
COFFEE AND PRAYER: Jesus Should Be Enough

In today’s episode of Coffee and Prayer, our devotions are found in Hebrews chapter 9 and Genesis chapter 20. Today we talk about Jesus Christ being the centerpiece of our joy, happiness, and salvation. We also talk about being patient and not jumping the gun or taking the wheel away from God.

LIV2DAY: The Top 5 Toxic Offenders in Your Home

After losing a lung, Dr. Paula McDonald began to search relentlessly for any and everything in her home that could be exposing her to toxins. As each of us grows increasingly aware of what’s in our air, water, and home elements, it’s important that we identify and remove anything that may be a source of toxicity.

LIV2DAY: How to Study the Bible

Do you ever pick up your Bible, let it fall open to any page, and then begin to read, hoping to make sense of what you’re reading? Join us as Dr. Paula walks you through a simple approach that will deliver something new for young and old to apply.

WOMEN LIVING COURAGEOUSLY: How to Find Peace in the Storm

Peace. It’s something most people are searching for. But how do we find it? Especially when life gets rainy and stormy? Where do we anchor our hearts and lives when the winds start to blow and the rain begins to fall? Discover how to find peace in the storm in this new podcast episode.

LIV2DAY: Healing Prayers

In this episode, Dr. Paula shares the story of her OWN miraculous healing. She invites skeptics to rethink the issue and even suggests that as Christians, EACH of us has healing power, for ourselves and others, that we may not have ever considered.

LIV2DAY: Don’t Miss the Message in the Mess

Are you feeling that there are “messes” all around you? In the world, in relationships, at home? Dr. Paula shares what “messes” she is experiencing and how taking a step back, seeking God’s clear MESSAGE in the midst of a “mess,” is really a way to find a gift in it all.

LIV2DAY: Healing from the Inside Out

Life revolves around cycles, and that includes our spiritual life, our physical life, and our emotional life. And so in all of those aspects of living, we experience cycles, and in each of those cycles, we experience levels of healing – healing that is very important to our overall health and well-being.


We must get up every single day and choose to keep going. It’s a daily option… how we will race, how we will run, and how we will finish. I want to give you 5 things to keep you going!

COFFEE AND PRAYER: Finding Your Purpose

As much as we try to get into the last chapter of Colossians, Holy Spirit leads us in a great conversation about purpose, God’s plan, and how to navigate the choices and decisions we make on a daily basis.

COFFEE AND PRAYER: How to Live as a Christian

Today we go over how to live as a Christian once you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We also talked briefly about the order of operation when it comes to the family unit and husbands and wives.

COFFEE AND PRAYER: No More Guilt or Shame

Today we talk about the authority and boldness we have because of what Jesus did. We also touch on the fact that there is no more shame or guilt, and anything that says otherwise is from the devil.

COFFEE AND PRAYER: Strength in the Suffering

In today’s episode of Coffee and Prayer, our devotions are found in Philippians chapter 4 and Proverbs chapter 16. We talk about Christ suffering, staying focused, and finding the strength in the storm.

COFFEE AND PRAYER: Being Happy is a Choice

In today’s episode of Coffee and Prayer, our devotions are found in Philippians chapter 3 and Proverbs chapter 15. We talk about the struggle of finding happiness and joy in the middle of our struggles. There’s power to choose in each of us, so being happy and filled with joy is your choice.

LIV2DAY: Stir the Water

More now than ever, believers need to step up and claim an active role in defending the Word of God. Our political leaders need our support, and reaching out to them – calling and writing them – may give them the encouragement they most need to keep fighting the good fight.


Where do we turn when we are hurting? Alone? Struggling? Or sad? Who can we look for help? Join us as we talk about the compassion and kindness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Discover a little more about how much He loves you.

LIV2DAY: Where is Your Voice?

In this episode of LIV2DAY, Dr. Paula takes on the topic of gender and sexuality and the many debates happening around our country regarding definitions, rights, privileges, and more. The sensitive issue of America’s schoolchildren – what material they will or won’t be exposed to, beginning at what age – and ultimately, at what cost?

LIV2DAY: Getting Your Micronutrients and Vitamins

When you consider your daily eating plan, how much of what you consume is actually whole food (alive) versus processed (dead) food? Dr. Paula offers some tips on making sure you incorporate more live food into your body, giving it the nutritional fuel God designed our bodies to use.

