The Verdict is In

My courts are a place of rest for you. For I have declared that your debt is “paid in full.”

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On 11/28, I was reading some posts about God’s judgment upon His own children, etc., and the mistaken notion of how much power the devil has against us. They make it sound like we are helpless against the enemy, and their words are putting fear into people’s hearts. We need to not mistake the enemy’s voice for God’s. God’s Voice will always bring peace and comfort and reassurance and encouragement. He is a good good Father. It is written in the New Testament by Paul, in 1 Corinthians 14:3, “But he who PROPHECIES speaks to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort.”

And as I pondered this and asked our Father what He would say to His Beloved, I heard, “The Verdict is in! I Am your Defender and never your Accuser. I am your Dread Champion! Satan is the accuser of the brethren and he has been defeated! Cast his lies at My Feet. The Righteous Judge is standing up to defend you!” 

Let us keep our eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. The things of earth will grow dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace. Come into His Courts with thanksgiving and praise, for you have been declared INNOCENT by the Blood of the Lamb!

 IT IS FINISHED! No longer listen to the voices of condemnation that put fear into your heart, Child of God. You are not alone but Jesus stands beside you, holding up His Nail Scarred Hand in the enemy’s face, proof that He has set you free!!

There is now, therefore, NO condemnation to those in Christ Jesus!  He has inscribed you on the Palms of His Hands! And listen to this, He just whispered to me with a Smile in His Voice, “And there are NO BUTS about it!!” 

“Beloved. Turn your eyes upon Me, My Child. Come back into your Secret Place of Shalom Peace. There is no fear in Love. You always have an audience before the King. I always take up your case, My Child, for I AM the Righteous Judge and you have the Advocate dwelling within your heart. The Son of God came not to condemn the world but to save it. 

Forever, the Blood of the Lamb stands at your defense, Dear One. The devil is the accuser of the brethren. But fear not, My Love. I show Him My Nail Scarred hand when he comes to accuse you and slander you. I shut the mouths of lions! When the devil comes to exploit the poor and crush the needy in court, I take up your case and I will exact life for life.

The thief comes but to steal, kill, and destroy. I came to give you LIFE and life abundantly. You have been declared innocent of all charges. I have decreed that you are not cursed but BLESSED! Forever, My Judgment shall stand. It has been decided, declared, decreed, and sealed with the Holy Spirit forever. No one, be they man or demon or Satan himself, can reverse this, My Child.

ALL the handwriting of ordinances that stood against you have been nailed to My Cross. You no longer stand on your own, Dear One. My courts are a place of rest for you. For I have declared that your debt is ‘paid in full.’

The Judge has decreed, ‘It is finished.’ Who shall accuse you now, Beloved? Who shall condemn My Child? No one. For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God and your Savior is ever interceding for you.

Come before Me in Spirit and in truth. Be not afraid. Be confident in My Love for you. I am your Abba Father. I am the Righteous Judge. My courts are a place of joy and freedom for you because you have been MADE the Righteousness of God in Christ! 

You are always welcomed into My Presence with open Arms. This is the GOOD NEWS, Beloved. He whom the Son has set free is free indeed! This is a certainty. He who has begun a good work in you is faithful to complete it! Let not the devil put chains of fear and condemnation upon you again! You are yoked to Me with Bonds of Everlasting Love! I am the Chain Breaker!”


NO BUTS ABOUT IT: Phrase that means without a doubt or reservation. Denotes that there are no options left for arguing further or for disagreeing. It is a finished thing. Indicates CERTAINTY.

TETELESTA: “IT IS FINISHED” (John 19:30) Strong’s Greek 5055: “I end, I finish, I fulfill, I accomplish,  I pay.”  

From telos; to end, i.e., complete, execute, conclude, discharge. Also  translated “PAID IN FULL!” THREE words in English, ONE word in Greek – TETELESTAI! One word, but no word ever uttered has so changed the history and destiny of mankind. In Latin tetelestai is rendered with two words “Consummatum est” (It is consummated!) Jesus spoke 7 times on the Cross (Lk 23:34+; Jn 19:36+; Lk 23:42+; Mt 27:46; Jn 19:28,30+, Lk 23:46+). TETELESTAI was Jesus’ next to last word and was followed by “Father, INTO THY HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT.” (Lk 23:46+). “IT IS FINISHED!” “Yes, indeed/Finished, ev’ry jot/Sinner, this is all you need/Tell me, is it not?” (Ira Sankey)

As C H Spurgeon says TETELESTAI conveys

“Christ has paid the debt which all the torments of eternity could not have paid. Once again—when He said, “IT IS FINISHED,” Jesus had TOTALLY DESTROYED THE POWER OF SATAN, of sin and of death. The Champion accepted the challenge to do battle for our soul’s redemption against all our foes.  

 “An ocean of meaning in a drop of language, a mere drop. It would need all the other words that ever were spoken, or ever can be spoken, to explain this one word. It is altogether immeasurable. It is high; I cannot attain to it. It is deep; I cannot fathom it. IT IS FINISHED is the most charming note in all of Calvary’s music. The fire has passed upon the Lamb. He has borne the whole of the wrath that was due to His people. This is the royal dish of the feast of love.”


“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you! 16 Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me. ” Isaiah 49:15


“For the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse,” Esther 8:8.


“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross; and having DISARMED principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it,” Colossians 2:14-15.


“There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief,” Hebrews 4:9-11.


“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need,” 

Hebrews 4:16.


“Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life,” Proverbs 22:22-23.

“The LORD is with me like a dread champion; Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, With an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten.” Jeremiah 20:11


“Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God — and He is interceding for us,” Romans 8:33-34.


Featured Image by Sergei Tokmakov,  from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Deborah Fry is the founder of Deborah Waldron Fry Ministries and a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is the author of Come Away My Beloved: Whispers from the Throneroom.

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