The World Will Not Win

Trust God with your life and obey His command to tell the world about Jesus and the world will not prevail in the end.

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“They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.” Jeremiah 1:19

Competition can be found everywhere. One group is trying to be better and greater than another. Fights, both literally and figuratively, occur all the time for one group to attempt to destroy the other and win the battle. There are times when one side appears to be so huge that there appears to be no chance of winning, yet the battle must occur, and one side must come out on top.

God tells Jeremiah that he has to go and speak before the people. Those people will fight against him but will not prevail because God will be with him to deliver him.

One thing that every believer has in common is the command to go and tell the world about Jesus. As one tells the world about Jesus, one will also point out that sin is wrong and only leads to death, something the world does not want to hear. This begins a war between the world and believers, Satan and God.

The world does not want believers to win. It goes against their feelings and deceived beliefs. As a result, the world will fight against believers in any way possible.

Looking around the world, it is easy to think that the world is winning the battle. Sin is rising constantly, people are rejecting God and following false gods, and persecution against believers is becoming more common.

Although it may appear as though the world is winning, they will not win in the end. The world may destroy the body of a believer, but they cannot destroy the soul. God is with the believer and will deliver the believer in the end unto eternal life, so the believer must be willing to speak up and spread the gospel message.

From the point you chose to believe in Jesus, the world began a battle to fight against you and destroy you. The world does not want to hear the truth you have to say. This battle may get fierce, and the enemy may look ominous and dangerous but do not give in.

God is with you and will give you victory. He will deliver you unto eternal life at the right time. Trust Him with your life and obey His command to tell the world about Jesus and the world will not prevail in the end.

Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know God is with you; that you will boldly speak the words of God; that God will deliver you from the hands of the enemy; and that you will know the hope you have in Jesus.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom

Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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About the Author

Tom Arn is happily married for 30 years to his wonderful wife Cammie. They are blessed by God with eight wonderful children and one grandchild. Tom has worked as a children’s pastor, senior pastor, and many times (and currently) as a Sunday School Teacher. He has a General Ministries degree with a Bible College. He started doing a short devotional type Bible study on Facebook in 2014, going through the books of the Bible chapter by chapter, section by section. Tom writes what he feels God is placing on his heart.

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