LIV2DAY: Recovering from Illness

In this timely episode of her START2DAY series, she records from home as she recovers from an unexpected case of the flu, and shares the important steps she takes to speed bodily recovery, without loading up on synthetic medications.

LIV2DAY: Managing Emotional and Mental Stress

In this fourth episode of Dr. Paula’s START2DAY to LIV2DAY series, Dr. Paula raises the undeniable issue of rising mental stress and anxiety in our culture and in the world we’re living in today. Before we can stand strong on the battlefield, we must first attend to our own health.

LIV2DAY: Bible Study and Prayer

In this episode, Dr. Paula shares the ups and downs of her own spiritual journey as a “busy” mom and businesswoman. Her honest, transparent testimony invites you to take a look at your own life and how the possibility of practicing the disciplines of study and prayer may be the keys to finding the abundant peace of mind that you deeply crave.

LIV2DAY: Toxins to Avoid

If you struggle with fatigue, auto-immune issues, or any number of chronic health challenges shared by many, then this episode is for YOU! Ridding the body of “toxic soup,” as Dr. Paula puts it, is vital to good health and is the first step toward feeling better.

LIV2DAY: Dealing with Toxic People

In this second episode of LIV2DAY’S START2DAY series, Dr. Paula invites us into a bold start in improving our whole health – our mind, body, balance health – by confronting an all-too-common issue – dealing with toxic people. Dive in with us on this all-important issue; equip yourself and know that YOU are not alone.

LIV2DAY: Your START2DAY Game Plan!

Without a game plan, even the most eager people will eventually fizzle out when working toward any goal or objective. If you are ready to ramp up and start today regarding a new you, then get out your journal and a pen and get ready to learn some great tips straight out of Dr. Paula’s playbook of living today in the full balance of mind, body, and spirit.

LIV2DAY: Your God-Given Immune System (START2DAY Series)

Dr. Paula kicks off 2022 with a long-awaited, new episode of LIV2DAY, and a focus on HEALTH! After a few weeks of being “under the weather,” she shares with us the importance of activating the body’s God-given immune system. Be sure to listen through to the end, when Dr. Paula offers instruction that you notetakers won’t want to miss.

LIV2DAY: The Amazing Pineal Gland

Have you heard of the Pineal Gland? If you haven’t, you won’t believe what’s waiting for you in this LIV2Day – Theosynthesis episode with Dr. Paula. In dissecting God’s work like never before, Dr. Paula has found undeniable truths regarding this tiny gland and its importance in our practice of optimum health and balance. Our ability to connect to “light” is more complex and perfectly and precisely planned for us than we ever imagined.

LIV2DAY: Boosting Your Immune System

As we come off of “the coronavirus year” and enter 2021 there are a lot of things that you can do to boost your immune system. Incorporating the daily practices that Dr. Paula covers in this episode will prepare your body and boost its’ resistance to illness and disease!

LIV2DAY: Exercise

Join Dr. Paula on this brief introduction to how to get your body moving one muscle at a time, even if you have compromised joints or a disability. You do not have to become a top athlete in order to improve your health and overall fitness.

LIV2DAY: Near Death Experience

In this episode, Dr.Paula shares a second miracle in follow-up to episode #47’s “Miracles STILL HAppen” episode. This time, her near-death experience inspires not only herself but also others around her. Soon she discovers a new bond through an old friend, by divine appointment. You won’t want to miss this episode!

LIV2DAY: Miracles STILL Happen!

And in this episode, Dr. Paula shares with you her story of a life-changing experience that confirmed for her that miracles STILL happen. Miracles happen all around us, really. And as people who pray, sometimes we see the miracles God worked in our lives as we look back, even if we don’t see the miracle in the moment.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Fight for Joy with “Chewbacca Mom” Candace Payne

Episode #50 – Candace Payne is an author, speaker, podcast host, and a viral sensation whose Facebook Live video of trying on a Chewbacca Mask became the most-viewed Facebook Live video to date (collectively over 300 million views). Also known as“Chewbacca Mom,” she has been featured in more than 3,000 media outlets and has interviewed with major media such as “Good Morning America,” The LateLate Show James Corden,” The New York Times, and PEOPLE.

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.

