When You Stop Praying for the Miracle

When you’re not sure it’s making a difference, keep praying.

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I once heard a famous pastor say the last five minutes before the miracle are when we’re tempted the most to give up. When we don’t see the answer we crave, and our loved one keeps making poor decision after poor decision, we stop. What’s the use, right? Our hurt and weariness take over, and we don’t realize we are letting the enemy win. Our pleas to the Lord stop.


A few years ago, this was my prayer life. 

After over a decade of interceding for a loved one who struggles with drug addiction, I was weary and frustrated. My family and I went home each December for a week after Christmas, and I tried to ignore the constant pain of watching him throw his life away. From the outside, it probably appeared as though nothing was wrong. This is the southern way. Sweep it under the rug, and pretend like everything is well. But the more I tried to pretend, the heavier the bitterness weighed on my heart.

I would see pictures of other families on social media during the holidays and crave normalcy. We all know social media doesn’t tell the whole story, right? But sometimes, we fall into the trap of thinking those highlight reels are real life. Especially now, when we don’t see those we love as often. 

One morning, after hearing about the latest family drama over the phone, God prompted my heart to pray again. But I didn’t know how. I didn’t know what to say, and my words felt tired and washed up. I looked out the window at the morning fog, which seemed to be a reflection of my mental state, and said, “God, I don’t know what to pray anymore. Please, just be my words. You know.”

Friends, this is the exact place where God can use our prayers the most, when we stop trying to fix the situation ourselves and let his Spirit move. 

Later that evening, after spending time with the Lord, I knew what I needed to pray. I sensed the Spirit telling me, “Pray for him to see his life has value. That his life is still worth saving.”

So, I did. Even though I was uncertain this was from God, I prayed and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I had a voice message from a dear friend who lived in the Middle East. I had asked her to pray too, but after years of texts, this was the first time she had ever sent me an audio message. 

As I listened to her words, tears flowed. She told me she was reading in Mark 5, where a demon-possessed man was wandering the tombs. This man was a complete outcast, and no one dared go near him. 

Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.” Mark 5:5 NIV

After reading, she felt prompted to pray for my loved one. And specifically, for him to see that his life had value. The same Spirit who spoke to me spoke to my friend. He cared that much. 

Friends, I will be the first to say I don’t yet see the answers to the prayers I’m praying. But that morning, God showed me not only that he is listening but the lengths he went to for us. When we were far from him and turned our backs again and again, he didn’t give up on us. Let’s not give up on those we love either, even if the only thing we can do is intercede in prayer. He is working on our behalf and moving in ways we can’t see. He faithfully prompted my heart to come to him with the words needed. And he will do the same for you.

So when your hope is drying up, keep praying. When you’re all out of words, keep praying. When you’re not sure it’s making a difference, keep praying.

Praying isn’t about always getting the answers we want. It’s about having a divine encounter with the One who hears.

When there are other people involved, it can get messy. Why? Because God created us with a will. A will that can choose his ways or reject them. But you know what? He will use your clumsy appeals whether you realize it or not. Sometimes we just need a gentle nudge to keep coming to his throne.

Lord, thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for being a God who never stops moving on our behalf. Open our eyes to see you today. Help us not to rush past the things you are already doing right here and right now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Abby McDonald.

Featured Image by blenderfan from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Abby McDonald is a writer and speaker whose passion is to help women find the hope of Christ in the middle of life’s messes. She is the author of Shift: Changing Our Focus to See the Presence of God, and her work has been featured on Proverbs 31 Ministries, (in)Courage, Crosswalk, and more. Abby lives with her husband and three children western Maryland. You can connect with her at abbymcdonald.org.

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