The Act and the Substance of Love

Agape love requires God’s involvement for us to even participate in it.

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As Gods Love seems to be one of the most misunderstood things out there, I thought it might be prudent to impart some understanding about Him and His Love that maybe some of you have never heard before.

While many people (Christians and non-Christians alike) love to declare that “GOD IS LOVE,” many of them have no real understanding of what that means, as there are many different kinds of “Love” mentioned in scripture itself.

There’s friendship love (phileo), there’s physical intimate love (eros), there’s love within your immediate family (Storge), and then there’s God’s Love (Agape). While the natural man is able to operate in all of these, only Agape Love requires God’s involvement for us to even participate in it because, unlike the other kinds of Love, AGAPE IS AN ACTION AS WELL AS A SUBSTANCE!

“He who does not LOVE has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], FOR GOD IS LOVE.” 1 John 4:8

In the verse above, the word “Love” in this verse is an action, while the second time it is mentioned, it is clearly a Noun or the Substance of Who He is. However, God’s love is not something that we can truly participate in unless His Holy Spirit is present and involved with us personally:

“Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for GOD’S LOVE HAS BEEN POURED OUT IN OUR HEARTS THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO HAS BEEN GIVEN TO US.” Romans 5:5

God’s Love isn’t just something that we operate in because God is moving on the inside of our lives. It is a personal transformation that the Holy Spirit does upon the inside of our being that changes us Supernaturally into the Image of Love Himself found only in the Face of Jesus Christ!

“For those whom He foreknew, HE ALSO DESTINED FROM THE BEGINNING TO BE MOLDED INTO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.” Romans 8:29

While unbelievers may tout the Love of God, as though they could do anything and say anything and God will still accept them, it shows a complete misunderstanding of Who He really is and what His True Character is like. While He really is the Action and the Substance of Agape Love, there is one thing that He hates more than anything else, and that is SIN!

If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice for your sins, then His wrath will be your portion in the end.

“For be sure of this: that no person practicing sexual vice or impurity in thought or in life, or one who is covetous [who has lustful desire for the property of others and is greedy for gain]—for he [in effect] is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless arguments [FOR THESE SINS], FOR THROUGH THESE THINGS THE WRATH OF GOD COMES UPON THE SONS OF REBELLION AND DISOBEDIENCE.” Ephesians 5:5-6

Thank God for the Blood and the Cross of Jesus Christ which not only gives us access back to the Agape Love of God Himself but saves us from the wrath of God because of our sins!

Make no mistake, GOD IS LOVE, AND HE REALLY LOVES YOU, but only you can make the decision to accept Jesus’s sacrifice for your sin so that you can experience that precious Love of the Father for yourself. If you’ve never made that commitment to Jesus Christ before, now is a great time to do it! Now is the day of your Salvation!!


Featured Image by Tom from Pixabay 

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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