LIV2DAY: Rest – Practice 5 Types for Optimum Health

Did you know there are five types of rest we each need to practice to ensure our optimum health? In this episode, Dr. Paula explains those types and debunks the myth that our “best self” is defined by our productivity.

LIV2DAY: Healing and Self-Forgiveness

Many people struggle with guilt, shame, negative self-talk, and feelings of unworthiness. In this episode, Dr. Paula shares her practical steps to breaking these bonds, so that you can move from shame toward hope, health, self-worth, and fullness with God.

LIV2DAY: Self-Care

Are you worn out from pushing “too hard” over the holiday? Or maybe just feeling “low” in your spirit? Lonely or depressed? Explore with Dr. Paula possible areas in your life that may need “tending to.”

LIV2DAY: Healing Relationships

In this episode, Dr. Paula explains that “healing” from relational pain or loss doesn’t have to involve the other person; nor does it rely on his or her response to the situation. You have everything within reach needed to take steps toward a healthier you and to let go of situations you cannot control.

LIV2DAY: Cycles and Balance

In this episode, Dr. Paula dives into the topic of God and His divine order in everything—both outside and inside our bodies. There are cycles everywhere, patterns everywhere; there is even MATH and science everywhere! The Almighty Creator created everything to constantly seek balance, and that includes you and your body.

LIV2DAY: Healing with God

Come along with Dr. Paula in discovering what our Father God has to say about what we are to do when we are in need of healing. Having experienced multiple health battles, brutal surgeries, and long periods of recovery, Dr. Paula shares how her dependence on God carried her through those times.

LIV2DAY: Thanksgiving

In this brief episode, Dr. Paula talks about Thanksgiving 2021 and all that we have to be thankful for, as we work toward a “new normal.” Stopping to reflect on the blessings we have, no matter how small, lifts the spirit and keeps our focus on the positive aspects of our lives.

LIV2DAY: The Awakening Code

This is a special episode, an urgent message from Dr. Paula on “The Awakening Code,” based on Revelation 11:11.

The Power of Christ and the Support of a Good Woman with Jerry Searls

Episode #20 – Jerry Searls describes his battle with alcoholism, and the destruction it brought to his life and family. He experienced the power of Christ with the Lord coming in and kicking it for him, changing him from the inside out to the loving, happy, crazy, fun-loving man they call their “brother” these days!

LIV2DAY: Power in Words

As children, most of us heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” On the contrary, words can cause hurt; in fact, God’s word tells us that with the tongue we “speak life or death.” (Proverbs 18:21) But did you know that speaking negative, harmful, hateful words can even have a destructive effect on the body? Not just your body, but of those around you?

LIV2DAY: Broken2Brave

It’s inevitable that we will experience brokenness and pain in this life. How do we put the pieces back together? For starters, a state of brokenness doesn’t have to mean things have to remain that way. As believers, we have the power of Jesus Christ in us and with His help, we can move from brokenness to wholeness.

LIV2DAY: Vibrational Energy Part II

In this second episode of a two-episode series on vibrational frequency, Dr. Paula dives into the science behind vibrational energy as a life source. Plants each have their own vibrational frequency, as do essential oils, extracted for centuries for use in holistic or naturopathic medicine.

LIV2DAY: The Wonders of Water

In Episode #44 Dr. Paula discusses the seemingly obvious topic of water as vital to hydration, health and balance in the body. But did you know the optimum pH level of the water you drink?

LIV2DAY: Vibrational Energy

Do you think that vibrational healing or “vibrational energy” is a modern-day, secular concept? Not at all. God created energy waves and even a purpose for energetic healing for our bodies.

LIV2DAY: Debunking Darwin + Ask Dr. Paula offers Resources on Apologetics

Darwin’s theory of evolution has long been considered feasible among academic institutions. In this episode, Dr. Paula breaks down the difference between a theory and a scientific law. As a Biology teacher and a professor of Theology, she suggests that Darwin’s theory cannot and truly never has been tested

LIV2DAY: Collaborating with God

Each of us possesses our own unique gifts that God is waiting for us to act upon. He is waiting patiently for you to step into the possibility of working closely with Him, alongside Him, in whatever it is that you do for work.

LIV2DAY: Fully and Abundantly

What if you could unlock the secrets to an overall inner peace? How much better would you feel if you could tap into God’s perfect source of balance? Perhaps you suffer from chronic disease, pain, anxiety, fear, fatigue, or maybe you simply find yourself in a circumstance that seems unbearable at present?

