Unearthing the Wells of Revival

With every move of God, the enemy will always come in and attempt to stop what God is doing by releasing strife and division in the midst.

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Sometimes from one generation to the next, there are things that become lost that were in operation during the previous one. Those kinds of things that are lost sometimes remain buried until God raises up an individual (a son or daughter) to Unearth that which has been forgotten or long since been buried by the previous generation.

These lost things could be Anointings, Inheritances, or even powerful Encounters that the current generation is completely unaware of until they are rediscovered, unearthed, and appropriated properly. I refer to these Inheritances or Buried things as STOPPED UP WELLS!

“Now ALL THE WELLS which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, THE PHILISTINES HAD CLOSED AND FILLED WITH EARTH. And Abimelech said to Isaac, Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we are. So Isaac went away from there and pitched his tent in the Valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. And ISAAC DUG AGAIN THE WELLS OF WATER WHICH HAD BEEN DUG IN THE DAYS OF ABRAHAM HIS FATHER, FOR THE PHILISTINES HAD STOPPED THEM AFTER THE DEATH OF ABRAHAM; and he gave them the names by which his father had called them.” Genesis 26:15-18

The enemy cannot stop a move of God, but often he attempts to fill those moves with carnality  (earth or the flesh) until it effectively stops up the flow of the purity of God’s Glory and Power that’s taking place in the atmosphere. 

The next generation comes in though (as God raises them up) and they begin to remove all of the earth from those wells (the works of the flesh) in an attempt to restore what God was doing and also dig new wells in the process!

“Now Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and FOUND THERE A WELL OF LIVING [SPRING] WATER.” Genesis 26:19

After finding and digging that well of Living Water, the enemy immediately began to fight with Isaac over the water, because with every move of God the enemy will always come in and attempt to stop what God is doing by releasing and causing strife (as well as division) in the midst.

Little did Isaac know that generations later Jesus Christ would be stopping by in a town of Samaria named Sychar. Here He would meet a woman by the well handed down to Jacob (Isaac’s son) and their discussion would not only change the woman’s life but also the lives of Everyone in the town:

“And in doing so, He arrived at a Samaritan town called SYCHAR, NEAR THE TRACT OF LAND THAT JACOB GAVE TO HIS SON JOSEPH. AND JACOB’S WELL WAS THERE. So Jesus, tired as He was from His journey, sat down [to rest] by the well. It was then about the sixth hour (about noon).” John 4:5-6

Sychar means “Intoxication” for all who drink of the Waters given by the Wellspring of Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit) shall never thirst ever again!

“Jesus answered her, If you had only known and had recognized God’s gift and Who this is that is saying to you, Give Me a drink, you would have asked Him [instead] and HE WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU LIVING WATER.” John 4:10

Jesus Unearthed that well which was dug by Isaac (Laughter, the Joy of the Lord) and handed down to Jacob (who was transformed from a “Supplanter” into Israel “He will Rule As God”) giving the Revelation of the Living Water, that the Holy Spirit was going to provide not long from that time frame, and thus bringing Revival and Life to the whole world.

“But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. BUT THE WATER THAT I WILL GIVE HIM SHALL BECOME A SPRING OF WATER WELLING UP (flowing, bubbling) [CONTINUALLY] WITHIN HIM UNTO (into, for) ETERNAL LIFE.” John 4:14

There are many “Wells” right now that are being rediscovered by this generation which were lost and filled with earth in the past. Those wells are going to not only be Unearthed by those saints who rediscover them, but they are going to be multiplied exponentially in the future, as more wells are being dug by this generation! 

The Living Water of the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out in an abundance, and the Life of God released in greater measure, as the Generation that Seeks His Face is Arising to take their position in the Kingdom of God and within this world, the question is, Will You Be A Part of It?


Featured Image by M W from Pixabay



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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!