The Desperate Need for the Discerning of Spirits

God will expose what is from Him and what isn’t, so instead of being sent off course, we will grow even more in Him!

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While I have met so many people who have tried to tell me that they have the Gift of Discerning of Spirits, I have found that many of them don’t even know how to discern the Work of the Holy Spirit within their own lives.

While many people try to call it the Gift of Discernment, there really is no gift of Discernment mentioned in the Word of God, but there is the ability of the Holy Spirit to help us properly discern what spirits are in operation around us.

“To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another DISCERNING OF SPIRITS; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:” 1 Corinthians 12:10

While everyone loves to talk about Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, and many of the other gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Discerning of Spirits is absolutely the most crucial thing for us to have in this generation (in my opinion).

Personal identity has never come under such a heavy barrage from the enemy as it has in this generation, to the point where every possible thing that the enemy has within his arsenal has tried to infiltrate the Body of Christ.

The Discerning of Spirits will not only help you to know what spirit is speaking, but it gives you the ability to judge the words (NOT THE PEOPLE) which are being spoken or written around you. Just because someone else gives you a Word from the Lord doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t judge that Word in order to determine whether or not it is from God or not.

Too many Sons and Daughters of God aren’t properly judging what they’re hearing within the words being spoken and instead, they often judge or take aim at the Delivery boy (or girl) of the Word which has been brought forth.

That would be like me shooting at my mailman for delivering a letter to me from someone that I don’t want to have any contact with instead of just rejecting the mail itself and telling the mailman to return it to the sender!

As we are not wrestling with flesh and blood but against demonic spirits who want to derail our personal destinies with God, we must be all the more vigilant. For these spirits bring us counterfeits in the form of inaccurate directions and instructions, but if we are allowing the Discerning of Spirits to operate properly through our relationship with Jesus Christ, He will expose what is from Him and what isn’t so instead of being sent off course we will grow even more in Him!

If every believer in Jesus Christ learned how to properly Discern the Spirits around them, then these demonic spirits would very quickly find themselves without an audience to listen to them and it would strip them of their power to deceive us!

Does what is being said or written lead you closer to Jesus Christ? Does it agree with the Word of God? If it doesn’t do either of those things, then it’s leading you somewhere that you don’t want to go! Ask the Holy Spirit for His help with the Discerning of Spirits. You won’t regret it!


Featured Image by yoshitaka2 from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!