LIV2DAY: Created to Work

God created us to work. Shocker? Well, it’s true. So are you ready to collaborate in work with the almighty? Imagine the possibilities available for you when you completely trust him…when you desire to collaborate with him.

LIV2DAY: Defending Your Faith

In this episode, Dr. Paula offers suggestions on how to share your faith and why it’s important, especially in today’s times, where Christians are facing persecution in unexpected ways and places. If Christ already paid the price for your life on the cross, what can you have to lose that has any lasting value? Nothing.

LIV2DAY: Finding Your Missing PEACE

In this episode, Dr. Paula dives into the topic of peace. Do you feel like your missing out on peace these days? Well, you’re not alone. From Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

MOVING ON: Hey! Get Out of Your Way!

Episode #13 – Jay and Jess discuss the many ways our pride can keep us from truly enjoying the amazing things that are waiting for us, and how simply getting out of our own way can open our lives up to an abundance of happiness, fulfillment, and love!

LIV2DAY: Creative Energy

Today on Episode #24, we will explore how to continue playing and creating in life. And how creativity is its own energetic force!

LIV2DAY: Living in Wholeness

In this episode, Dr. Paula discusses what it means to truly live in wholeness, to shed the old, and to live as a “new creation”—just as we are promised in Scripture.

MOVING ON: As Many Reps As Possible

Episode #12 – This week we discuss the benefits of exercise and physical activity in reaching new levels of health, happiness, and clarity that are SURE to help us thrive in each of our relationships with our families, friends, and ourselves!

LIV2DAY: Emotional Energy and Your Health

Turning to God with the burdens we bear emotionally, releasing them to Him, and choosing joy imparted to us by the Holy Spirit, is our greatest assurance of mind, body, spirit balance.

REAL VICTORY RADIO: Own Your Tomorrow with Laine Lawson Craft

Episode #118 – Laine lawson Craft’s passion explodes when she can inspire and empower individuals to live transparently and joyfully, pursuing their dreams. She is the author of three books. The newest bestselling book is “Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow: Discover the Power to Live the Life You Love.”


As Denise wraps up this month’s conversation about joy, she focuses on spreading joy. Listen in as she shares five ways to spread the joy found in Christ to others.

LIV2DAY: God’s Potential Within You

None of us can claim that we have not been given a calling from God. The Bible tells us that all believers have a part to play in her kingdom of God. And gifts are varied. Do u know what ur spiritual gift is?

LIV2DAY: Anger and Division

Dr. Paula asserts that there is no place for indecisiveness, no time for fear or lingering in worry. Standing on The Word, standing for what you believe in, and choosing to be bold is what is being asked of each of us. Tune in as she offers encouragement through God’s word during these unprecedented times.


In this episode, Denise continues a deep dive into the topic of joy and moves the conversation into finding joy. Did you know joy often happens in the midst of suffering? Discover this truth and others as you listen in on five ways we can find true joy in Christ.

LIV2DAY: God’s Potential Within You

None of us can claim that we have not been given a calling from God. The Bible tells us that all believers have a part to play in her kingdom of God. And gifts are varied. Do u know what ur spiritual gift is?

LIV2DAY: October’s LIV2DAY Summit + “Ask Dr. Paula” on a Healing Bath Recipe

In this episode, Dr. Paula shares the details of her upcoming Summit event, to be held October 14th in Granbury, Texas! Amidst a world of seeming chaos, fear and pandemic, there has never been a better time to take an inward look at their own health and well-being. As we are challenged with COVID, maintaining a strong immune system is paramount.

LIV2DAY: Reclaiming What the New Age Has Stolen

It’s important that believers know what New Ageism is referring to, and the distinct differences between that teaching and that of the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible. In this episode, Dr. Paula tackles this topic head-on, without hesitation, and with a conviction and boldness that is much-needed in these times.


In the month of September, Denise will focus on the topic of joy and how this is such a source of hope for believers in Christ. Listen in as she talks about defining joy: what it is. . . and what it isn’t. 

LIV2DAY: Prayer and Meditation” + Ask Dr. Paula! on Brain Health

What is prayer? The act of prayer is an open, willing heartfelt conversation with God, thanking Him for what He has done in my life and others around me. And daily prayer doesn’t have to be long, drawn-out, or difficult. Once I recognize and give God my gratitude, I can entirely focus on my request and petitions.

