Watch as God Displays His Wonders

The God of Wonders has not changed and his arm of salvation has not shortened.

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There is such attention being drawn in this hour to all the negative and the display of evil on earth. I often wonder if we have turned our attention away from the sacred and to focus our attention on the display of the profane?

Today I awoke with a renewed realization of “the God of wonders” in our midst. It is time to turn our eyes, our thoughts and our attention back to who he is and what he does rather than watching the display of the wicked. He is calling us to watch the wonder and turn away from the wicked.

Our God will display his wonders in the midst of the wicked and his hand will be the one that is proven to rescue and save. He is the one that shakes the earth, makes the mountains tremble, and is an all-consuming fire that comes to purify.

Psalm 17:7 says, “Display the wonders of Your faithful love…”

We say, “Yes Lord! We turn our eyes toward your faithful love where we will see your wonders displayed.”

He is our portion and our cup of blessing (Psalm 16:5) and in Him, there is no lack. It is time to stop looking at the lack that the world displays and begin delighting in the full portion and overflowing cup that we have been given. May this cup overflow from the lives that have been lavished by his unfailing and faithful love. May His faithfulness be poured out upon a world in desperate need of a drink of pure love.

This refocusing will allow our lives to be conduits of the overflow. As we surrender, as we worship and as we give ourselves fully to him we make room for his glory to be displayed and his wonders to fill the earth.

We silence our tongues from the constant testimonies of what the wicked are doing and we ask the Spirit of the Lord to loose our tongues with the sounds of his love. May the testimonies of Jesus pour forth and prophesy to the dry bones. May the songs of wonder and sounds of awe be released that overcome the shock and awe of the evil that has been displayed. And may our “laid down lives” become the posture of seeing Jesus high and lifted up for all to see.

The God of Wonders has not changed and his arm of salvation has not shortened. Our eyes have too often been pulled to look upon the profane rather than focus on the holy. It has clouded our vision for far too long.

We are not to be unaware of what is happening in the world but let us be far more aware of his wonders and his faithful love. We are “heaven’s journalists”, heaven’s sound, heaven’s reporters, and citizens of heaven. Even the world is waiting for a good report and longing to see the miraculous. Many are longing for a savior and for something to give them hope. We carry that hope within us.

Isn’t it time to display the God of Wonders and become yielded vessels of his heavenly overflow?

“Yahweh, our Lord, how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth.” Psalm 8:9


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries

Featured Image by Huper by Joshua Earle on Unsplash


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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.