The Elect Positioned

My timing is perfect, as you arise and shine; my glory will be imparted, remember you are mine.  

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“Stay steadfast my children and trust in me; my kingdom will be established for all the world to see.

My rule and reign shall always stand; while wicked leaders will release their command.

But I have raised my scepter and my rule; to bring with me an army that is not cruel.

My army and my saints will arise in power; on this you can depend, with my shield being empowered.  

My strength, my rule, and my kingdom come, shall forever be established and cannot be stolen from.

Their lies and deceit are heard in my ears; this has been going on for so many years.  

But I have raised up a leader to be strong; the fight within him has proven many wrong.

He’ll seek justice and my reform; the liberals are afraid, that this will become the norm.

Their power and security shall not withstand; for I the Lord have spoken and have the upper hand.  

So be attentive my elect and march ahead; unite as one by my generals you’ll be led.  

Unite in praise and worship in battle; your spirits within will be strengthened and no longer rattled.

My timing is perfect, as you arise and shine; my glory will be imparted, remember you are mine.  

My elect will be my witnesses to all that I’ve done; stand strong my children for the battle has been won.

Your faith and love will experience the new wine; there’s a world out there still selected to be mine.  

So show my love through all the pain; you’ll never be denied, there’s much to gain.

My Spirit will show you the power within; my blood has removed all of your sin.

So shine and work till I call you home; your wandering will cease and no longer shall you roam.  

I have a plan for you to follow; a plan where pride must be swallowed.  

Eat of my bread and receive new life; you’re my elect, my bride, and my wife.  

I have surrounded you to protect and to hold; all the truth you’ve received and have been told.  

Your years of training are to be released; coming years of encounters healing others before they’re deceased. 

So open your eyes and see my plan; it’s for not just you, every elected man.  

Unity will keep you serving me for sure; keep looking for opportunities, watch for the open door.”


Featured Image by mana5280 on Unsplash

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About the Author

Mary Beth Pecora, a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, worshiper and servant leader, who loves life and loves people. More importantly, she passionately loves God and the fullness of who He is! For twenty-three years she has served in leadership positions within the ministry of Aglow International. Currently, she and her husband serve at The Secret Place--A Psalm 91 Ministry. It's a place for individual folks to come, be exhorted and prayed for, while being ushered to ministry stations within the room. They continue to serve monthly in the Prayer Room at their home church that they have been a part of for almost forty years. In April of 2022 they both received their Ministry License and were Ordained in May of 2023. She delights in encouraging folks of all ages within various walks of life. Her love of writing is now her passion, which led her to publish two books, "Restoration Explosion In The New Year," and "Navigating The Mysteries Of God." Above all that’s been accomplished and concluded, the BEST thing to her is knowing her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is her everything—her very best friend. Visit: