Summer Showers— A Coat of Many Colors and a Downpour of Promises Fulfilled!

God is bringing answers to promises and sealing them with a double rainbow.

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I saw in my spirit a vision of a downpour of rain that came in the midst of a sunny, summer sky. A vibrant rainbow appeared amid this summer downpour. As I saw this I heard the words,

“The forecast is for summer showers accompanied by vibrant rainbows! Watch for a downpour of promises fulfilled to fall upon my people. Their coat of promise (many colors) is being restored.”

In some places (like here in Oregon), we may be weary of the natural rain that has been falling for many months, but God is about to send a different downpour— a downpour from heaven where the fulfillment of promises that were given to us long ago will suddenly saturate our lives.

There is a coat of many colors coming down upon God’s people that represents the restoration of his promises of old over you. You may have received this coat of promise “many moons ago” but many will suddenly wear the promise that was long deferred.

Though these promises seemed to have been lost, stolen, or forgotten— God has not forgotten what he promised you and he will fulfill it. Many of you have been through great trials and storms since the time that you first received your promise— but, like Joseph— you have been prepared to wear your “call” with humility, Godly character, and love for others. Your life may have felt like a “prison of delay and discouragement”— but God knows how to prepare us through trials. When your promise is fulfilled— those who judged you or deemed you “forgotten” will know that the Lord is faithful to keep His promises!

The Lord is restoring honor and the favor that he created you to walk in. Like he did for Joseph, he is releasing his people from captivity and setting them in positions of authority and influence. The promises that appeared to be ripped away from you (like when Joseph’s coat was torn away from him by his own brothers) will be restored with greater honor as authority. The colors of character have been added to your coat through the years of waiting— patience, endurance, faithfulness, humility, obedience, gratitude, and love.

Yesterday evening, many of my friends who live in Washington DC, sent me photos of the most amazing double rainbow that appeared over the area— over the Supreme Court and all the buildings where national decisions are made. It was like a coat of many colors coming over our nation— restoring promises that have been long delayed. “God, restore and fulfill your original intent and call upon our nation!” In the very place where many have stood and prayed for our nation— God is bringing answers to promises and sealing them with a double rainbow.

Many of you will be refreshed and renewed after a long season of storms and strong winds. For winds of change have come upon you. These winds not only brought change but also blew out all the old and useless things for the new era. These winds blew out the dust acquired in the wilderness (as you pioneered your way through uncharted lands) and they blew away the ashes of all that was refined by his fire in the past season. And these winds have been accompanied by angels that have brought you clean garments and now are bringing this coat of promise.

There will still be many trials to overcome, many battles to win and enemies to face but your coat of promise will also be a coat of authority and favor that will declare the faithfulness of God and give you renewed strength to overcome. The downpour of promises fulfilled will set you free from the doubt and discouragement that you’ve wrestled with, giving you a renewed faith to believe. You will have a new confidence to follow him wherever he asks you to go and do whatever he asks you to do.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries


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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.