and repenting of the sin, then the shame no longer has its hold on us. Shame is awful. I hate it!
- Shame keeps us from believing who God says we are.
- Shame keeps us bound in regret and unworthiness.
- Shame will keep us from growing in God.
- Shame will always remind us of what we did wrong, even after we repented.
- Shame torments and accuses.
When we come to God, He removes our shame, even the shame that is displayed on our face. If shame is still present in a person, having good eye contact is difficult.
I believe that’s why God is telling us to look into the eyes of our beautiful Savior, look to Him. Fix your eyes on Him. See Him as the One who calls us to “seek His face.”
Come close! Jesus will lift up your chin and enable you to look into His eyes, and see His eyes of love for you.
I see so many faces that are covered in shame. Oh Beloved, Jesus has removed that. There is not one thing that we have done, that we have asked forgiveness for, that will keep us from God!
The enemy, the accuser, comes to accuse us of our wrongdoing. Tell the liar, Satan, to get behind you! Stand up tall in whom you are IN Christ and what He has done for us on the cross.
Continue to look to Jesus and love Him. His love will come down and will become your weapon against the enemy. He delights in you, His Bride, His beloved.
If shame plagues you, here are some things to help us to fix our eyes on Jesus:
- Look to Him.
- Hope in Him. “No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame.” Psalm 25: 31
- Appeal to Him. “The Lord hears the needy and does not despise His captive people.” Psalm 69: 33
- Initiate a call of praise to Him. “Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them…for God will save…and rebuild.” Psalm 69: 34-35
- Trust in Him. “The one who trusts in Him never will be put to shame.” Romans 9: 33
- Believe in Him and believe shame has been removed by the cross.
- Move forward in Him. “Throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, (look to Him), the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning (disregarding) its shame.” Hebrews 12: 2 Emphasis added
When we fix our eyes, continually, on Jesus, shame cannot conquer us. If it tries to come back, throw it off. Our shame has been taken away by Jesus. He put it on Himself, so we can’t wear it any longer. It no longer fits us!
The next time the enemy wants to dress you again in shame, remember, as a believer, the blood never loses its power. Recollect that you are now clothed and robed in the righteous of Christ.
It’s time to align to cancel the malign.
Staying Aligned To Truth,
Mary Beth Pecora
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