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.

LIV2DAY: The Power We all Possess

Theosynthesis is His energy that powerfully works within us. The Bible has more than 270 verses on the attribute of power. Come along with Dr. Paula on this discovery of God’s power, God’s energy, and His desire for you to accept these gifts to you.

LIV2DAY: Healing and Self-Forgiveness

Many people struggle with guilt, shame, negative self-talk, and feelings of unworthiness. In this episode, Dr. Paula shares her practical steps to breaking these bonds, so that you can move from shame toward hope, health, self-worth, and fullness with God.

LIV2DAY: Radiating God’s Love

Dr. Paula shares with listeners her experience with what she believes was Shekinah Glory during a near-death experience, along with an amazing discovery about “light” in the form of Laminin, embedded into the very structure of the cells in our bodies.

LIV2DAY: Healing Relationships

In this episode, Dr. Paula explains that “healing” from relational pain or loss doesn’t have to involve the other person; nor does it rely on his or her response to the situation. You have everything within reach needed to take steps toward a healthier you and to let go of situations you cannot control.

LIV2DAY: Harnessing God’s Energy

Dr. Paula brings new light to energy in God, science, manifestation, thoughts, and how they are connected! What is not always visible but always around and within us all? Energy.

LIV2DAY: Healing with God

Come along with Dr. Paula in discovering what our Father God has to say about what we are to do when we are in need of healing. Having experienced multiple health battles, brutal surgeries, and long periods of recovery, Dr. Paula shares how her dependence on God carried her through those times.

LIV2DAY: Numbers + God

Follow along with Paula in the discovery of just a few examples of how detailed and magnificent our Creator’s numerical handiwork can truly be.

LIV2DAY: The Awakening Code

This is a special episode, an urgent message from Dr. Paula on “The Awakening Code,” based on Revelation 11:11.

LIV2DAY: Science + God

In this episode, Dr. Paula explores Darwin’s theory of evolution. As mainstream thinking would maintain, science supports exclusively the theory of evolution, while scripture supports the theory of a divine Creator, aka creationism. But is that all there really is to it?

LIV2DAY: Power in Words

As children, most of us heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” On the contrary, words can cause hurt; in fact, God’s word tells us that with the tongue we “speak life or death.” (Proverbs 18:21) But did you know that speaking negative, harmful, hateful words can even have a destructive effect on the body? Not just your body, but of those around you?

LIV2DAY: Vibrational Energy Part II

In this second episode of a two-episode series on vibrational frequency, Dr. Paula dives into the science behind vibrational energy as a life source. Plants each have their own vibrational frequency, as do essential oils, extracted for centuries for use in holistic or naturopathic medicine.

LIV2DAY: Connecting to Self + Ask Dr. Paula on the Pineal Gland

Have you or someone you know ever received “that phone call” from a doctor? In today’s new podcast episode, Dr. Paula shares how, at age 43, this phone call would send her on a journey to ask herself hard questions, discover God deeply, and claim her true identity in Him.

LIV2DAY: Vibrational Energy

Do you think that vibrational healing or “vibrational energy” is a modern-day, secular concept? Not at all. God created energy waves and even a purpose for energetic healing for our bodies.

LIV2DAY: Connecting to Others + BONUS Ask Dr. Paula!

Coming to you from her studio in North Texas, Dr. Paula McDonald records this time-sensitive message on the importance of connecting to others. In the midst of this February 2021 deep freeze ridden with power outages, water shortages, potential flooding, and more, across much of our country, Dr. Paula shares how now more than ever we truly need one another.

LIV2DAY: Collaborating with God

Each of us possesses our own unique gifts that God is waiting for us to act upon. He is waiting patiently for you to step into the possibility of working closely with Him, alongside Him, in whatever it is that you do for work.

LIV2DAY: Connecting to God

Listen in as Dr. Paula McDonald walks us through the divine connection created by God to His children and all of the wondrous ways in which His designs are replicated in the physical world around us.

LIV2DAY: Created to Work

God created us to work. Shocker? Well, it’s true. So are you ready to collaborate in work with the almighty? Imagine the possibilities available for you when you completely trust him…when you desire to collaborate with him.