The Bread of Divine Revelation

This Truth isn’t just random knowledge, but the importation of the Person of Jesus into my life.

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Each morning as I awaken the Lord is always there to greet me with my morning Bread. This Bread of course isn’t the same as the natural Bread that everyone has for breakfast, but it’s a continuous Provision of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and Who He is. The Holy Spirit continues to be faithful to reveal Him to my heart and mind each day. 

It’s not given so that we can have an encounter with Lord, but to transform our lives a little more each day into His Image from one degree of glory to the next.

Man Shall not live by Bread alone, but by every Word (Rhema) that Proceeds out of the Mouth of God! (Matthew 4:4)

Jesus told the disciples that He is the Bread of Heaven, not like the manna that the forefathers ate and died. When we eat of the Bread that He gives, we shall never die (John 6:50). The Living Bread that is revealed each morning to me is there to not only provide Life to me but also the revelation of Who I am in this world as well as Who He is within me. 

With this knowledge, I am able to understand more and more of my Destiny that He has put before me each day. And I can begin to walk that Destiny out through the revelation provided by the Holy Spirits’ help. He leads me and guides me into the Truth. This Truth isn’t just random knowledge, but the importation of the Person of Jesus into my life. So with each passing manifestation of my daily Bread, I begin to look more and more like Jesus each day because more and more of His love, His character, His abilities, and His Life become a part of my life.

Each day we need to realize what we are really asking for when we ask for the Lord to give us Our Daily Bread. Are we asking for Natural Provision or are we asking for Supernatural Revelation? Hopefully, your prayer like this in the morning is a combination of Both of those elements.

GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD LORD. As we partake of this Bread in the mornings and throughout the rest of the day may we be continually transformed by Your Spirit and Presence as You reveal each facet of Who You Are to the hearts of every believer who calls upon you! 

Cause us to move in the Power and Presence of Your Spirit and Your Will a little more each day and May this Daily Bread become a part of our lives in a permanent fashion! Transform lives Lord and today You can start with mine!


Featured Image by Matthias Böckel from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!